Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, April 25, 2011

Herbert Sends Another Message!

Club Penguin has sent us a message from Herbert P. Bear!  Check out what he has to say:

Hmmm, is he really upset at us? Or, does he just want Protobot to THINK he is mad?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


Weird Owe said...

aw herbert you just want lil ole protobot to think you are mad. Join the light side, we have popcorn

Buddytoe said...

Why the quotation marks in 'brilliant'? Suspicious...

Anonymous said...

He he! he thinks we are smart!

Waddler said...

I think that Herbert has been using Protobot`s trust, and at the end will tell him about his plans, leaving Protobot behind! Or he really is turning over to the good side....

JubJub123 said...

aw herbert you just want lil ole protobot to think you are mad. Join the light side, we have popcorn

Weird Owe


Well, Herbert gave us that popcorn! But he should join our team. The Protobot is losing big time, Herbert is a good bear really. I hope he doesn't start burning down trees!!


Anonymous said...

forget about him we better things to rembember at the old times like the hq getting destroyed with lovely popcorn

Scroom 78 Disco Sheep! said...

OMG! Why did herbert ever join Protobot? and Mimo, when is new system defender out?

Unknown said...

He seems to be using sarcasm.

Dropthebird said...

Mmmmm. Popcorn.

Braceface27 said...

croom 78 Disco Sheep! said...
OMG! Why did herbert ever join Protobot? and Mimo, when is new system defender out?

Herbert joined Protobot to try to stop us. And I don't believe there is a new system defender level.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

KH1016 said...

This doesn't have anything to do with the message, but I just found something out. You know how you can get a picture next to your stamps in the stamp book depending on how many stamps you get? Well, one penguin in each picture will be the same color as your penguin. Also, if you change your penguin's color, the penguin in the picture will also change its color.


Anonymous said...

I think herbert will go to the epf's side because, he can't run forever.

CP Sucks because of Disney' said...

This years Earth Day party and the Easter Party is really lame. I mean, they didn't decorate the floor in the Night Club! I mean come on! And some of the eggs in the Easter Egg Hunt was really obvious! Like the one on the tree in the Mine! Everybody knows that it was Herbert's statue in the Mine! And they just put the egg in the tree, smack in the middle (not really, but you know what I mean)! I just want you to post this, Mimo.

Anonymous said...

Buddytoe I agree.... WHY!?

Scroom 78 Disco Sheep! said...

Yo me again! Thanks to Braceface27 for answering my question. and i think that new level will come out in may when Protobot, The Test Bots, KLutzy and Herbert will attack together! It will be epic

TheSayaka1 said...

His message is literally caked with thick sarcasm. Too much sarcasm, actually. He's still probably on the Protobot's side.

Dot-Com said...

Hebert is using the Protobot to destoy the EPF so Herbert can take over the island!

Unknown said...

the ice fishing and pizzatron 3000 stamps arn't out yet and its april the 26th in england why arn't they out?

Anonymous said...

where are new stamps???

Anonymous said...

i have not been able to defeat herbert i only need to more stamps does he seem to become more clever ???????? mimo can u give more hints how to defeat herbert entirely

Anonymous said...

what happened to the multiplayer dance contest my frends and me use to have so much fun playing now if you come out of the dance after the first contest you git the FAIL MESSAGE you have to log out and bak in also if you stay and dance 3 or more times CLUB PENGUIN DOESNT GIVE YOU YOUR COINS ... they have realy messed this up ...

Anonymous said...

what does the URL on name/URL mean?

please reply!

Weird Owe said...

Anonymous said...
what does the URL on name/URL mean?

please reply!

You check it off and then you can enter your username like I am weird owe instead of being anonymous. You dont really do URL though

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