Club Penguin Cheats

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Finally! Maykate is the New Winner of the 6 Month Club Penguin Membership!

Sheesh. That took awhile, but Maykate now has a 6 month membership, free! Thank you to everyone for playing. Wasn't that fun?!

Hey, we might even do it again next month. Anyone in favor of giving away a free membership every month?

Now, I can get back to finding cheats!

Congratulations, Maykate!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


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Anonymous said...

oooook i hope its me!

Anonymous said...

I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

i hope its me to! i hope one of us wins also!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me... Oh well... :( well, whoever it is, Congraulations!

Anonymous said...

its not me i never win anything and it is all because my friend put a curse on me and now she is dead hahahaha

Anonymous said...

I checked my e-mail, and it wasn't me. Congrats to the penguin that won!! (:D)

Anonymous said...

but u have to mention her or his name

Anonymous said...

hey, do you have to pay for the card yourself? if you do that is extremely generous. Are you going to post the penguin's name on the site?

- star salemn

Anonymous said...

if its yahoo, will it come up in your bulk?

Anonymous said...

it wasnt me!!!!

Anonymous said...

How do I tell the CP gang about the cool new cheat I found?

Anonymous said...

For sure it will be not me.I didn't want to enter the contest anyway.And Mimo,What does Mimo mean.It sounds like some name of a pet.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me, all well. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Zorbaks said...

I checked my e-mail, and it wasn't me.. ,but congraulations for penguin who won:)

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me o well whoever it is congragulations. And everybodyelse merry xmas

Anonymous said...

im not giving up because i hope i win or my friend wins he really wants to win so i hope its me because if he does not win il give it to him for christmas jonnyharry because i want him to win really badly so good luck to all those penguins that entered good luck to all of you have a merry christmas penguins and a happy new year and merry christmas mimo777.

Anonymous said...

it wasnt me....Congrats to the penguin that won

Anonymous said...

it wasnt me oh well congrats to that luck penguin who did winn!!!! i wish it was me buy yourself something nice with that new membership card merry christmas to all and to all a goodnight!!! bye guys I LOVE THIS SITE AND MIMO777 are you a girl or boy how old are you child teen adult or oldie byee now!!

Anonymous said...

i wish it will be me but i dont think i luve club penguin gang but i now im not the luky winner.i wish i was

Anonymous said...

Mimo this a cool glitch. Every time there's a party the windy thing on the clock tower doesn't work. I think it's an overload on the page or too many interactive !!! Pretty cool aye

Rainbow Tip

Koco563 said...

I like ur idea Mimo!

Anonymous said...

Oh well, I didn't win, but thats ok. My mom is buying me a six month or year membership! Congrats to whoever won! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, just interested, which of the three causes are you donating to?

Anonymous said...

I donated coins to sick kids. :-)

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed the sports catalog is still november!!

Anonymous said...

It's not me but congratulations to the penguin who won :D

Anonymous said...

im just wondering if you know when rockhopper is coming next?

Anonymous said...

hey mimmo whens your next party?

Anonymous said...

Another trick the picture in the book room is click on the sign nd the pictures change

Anonymous said...



Oh well I hope the person doesn't check its e-mail.



- The Jay Dude

Anonymous said...

Oh well, I didn't win, but congrats to the penguins who did. Hey Mimo, have YOU ever won a contest before?

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING MY MESSAGE! I for got to sign it. My Club Penguin name is Budder Boy and I wrote:

I checked my e-mail, and it wasn't me. Congrats to the penguin that won!! (:D)

Thanks, Signed Budder Boy

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! and congrats who won.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ya! I won!

Stella Kinz said...

plz pick me plzzzzzzzzzzz i never win but i might so i am not going to give up hope bye mims

Anonymous said...

I didn't win...... well my brother didn't win either :(

Anonymous said...

can we help u in a way like pay from our packet money to help u or support u ?

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo, heres a cool glitch go to the lighthouse then there will be this zoom thing note:it wont have it on all computers.then go to the bottom right then zoom to 700 if you are on load.swf 1000 if you are on regular. when you zoom you will need to scroll down and right and you will see this black part. click pon it then clickon the magnifier and you will walk up the wall.

Anonymous said...

ohh :(... i did'nt win.
oh well! CONGRATULATIONS to who ever did though.

Anonymous said...

Mimo Ur Awesome!!!! I so love you!!! Please pick me!!! I never win anything, and I've always wanted to be a member! plz plz plz plz pick me plz plz pick me!!
email me at:
anyway, thanks u rock!
this website iz so cool!
ROCK ON MIMO777!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo, I have a glitch that only works during the Christmas Party.

