Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, April 15, 2011

Club Penguin Field Op Number 40 Cheats!

Club Penguin Field Op Number 40 cheats are here!

Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."

Step 5. Click your map. 
Step 6. Go to Iceberg!
Step 7. Go to the left side. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!
Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)

And, you get to do the radio scanner puzzle... again?? Are you kidding me?

Yikes! Herbert and Protobot are going to strike at the Earth Day Party!  Be prepared! Check out the message Protobot sent to Herbert:

Do you like this puzzle? 

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President


Anonymous said...

BOO I hate I mean HATE the raidio puzzle it is super stupid COME ON club penguin i hate this field op sooooo much

Anonymous said...

Protobot said Herbert not polar bear!Also, were getting closer to 50 ops!


unacorney said...

NO i HATE this puzzle its too hard!

Matt said...

Mimo, I did the same field op but I got a different message. I got a message from G saying that the intercepted a message from Herbert saying that the will strike the lighthouse with a drill. However, it also said I have 55 field medals. Could this be suggesting that they have set up the missions weeks before they even release them?

Anonymous said...

I hate the raidio thingy.

Jojojo33342 said...

NO i HATE this puzzle its too hard!

April 15, 2011 3:11 PM
Blogger Matt said...

Mimo, I did the same field op but I got a different message. I got a message from G saying that the intercepted a message from Herbert saying that the will strike the lighthouse with a drill. However, it also said I have 55 field medals. Could this be suggesting that they have set up the missions weeks before they even release them?
Jojojo33342 said...

Wow! Lucky you! Remember the time when Club Penguin says that if you complete a System Defender level, it will get added to the medals! So you probably completed them all! Congrats!


Anonymous said...

I HATE this puzzle!!! Why are they still using it!!! Im talking to CP to stop this!

ashley said...

ive found a glitch at the stage it has the shadow guy and gamma gal music and when you enter the secret room it says loading desert dimension

Jumppenguin1 said...

It's a bit rubbish that they keep on doing the same one. I mean, c'mon CP! Change it please!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo there is a new glitch! when u try to log into club penguin it just shows a blue screen!


Isobel said...

I hate the radio puzzle-it's really annoying!

Secret Song said...

Mimo, I was reading the news when a glich said that puffle launch was coming soon! has that happened to anyone else? (Please give me credit)

Anonymous said...

hi mimo... i predict on earth day an new echo invention and that will be used for evil but probot and herbert will fight and may end this battle! i wonder what we are going to do???

please writeback thanks!


BbobbyBlue said...

It cheated!!!
Two times I tried to do the op and the cone didn't reach the number I was supposed to match !!
This is NOT fun like my sister said it was. :(

Autumn Rain said...

Mimo, there is going to be an Easter Egg Hunt this year! Look at the paper for proof! Yay, I'm so excited now!

pieguy753 said...

robot unicorn atack is on ipod

Weird Owe said...

This puzzle is so hard! i cant stand it! I can never do it and i would like a different one, please!!

Jojojo33342 said...

The trick is to use a slow computer. That's what I did and it worked.

jenna8899 said...

its quite hard!

Anonymous said...

i really hate the radio puzzle cos i cant do it and they have repeated it THREE times COME ON CP DO SOMETHING ETTER

Anonymous said...

The puzzle is so aggravating! It says I don't get it but its less than 1/2 a inch off!

BbobbyBlue said...

Thanks Jojojo33342!
I tried it on a really full server and it worked!

Laura said...

I think the radio thingy hates me...

Anonymous said...

I like it because I am learning about angles

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it because I am learning about angles
Jojojo33342 said...

Well, that just shows that Club Penguin is becoming more "educational...."

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

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