Club Penguin Cheats

Friday, April 8, 2011

Club Penguin April Fool's Party Reviewed By You!

In Club Penguin's Reviewed by You last week, they asked what our favorite room was at the April Fool's Party. Lots of you said that you liked the Stair Dimension and here is what Arctic293 said:

Hmm... that's a tough one. Well, I'd have to say the Stair Dimension, because it is fun and my penguin gets to walk upside down and dance upside down as well!! waddle on cp!!

Good job, Arctic293!

For next week's Reviewed By You, Club Penguin said they would like to talk about animals. The Earth Day Party will be here soon and they will be celebrating animals and their natural habitats. They want to help protect the environment and endangered animals like the Snow Leopard.

So they want to know... What your favorite animal is, and what do you like best about it?

I of course, like zebras, even though they smell funny. How 'bout you, what animal do you like best?

Play Animal Puzzle!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

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Jubjub123 said...

hmm... i like lions, snow leopards, dragons, dinosaurs, cats and turtles! i dunno, i think turtles are cute!!

Weird Owe said...

i just saw this! platypi rock!

Anonymous said...

there is a new login screen it says: Ninjas needed. Master the game of card-jitsu. this means card-jitsu snow might come out soon :-0 :-) :-0 :-) :-0 :-) :-0 :-0 :-) :-0 :-) :-0 :-)

Anonymous said...


Izzi said...

My fave animal is horses and cheetahs! Because they are fast and pretty.

$pencer said...

i love pandas because they are black and white and they are apart of a big culture. i also love pandas because they do not eat meat so they dont kill animals

Fisheater145 said...

LOL. I Knew You Were Going To Say Zebras. Because You Made A Song Called Zebras Smell Funny! Well My Favorite Animal Is Penguins. That's Why I Joined Club Penguin!

Madblue18 said...

Hey Mimo!
When you go to your igloo, click on 'edit igloo'. Then, click on 'play music'. You can play Norman Swarms Music!

Madblue18 said...

Hey Mimo!

The crab (not Klutzy) has done something! Scroll you mouse to the Puffle Launch. It will say **cannon_hint**. Then, when you want to play it, it says this: **cannon_prompt**. What IS going on?

HANNER2 said...

hmmm my favourite animals... i would have to say wolf, deer, rabbits, and cats... and maybe bears :)

DMA0712 said...

Have you even smelled a zebra Mimo?
I's say mine would have to be penguins and puffles.

Waddle On!


Ashspire said...


lol hey Mimo, you know how Herbert keeps sayin he will "Warm up the island"? That sounds a lot like Global Warming... isn't Earth Day coming?

PrimeStriker said...

Penguins. What else?!

Jojojo33342 said...

I like penguins and polar bears.

Buddytoe said...

Penguins, duh.

LOL! Well, I have lots more, but my favorite are pengs.

Unknown said...

Ermm......I like pandas and koala bears!Both so cute.

Weird Owe said...

$pencer said...
i love pandas because they are black and white and they are apart of a big culture. i also love pandas because they do not eat meat so they dont kill animals
Yay for vegetarians! I am a vegetarian, too! :)

Weird Owe said...

Anonymous said...
there is a new login screen it says: Ninjas needed. Master the game of card-jitsu. this means card-jitsu snow might come out soon :-0 :-) :-0 :-) :-0 :-) :-0 :-0 :-) :-0 :-) :-0 :-)
sorry, but this has been out for a while now. Like ever since water came out. Snow is expected to be released in november, but good eye.

mbhe said...

thats funny i just started a snow leopard project at school. so snow leopards are my fav

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! Something happened to Mimo! HE CAN SPELL THE WORD FUNNY!

Madblue18 said...

Hey Mimo! Fail Dale is back on track!

Anonymous said...

I love horses! I horse ride and I think they are so elegant and gentle XD

LordMaster96 said...

Snowshoe hare due to it's winter/summer fur colors (it changes). Also, there's a glitch with the Puffle Launch game. When it asks you to play it it comes out as **cannon_prompt** Please give me credit with this.

Anonymous said...

Mimo i found this cheat that sometimes when u try and press the newspaper button it shows the newspaper but u cant read it but the kewl part is u can talk while holdin it from penguinX94

love bites said...

I like love zebras i have loved them my whole life i think they are soo cool! I dont really know why i love them but they are just sooooo cool!

Anonymous said...

i love snow leopards cuse they are like giant kittons when you wach them

Fisheater145 said...

Madblue18 said...

Hey Mimo!

The crab (not Klutzy) has done something! Scroll you mouse to the Puffle Launch. It will say **cannon_hint**. Then, when you want to play it, it says this: **cannon_prompt**. What IS going on?


Well This Just A Glitch. Hopefully Club Penguin Will Fix This Soon.

Bluehero (CPG MOD)

Curt13(BPA owner and C13 mod) said...

Hmm...I'd say my favourite endangered animal is the Golden Harp Eagle.It is extremely rare and are losing their lives to us using paper from trees.I mean Harp Eagles live in the worlds Tallest trees.Or at least 100 do!
Curt13(BPA owner and C13 mod)

P.S.BPA stands for Best Penguin Awards.(for best penguins only) JK.

Anonymous said...

Whoa!! Mimo, I love Zebras because their unique. Also because they smell funny. xD

nmptw said...

I love the cat cause it is soft and clean. GO CATS GO!

Anonymous said...

do you know when director level is coming out on systam defendar.

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