You have to go to the far left of the forest, right where the train tracks are, and you will stand on them!

Anonymous said...

i didn't win
but better luck next time
if there is a next time

Anonymous said...

It wasn't me :( but congratulations to whoever did win!


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that it is very nice of you to give out something like that. I looove this website but I have just been to shy to post.


Anonymous said...

I didn't enter cause I'm already a member but congrats to whoever won because im sure they will have lots of fun being a member!Oh yea could you tell us the name of the penguin because we really wanna know!!!

Anonymous said...

hi Queenie, thanks for your nice message.

Anonymous said...

Jay Dude! lol thats so mean!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo777!
Nice site!
Let me know next time you get on so I can add you as a friend!

Anonymous said...

hope its me Huooooooo!

Anonymous said...

Hi mimo if you look at the "what's new" button and click it and guess who posted it? RSNAIl diD can you belive it!?!Merry Christmas to you and Everyone!

from Tracknfield

Anonymous said...

i hope i win plz i need money plz mimo

Anonymous said...


kooltomboy77 said...

Jay Dude! lol thats so mean!


I hope I WIN :)

- The Jay Dude

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the pengiun that won!

Mimo will you tell us who won?

Anonymous said...

i didant win oh well eat me cheese =D O O O O OO OO O O O YEA THE CHRISTMAS THING IS A PARTEY =)

Anonymous said...

hey MIMO IVE JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT YOUR SITE THIS MONTH IT IS AWESOME ANYWAYS WHAT IS YOUR E-MAIL ADRESS i dont care that i didnt win because im becoming a member in february latechrissy present im goin away

Anonymous said...

It wasnt me but I hope i become a member soooon.

Uncle_Colin said...

When will you announce the new winner?

Anonymous said...

i hope its me because nearly all the people in my class are making fun of me because ther all members and in not saying this so i can win im saying this to stop them making fun of me AND IM NOT LYING

Anonymous said...

Dear Mimo777 this is not about the membership card,but with the crying puffle,where u press = and then e and p,if u press the = sign again it becomes a blue puffle that is happy not sad :),thanks for all the tips on clubpenguin gang:)
thanks for reading Cil509

Anonymous said...

Mimo plz tell us who won?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo
i checked my email and i didnt win but ill give my happiness to the winner! anyways who iz it?

Anonymous said...

I need help my parents are divorsed and and i sent my dads email and right now i'm out my mums till the 26th about so if it's me tell me i am Siversoul well that's my penguin well anyway tell me

Anonymous said...

I hope I win!

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's me, but Mimo, I was wondering if you'd already sent out the message, because a lot of people didn't get or this website is really popular, which is cool.

Nixay (Cp name)

Unknown said...

im not sure if i inroled!but i did i think that a 6 month thing would be really cool.

Anonymous said...

It not me......*cries,literrally*....WHO IS IT!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo i think you forgot to mention that in your igloo there is new igloo music. I dont know if im right or wrong but im just saying that to you. See ya!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yo i wanna join the competition plz plz! if not.............

thnx for ur time

Anonymous said...

is ya email yahoo or what? and if its me put somthing in the subject bar like "winner" or "club penguin" or "membership" cause i got something in my mail that i didnt know so maybe u should re send it.

Anonymous said...

I hope its me too!

Anonymous said...

Hey mImo i lov your site. this is the site were i check stuff every hour! It wasnt me but i dont mind. Decmber is a time for giving not getting! Plus i like not being a member anyway. this was just for fun! and Jay dog u r so mean!
- Aeriell87 Penguin name

Anonymous said...

Oh man, i checked my E-mail and it wasn't me... Hey! and congrats on who won! And 1 more thing, you said to who won, don't worry IT'S NOT OVER YET, what does that meen mimo777?

Anonymous said...

it wasn't me lol

Anonymous said...

plzz post the name on the site cause i might be one of my friends and they don't check their email often.
plzzzz post it

Anonymous said...

I wish it were me.

Anonymous said...

i think that the clubpenguin site has problem cuz whenever i go on its says loading and goes up to 53 its wierd help me!

Anonymous said...

you never put my comment :(

Anonymous said...

who one

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not me . You know why because I am already a member . I don't pay for it. It's just free of charge!!. Anyway congrates to the coming winner!!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo clubpenguin added a few christmas songs for your igloo. Like Christmas jam,christmas calm, and jingle bells. Tell everyone! ~Daisydarr

Anonymous said...

