Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, October 23, 2011

2010/2011 Club Penguin Yearbook Cheats!

The new Club Penguin Yearbook is here! To find it, go to the Book Room:

Just like always, the Yearbook has hidden pins for each month.  Here's what to click to find them:




January and  February:




Awesome, May has two!

June and July:

August and September:

Pretty smoove Yearbook, huh?   Which pin is your favorite from this past year?  Do you like that the pins are so easy to find with the movements? Kinda takes some of the fun out of hidden cheats, don't ya think?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


Ethan80561 said...

My favourite pin was the Party Favors pin! It's a shame it wasn't in the yearbook like last years Firework pin ! THAT WAS AWESOME!!

snapple8 said...

my fav pin was the orange puffle pin I love the way theres crumbs near his mouth and orange is my fav colour. (CPG)mod name 22amee

quiltgame said...

can you get the pins out of the yearbook?

Anonymous said...

Mine Was The Yellow Puffle Sticking It5s Tounge Out! lol!

Ethan80561 said...

quiltgame said...

can you get the pins out of the yearbook?
Sorry, but they're just to show the favorite pins of the year!

Ethan80561 Bug Finder (CPG Mod too)

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