A new Club Penguin Times is here!
The Earth Day Party next week will bring costumes inspired by endangered animals! A Snow Leopard and an African Painted Dog! Whoa! Those sound like cool costumes!
We will have a chance to show endangered animals how much we care!
Norman Swarm has returned to the Stage! Don't forget to have your buddies help you find the new pin in the Gnome Room!
Here are the Upcoming Events:
Woot! Did you read that? Club Penguin is going to have an Easter Scavenger Hunt! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Club Penguin, for remembering Easter!
What are you most looking forward to next week?
Play Pet War Defense!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
Follow MIMO on Twitter!
Free Kids Games
lots of stuff are happening on the 21st of april
OMG, Mimo! It's not about the Easter Party, but did you see that? It said,"Earn Ice Fishing and Pizzatron 3000 stamps starting on April 26." So that means the white board stratigy thing was true!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Jojojo33342 said...
I know right! I'm so excited! The last time they had an Easter Party was like in 2008 or something. Anyway, remember, no caps! They are one of Mimo's rules!
News Flash:
"Blast off in Puffle Launch! Puffle fans are lining up to play the new game inside the Pet Shop. Train your pet to blast off into the skies in Puffle Launch!"
(sarcastically) Yeah, right. That's BREAKING news...
Yay! I'm most looking forward to hopefully seeing Rockhopper (I've only ever seen him on my other account and I've been on for 4 years!) And the easter scavenger hunt. I already have 2 bunny hats from the scavenger hunt(: I hope clubpenguin do the summer water party, They didn't last years and it's my favourite party!
Thanks mimo.
They said the new party announcement is what Herbert has been waiting for...
Do you think he's going to be trying to sabotage the Easter egg hunt?
I miss the puzzles in the old newspaper actualy I miss the whole newspaper :( does any one else miss the whole or part of the news paper? I hope I am not the only one
Lol! everything happening is on my birthday! :) 21st!!
Jojojo3342 said...
OMG, Mimo! It's not about the Easter Party, but did you see that? It said,"Earn Ice Fishing and Pizzatron 3000 stamps starting on April 26." So that means the white board stratigy thing was true!
What white board strategy thing?
Ok, they finally remember Easter, and APRIL 26 IS MY BIRTHDAY! YAY! IM REALLY EXCITED! Too bad my B-day is on a school day. :( Well, when i come home, i can try to earn the Pizzatron 3000 stamps. :)! ALSO, MY BDAY IS NEAR EASTER! THIS YEAR CANT GET BETTER THAN ALL THAT!
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