Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Herbert P. Bear Coming to Club Penguin!

Dood! Have you or your parents received the Club Penguin April Parent Update yet? If not, check it out:

Did you read that May Sneak Peek? It says we will be coming "face-to-face" with Herbert! And, we will have to work with other agents and use LOTS of snowballs to defeat him! Saweet! Sounds like fun, huh?

Let me know what you think about Herbert coming to the island? (Thanks, Bin58)

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
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Anonymous said...

i hope hebert comes on more than once cos the room will be really full within minutes

Jumppenguin1 said...

Wow, it is going to be so fun! I hope he comes as a famous character. Do you think that is what is going to happen?

Anonymous said...

mimo did you change your website from orange to blue?

FieldOpsAreHard said...

Eeeshh... can't wait

Bin58 said...

I think were going to use a lot of snowballs to power up a snowball cannon!


4545devin said...

Its going to be so sick Well i've heard!! It looks so fun!

Waddle on Mimo!=)

PrimeStriker said...

Anonymous said...
mimo did you change your website from orange to blue?


Quite some time ago Mimo did change his website background from Oragne to Blue. Ironically his penguin did the same. Waddle on!

Bman2007Jazz (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

I hope he gives us a background

unacorney said...

is there a glitch or something? because are flower paches in our iggy keep going up even when we didnt buy any more

chilly4350cpupdates said...

Lets hope rockhopper brings some canons. Then we shoot big snowballs out!!

daweirdawesome567 said...

Do you think that the snowball shooting game in the lounge is practice to defeat Herbert with snowballs?

Madblue18 said...

I can't really imagine how Herbert would look like on Club Penguin except in missions, so maybe Herbert would look like Herbert in the Missions?

P.S We MIGHT get a stamp if we find/defeat him!

Buddytoe said...

I hope you can find him as a famous character! I hope he'll give us his background! (When I get his autograph, I'll burn it) LOL JK

Anonymous said...

1. I can't believe I just saw other animals in Club Penguin style.

2. Glad that there's still we're saving endangered animal species.

3. I just wanna be friends with Herbert (or at least get his background.)

Anonymous said...

i will eat his autograph

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