Mimo777 can you say who the winer is? Its because Im having trouble with my email so I cant check it... I realy want to win! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey check this out type this in club penguin... PARTY AT MY IGLOO CUPCAKES IGLOO
when you type this the words come out of the text! you can reword it in many forms but it must have 5 spaces and you must use all the letters oh and they have to be CAPITALIZED!

pd562 said...

who is the lucky person? pls tell us.mimo pls read the chrismas scarf comment ty.

Anonymous said...

hey i am sooooo :( sad i didnt win but anyways congrats to whover won hey mimo i love this site when the new pin was out i could not find ied yoursite anywhere so i visited your site.can u send me a a me mail my account is plzzzzzzz let me join a have a real funny glitch if u tell me your account i can email it to u
signed varun112233

Anonymous said...

i hope i would have won.i never get anything.i think everything is unlucky for me.well congracts to the penguin who won.i have a cool glitch .but how do i send it to u

Shruti said...

I checked my mail immediately and found that I'm not the winner.Anyway I'm not at all upset this time for myselves but I feel really sorry for Maykate.My whole-hearted CONGRATULATIONS to the winner! MERRY CHRISTMAS AGAIN TO CLUB PENGUIN GANG AND ITS VIEWERS!

Anonymous said...

it might not matter to me now cos my daddy might buy me a year's membership...:)

Anonymous said...

Hey , im sad ofcourse that I didn't won but a CONGRATULATIONS! to whoever won.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Everyone,Congrats to the penguin who won, you must have worked really hard ;]

C O N G R A T S .

P.s I didn't win :'-[ OH WELL

Anonymous said...

No its not fair because some one hack hacked my email i have to use but i entered this comp on what if iv'e won how can i chnge it

Anonymous said...

I know I didn't win, but whoever did congraulations and have a super christmas. As for me, I think i'll just have a super x-mas instead. Merry Christmas to you Mimo and everyone on club p!(Make sure you add me as a friend everyone. I'm wor den the amazing pink girl!!! xxx

Anonymous said...

i havent

Anonymous said...

thanx a lot mimo777 i dont know how to thank u for giving me the gift card . im very very very happy

Anonymous said...

i just hope that everyone could get one free membership card .
thats would be great and i would ask more people to join clubpenguin then .
please mimo777 , give everyone a chance .
give us all each a free membership card .
and every penguin at that .
thanks .

Anonymous said...

Mimo, just to let you know theres new igloo music available!


Anonymous said...

i didnt receive it :'( too bad....4 me XD

Anonymous said...

i hope i winnd i hope somone replys soon and does not cause too much trouble!

Anonymous said... Don't blame me my mom chose my e-mail.

Billybob said...

Well it wasnt me

congrats to the winner

mimo the cristmas scarf was a 2005 item so did u take that pic in 2005

KInd REgards


(check my website its amazing!)

Anonymous said...

who is the new one

Anonymous said...

hmmm what is this sight about

Anonymous said...

Hey cna I join the Clubpenguin gang?

Anonymous said...

your site is the best thnxs for doing some investigating on the christmas scarf becaues i got it and my little brother wonts it to but when i got on to get it for him it was gone do u think it will be back on the 24th

Anonymous said...


can i join ur club penguin gang

Anonymous said...

''It was me Bloofus1913 if u see me i am a member''

Anonymous said...

i hope i win next time, because i didnt win last time

Anonymous said...

It wont let you buy puffles... the ones for anybody it said only club penguin members... UH Oh Help

ranii-a said...

I never EVER wina competiton =(

Anyway, congratz for the person who wins ;) and I hope I can win next time.

Mimo77's cheatsite is AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

OOOO... Congratz Maykate ;)
I hope you will give away next month Mimo77 x] It's OK to take a while, right? =]

PS: I hope I can find the scarf tomorrow x)

Anonymous said...

I think we should have a member ship giveaway every month

JIAWEN(: said...

congraulations maykate!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Marykate!

The giveaway was tons of fun.

Anonymous said...

Good she wonHey Mimo,if you like webkinz and you play it a lot just as much as you play club penguin gang,you should create a website called "WebkinzGang".What do you think?

Anonymous said...

oh yay! do it again mimo!


Anonymous said...

i think that a great idea to give away a 6 month membership every month

Anonymous said...

I know that this has nothing to do with the Christmas Party, but when you play Pizzatron 3000, if you pull the red lever then you go into the candy mode.

