LET'S FIND AUNT ARCTIC AND GARY with the World famous Mimo Tracker!
Have you found them yet? If not, we can help you!
We still get a lot of great response to our Comment Tracker! Know why? Because it works! Here are the...
Helpful Hints:
1. When you see a post with the new Mimo Comment Tracker logo on it, start tracking!
2. BE HONEST! You have all been so honest and helpful. That's why CPG fans are the best! Keep it up!
3. List what server and room they are in.
4. Don't put lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Do not ask ppl to help you find famous penguins. Everyone wants to find them. They should post here if they know where they are.
6. Do not post all the servers that do NOT have famous penguins on them.
7. If the Mimo Comment Tracker has helped you, post a comment about it!
8. So, if you see a famous penguin, post a comment here that says what server they are on. Let's not post comments here about any other subject! There will be other posts coming for that! Cool?
Let's go find them and post a comment hurry! ;-)
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Abominable Coffee Shop!
I love the way this website shows everywhere a SINGLE penguin goes. This is probably one of my favorite for Club Penguin cheats! Hope mine gets as famous as this one!:)
arg! Anyone here?
Hey mimo, I have met her... but it was on a Safechat server.
I suggest using servers like yeti and other popular servers (she sometimes goes on quiet servers too).
P.S.I haven't wrote in a while :P
wheres aunt arctic
I found Aunt Arctic on Zipline and I got her Autograph and Stamp!!!!!!
I noticed something in the town today. When you put your cursor over the letters of the nightclub, it turns to a hand. Clicking the letters in a order could do something.
WAS JUST ON MAMMOTH might be heading to one of the A servers
Hey everyone! Aunt Arctic was walking around Club Penguin. Server-Snow Angel! She was in the Haunted House with penguin all around her! And she is now taking notes on her note pad! She just arrived! This is 7:45 Central Stadard Time! GO GET HER PRIZE!
hey dude u should make pointless videos again. i like the one where you ate cereal with red bull. that was funny. o p.s. please respond to this because that would be awsome
I saw AA at the Coffee Shop and Gary at the Monster Room thingy...Both on Abominable!
~Dora64185 (CPG Mod)
gary at blizzard, 2.56 PST time in the dark chamber room with the pianio
i found her in 2010
my name is iggy96
Hey Mimo! Just wanted to let ya know that Stompin' Bob's autograph on the penguin band background is well... interesting right now...
<3 u Mimo!
Did you know that Club Penguin has been nominated for the BAFTA Awards!
The red cape is now 100 coins! (for members)Ethan80561 Bug Finder.
Server: Outback
Room: He keeps going back and forth from the cove, to the forest, and to the haunted house.
Server: Avalanche
Room: Town
Penguin Time: 11:19 pm PST
Good luck ;)
Gary is on Abominable in the haunted mansoin
Gary's on Beanie!
Hi mimo777,
i have a question.
How can i get the block crosshatched hoodie.
Please answer me.
I love u!
I just wanted to say hi to my bestie 2littlemeow!
Argghhh this thing dosn't work.
Where are they? :(
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