Hear ye, hear ye! Club Penguin has released a new newspaper!
The Featured article this week is about the new Penguin Style Catalog coming out next week.
The Featured article this week is about the new Penguin Style Catalog coming out next week.
Don't forget the new Stamps! Here is helpful info!
Does anyone even read the Club Penguin Times anymore?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
I see people reading the newspaper all the time.
I've never been to a Medieval Party before, hope it has cool music and we get an red/orange dragon or a jester costume.
You know how when rockhopper leaves, you can see the back of the migrator in the telescope? Well, the telescope is only showing the water and the sky, not one rockhopper to be seen.
hi mimo! do you know the moderators dont go on this site that often? can you make a new mods?
ghjghj 234 :)
Nope it's on ur site
sadly the last two stamps from pizzatron 3000 are almost impossible to get
ooh the medieval party! :D
i never read the newspaper anymore... for me its not that interesting... when it was the old version i did though. it had more pages of stuff
to be honest, I never read the newspaper any more!!! I really want the old one back!!!
probably no one read the penguin times because it is too slow
I still read it. but ever since they took out the riddles and replaced them with terrible jokes, changed the way it looks, and everything else, i just come on here for my news
i every day read newspapers :D , i love them !!!
Yeah Mimo, I never read the CP Times anymore since they "improved" it. I really don't like this new paper. And there's not even the game and comic! What's up with that!? They should put more popcorn in the paper too.
- Dropthebird
OOOH medieval party!!!! =D
I don't read the newspaper at ALL anymore...
like someone else said, I just come here for my news...
The new newspaper is cheap, to slow, and they pretty much ruined it....
If they bring back the OLD one I might start reading again...........
I have been to the medievil party in 2008, 2009, and 2010. I cant wait for this one!
With the stamps, I did all 40 on the normal Pizza`s, but then I was like, wre is it, then it turns out you can`t make ANY mistakes? Not fair! And I wonder why Gary won`t be at the Party?? ;)
Does anyone even have time to PLAY CLUB PENGUIN? I mean seriously, Cp is a waste of precious time! But thanks Mimo for keeping those of us who don't play cp updated and informed.
I go on here for the news, i find the other version boring - i only read the headlines and whats coming up - they're wasting their time writing the articles - im sure im not the only one..?
i wish that they brought back the old newspaper style!!i hate new(ish) style
Since they made the news 'better I've lost interest in it. The jokes don't make sense, the scroll is too slow, there are no more games and comic, and the riddles have gotten far too easy. I just use your site for news :)
I never read the new paper anymore. It's just too... new... compared to the old one. I miss the old one! Let's make a petition and send it to Club Penguin! I betcha we'll all help you!
-Twilight rocks!
i don't barely read the newspaper because it is no longer full of content.
The newspaper going green is club penguin's excuse for less effort and content.
I have some information for your site about CP in Australia, how can I contact you?
The old newspaper had games and its fun to read now the new one is the complete opposite.
I wan't the old news paper back
P.S - I don't like the new option bar with the puffles , It used to take me less than a minute now its takes more time , plus it lags , and I don't like the way we have to go to the pet shop just to buy more puffle food.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
sadly the last two stamps from pizzatron 3000 are almost impossible to get
I got them :D
did you even see a thing near the lighthouse on the homepage? i saw it today. if you click on the thing near the lighthouse(well near it on the floor) a penguin wearing a black suit and black sunglasses(an agent) will come and collect it and then looks around and then spots you and hides in 1 second.
Weird Owe said...
I still read it. but ever since they took out the riddles and replaced them with terrible jokes, changed the way it looks, and everything else, i just come on here for my news
Jojojo33342 said....
Yeah, me too. But sometimes I read the paper. I mean, every week(before they changed it) they had a cool game! I like that! But then, the jokes don't even make sence!
Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
That's funny!
I used her computer and posted as my grandma! That was me up there in the first post about the red/orange dragon.
Still want one, all I ever see are green and blue ones.
Georgia said..
did you even see a thing near the lighthouse on the homepage? i saw it today. if you click on the thing near the lighthouse(well near it on the floor) a penguin wearing a black suit and black sunglasses(an agent) will come and collect it and then looks around and then spots you and hides in 1 second.
That's been around as long as Penguin Secret Agency and Elite Penguin Force has been around. It's nothing new.
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