If you do this you get double the tips!

The first time I played I got 750 coins!

Anonymous said...

You Should Definately Do It Every Month!!! I would love to win! Congrats Maykate!

Anonymous said...

I whna win plz pic my

mariux04 said...

i hope i win plz pic me.

Anonymous said...

BEST EVER MIMO!!!!!!!!! :)
<3 U!!!!!!!!!!


Jakey said...

I wanna win!!!

Anonymous said...

I think we should have one next month, or maybe at another holiday, cause you could say that that was Maykates Christmas present from you Mimo.

Nixay (cp name)

By the way, I enjoy the glitches and the cheats, well mostly the glitches, I hope there're more now that thats out of the way!!

Makena said...

when is your next membership give-away? Please, respond

Anonymous said...

oh well i wanted it so much but mimo i wonder why did u choose maykate i mean just why?im just asking in a good way oh well maybe next ill win congrats maykate havefun!!!!!!!!!!

The CoolMister said...

I'm in favor of you giving us another 6 month membership next month again.

Anonymous said...

2 more days to the big one! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!

Anonymous said...

hey mimo did u know that they came out with new igloo music and is pretty cool there is christmas jam, christmas calm, and idk if im write but the other song is jingle bells i think?

--Pj lad

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mimo plz do it every month!im not a member and im not allowed to be!

Anonymous said...

thats not fair you said ud pick a new winner and u emailded them and they were prob dead happy they won but now u tell him/her they havent won cause spoilt maykate won

Anonymous said...

Yes I think you should do it again.

~star zone
super niki
seattle wa - these are mine and my friend's penguins.

Anonymous said...

maykate congratulation

Anonymous said...

Mimo, it would sure be the best if you gave out a 6 month gift card every month! Alot of kids would enjoy it. But, how did you have money to buy the gift card? Where are you gonna get the money for a new gift card every month? Please reply ;)Happy Holidays!

P.S. MayKate congrats!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mimo777 is bombbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!!! dude ur like my heroo! i go on this site like evrydayy! keep uhp the goooood workkk mann! wat happened to the 2nd kid u emailed?? u made him happy then like 2 days later maykate replys thts not fair =\ but. ................maykate...uh well congrats.. i guess

mimo every month pleaseeeeee(: Thanks rock on \m/ - - \m/

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Im a member already but I think it would be a great idea to give out one more and maybe we could donate money to go towards the membership somehow.Oh and congrats to Maykate (though I feel a bit sorry for the person who got an email and didnt get it).Anyway congrats!

Anonymous said...

I'm in favor! All who are in favor, say 'Ah!', all against, say 'Nay!'

Anonymous said...

i hope u give 1 away every month!!!

Anonymous said...

U should do it more often cause i was just brousing the net and saw ur site and entered. I keept comin back 2 check if i was the winner and have decided that this is the best cp chet site around!

Anonymous said...

I think that that is a really good idea! P.S. You guys are really generous!

Anonymous said...

Congradulation Maykate! Where did the scarf go? You rock mimo! I am going to see your site more often! I see you update it a lot! I am Brandos12 and I hope I meet you sometime!

Anonymous said...

Cool thats good

P.S From your biggest fan


conor628 said...

hay Can i plz join the gang? I hav this real cool cheat to find a friendship bracelet. plz write back
merry christmas to all.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think you sould have a drawing every month!!! I love this site! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

i dont think it was fair to give away the mebership...

Anonymous said...

Im in
I hope im lucky next time

Anonymous said...

I really want a membership. but i MIGHT get 1 from santa. but good luck 2 every1!!!!

Anonymous said...

ooh plzzz do one very month its so cool

Anonymous said...

YES! defently another membership give away!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo I think that giving away a free membership is a good idea. Congrats Maykate. and Merry Chritstmas

Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOO when are you going to announce a free gift card give away?

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS MAYKATE!!! WOOO!! AND TOMORROW IS XMAS!! WHAT A GREAT XMAS PRESENT!!! MERRY CHROSTMAS TO ALL!!! and i know this cheat that when you say "I SAW A MONSTER IN A BOX!!!" and walk around the words will go crazy

Anonymous said...

Well Done May Kate!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,

I got a cool glitch for you!


Step 1: Go to town

Step 2: Click on the big window beside the coffee shop (the window that has a big ribbon).

- The Jay Dude

Anonymous said...

awesome! I didn't really need it and since I didn't win my mum bought me a 1 month membership!!

thanks anyways Mimo! your really nice and kind!

but I still think you should do it next month because others are probably really wanting a membership!

- Blossum Blue =)

Anonymous said...

i am DEFFENITLY in favor plz do it mimo

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I would like us to have the same thing next month! But How do you know it was really Maykate that actually got it?

Anonymous said...

yea but make sure no one wins twice

Anonymous said...

ahm....congrats by da way///

Anonymous said...

omg when i saw it i was like OMG... but then i checked it wasnt; MayKatr,
it was MayKate

i was soo upset!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo I think its a great idea to give a way a membership every month. I think you should start like a fund for the memberships. People could send you just like $10 and you could use it to buy memberships.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think you should do one every month!

Anonymous said...

Here's sopmething cool I found. There's a christmas tree on the iceberg and it reminds of Charlie Brown.

Anonymous said...

i think it would be cool to give one away every month.

lee050898 said...

Do it again next month! I wanted get that membership so bad. I'm not a member.

Rlin said...

Congrats whoever won!

Anonymous said...

that is so nice of u mimo to buy the membership for us and not u, even though u are not a member. u and ur site rock! GO CP GANG!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well how sad I didn't win. Congratz to those who won!

Anonymous said...

poo! I wanted that membership so bad! Well, congradulations to Maykate. I will just have to go back to saving loose change!Merry Christmas everyone!!

Anonymous said...

I would love the voucher

Anonymous said...

heyya club penguin,
I rally want a free membership becuase my parents probobally wont let me. Mimo i think you are really nice and i have heard so many things about you. I dont care if its only a monthly membership i just will apreciate something. I am grateful for everything I have. I also think that my little sister will be able to use my membership. My club penguin is under my auntys email.
Could you please reply.

Anonymous said...

HEY! A GIRL FROM SINGAPORE! IM FROM SINGAPORE TOO! congratulations pakchat_2005!

CP name:Waddle Proud

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo 777
I have a cheat for you,
If you go to the home page of Club Penguin (where the poll is), and click on the Blue Penguin at the top of the page he will have clothes on him, click on him again and he'll change clothes, and so on.

Anonymous said...

i hope i win becouse my mom won't me do it becouse if you pay with cash it cost more money then it's post to

Anonymous said...

ooo oo i need to have it every month please!
mimo u r my idol so please do it every month!

Anonymous said...

Mimo do you just randomly choose a penguin??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

mimo77 why can't you make all the none members all become members please choose all of us its not far if you chose only 2 penguin if you choose all it will be very far only the wants that log on to clubenguingang why don't you see who live thier comment then will choose to get to be a member i just wana be far if you don't choose me its ok

Anonymous said...

congrats! maykate i think u are a verry sucsessfull penguin.

love,hcagal or eggsinapan.

Anonymous said...


Carina said...

Ooh pls let me be d one who win cuz I've always wanted 2 become a mom says its too expensive n we hav 2 pay d bills and everything...but someone wins they're lucky too!

Anonymous said...

ok Gret job u 2 let's do this again!
all in favour of doing this again say I! I!!!

Anonymous said...

i hope i will be your next winner well thanks for all the help mimo please pick me :)

Anonymous said...

my penguin name is boop2273 one of my penguins got banned... forever i took my membership off him and now my dad wont let me use his credit card PLEASE LET ME WIN I BEG YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

i found fluffy the fish. hes on the back of the gift card u get when u complete mission 3 and help the penguin in it

Anonymous said...

I'm in favor!

Shanti said...

I thought you were a kid or teen like us Mimo but if your giving away a membership a month then your either the child of a millionaire or your some freaky guy sitting in and office!

Zoira said...

I am in favor of another one

nnbbfan4ever said...

i hope i win i love u mimo777

muktar4000 said...

hi my name is muktar but in club penguin its koi master1 wwhen i log in i feed my puffle then log off but whrn i see other penguins they were cloths and i feel bad and i wan tto be a member but my mom says no so this is my chance and if i win thankyou but if i losse still i think you for giving me the hopes and dreams of my life becoming a memebr well email me if you chose me or not at thank you bye for now.

Anonymous said...

Pls, have it every single ,month???
i have some things that i really like!! theres one at the stage!! the ship one?? How do we join the draw? or how u pick winners?

P.S My penguin name is 2kitty9!

Anonymous said...

Oh hey Mimo so my name is acdc8910
and i was wishing for an account

Anonymous said...

*smiles* good times good times - maykate

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