Check it out! You can turn on the street lamps in the Plaza, Town, Ski Village, Snow Forts and the Beach. Just click on them. This is so cool! Try it!
Thanks brennwal94 for the tip.
Also, you can be a train engineer by clicking any of the train tunnels at the Forrest. Super cool stuff!

Don't forget to go upstairs in the Coffee Shop and click on the picture.

Thanks to sonic30132, Sorry oops, Bigdogdk, Zorbaks, Filppers7 and several others.
Are there anymore cheats to be discovered at the Club Penguin Christmas Party?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Cool! 1st comment i think.
Mimo your site is so cool!
Please post
yay first comment i hope love the site mimo my name is winterfan and I gotta add you to my buddy list!
thanks mimo that is awsome that you aknoldged me thankyou i am also known as dinnerrolls
Nice. You are the best hack man. Also thanks for staying up late.
I just want to say when you click on the camera it flashes. I am just saying my penguins name is Hatake 22766.
where are you mimo
There is a tree growing at the ice burg. i am Hatake 22766
I think there arent any more but I had already found them.
The Party's Awesome! I don't really like the items though. The Santa hat being old and the antlers are kind of lame.
From Dooobie Pengu.
Mimo u rock!Thanx a lot!My whole-hearted Christams Wishes to Club Penguin Gang and its viewers.
Thanking you,
Mimo you missed the one in the tree that has a rail road track
please post i love your site
click on the hole in a tree. Pick the right one, and you'll see a mini train!
i found out a cheat t will onl work st the christmas party though
first go around the bottom track now click the bottom of the tunnel that doesnt set out a tran you will finmd out wat happens :)
hello! mimo.
i would like u 2 stay some more time 4 maykate because if she is in an urgent thing like in the hospital or with the school exams or something.
Hey Mimo777. Cool website. I found out something, you can hide in the big christmas tree in the docks. Pretty cool eh.
there is 1 cheat i no about if you go to the fined for plase when you go in there. there is a christmas tree clik on that and u will be hidon
hope you like the cheats
and eat more cheese =D
ok evrey tree dose it as well =D
From when my holidays started I have been going to Big foot and Fjord servers in search of u.Im trying my best!Hope u understood who I am.Yes!Im Wizdy
My whole-hearted Christmas wishes to Club Penguin Gang and its viewers.
Mimo you are a funny one and mysterious . You can some how know the future so fast . You are super awesome.
Hi Mimo!
I got to your site from fevers. I love this site!! You should tell your veiwers that the inside of the Gift shop top of the night club, dojo, Ice rink, inside of the lighthouse, inside of the stage, inside of the pizza parlor, inside of the paet shop, pool, boiler room, and the inside and outside of the mine are not decorated. This is important in ways not in others.
Simmer 27
Hi its me agian, well if u go to the iceberg, then you'll see a small christmas tree and 1 ornament. Its like that is the only place with no holiday joy.LOL.
theres a train that comes out of a tree hole just tellin ya ill cya at the next party
Waddle on yo!
you forgot the 1 above the other 1 from the tree to the Christmas tree
I found a glitch go on the train track track that conects to the station, and sit on the end of it all the way to the left.Then click the trees behind you. Now your walking in the forest. (only at christmas party)
hi mimo
MImo, i just found a new cheat! First u need 3D glasses.
Then start dancing.
When ur penguin moves the colors on the glasses change places!
Hope u like it and Merry Christmas!
I think that the plant thats on the ice berg will grow bigger and bigger and then at the end will be a giant christmas tree :)
Mim you so cool and nice for that christmas gift
Please make it a cheat
dolphin2222 said...
do u kno that u can make a train come out if u press the tree in the forest too?
Hey mimo
In Ice fishing do you know how to catch the big fish??
It's so easy
You need to use a normal fish as bait
You get a 100 coin bonus if you catch him
Try it !!
u guys r so kool! :]
i know a new cheat!Click the hole in the tree in the forest. i saw this as soon as i got in the forest!!!
do u know why there is a tree in iceberg?
Thankyou sooo much for staying up late last night! But you really need to wait for Maykate to respond. WAIT UNTIL NEXT THURSDAY please!
hey MIMO! I found a thing you can do on cp. if you go to the stage, look to your right where the light is. you can click and drag the light back and forth!
-star salemn
click on the hole in the tree. please post.
If you go to the Snow forts and throw a snowball at the target the target wont spin around like it usually does...
if you buy the mullet and change it to the present then it will have no eyes so put it on the celing or floor then the eyes will show up.
Don't forget to go to the ski lodge and see Fred because he has a santa hat too!
Mango Bird
Mimo,You forgot a glitch!At the cove when there is a booth you can take a picture with Santa,there is a camera!Click it and something cool happens.Put it on your blog.
Thank u for all those cheats!!!!
P.S. Have a wonderful Christmas to Mimo777, the Club Penguin Gang, and all the penguins in the world!!!
click on the camera in the cove and it will flash
awesome! and in school we were just reading the play "a christmas carol", so i know y it says all that cuz scrooge was in the play, and he says all that stuff. its a play worth watching, or at least reading! lol so ya its kool!
you can hid in the christmas tree at trhe lodge!
You should have a......Ask Mimmo777....part of the site where viewers ask you questions and you answer!
The Dojo isnt decorated!! PLEASE wait for maykate mimo i begg.
thanks for all of the awesome cheats mimo u rock
I found out something ok I went to my igloo and i put the little stereo in my igloo and i was choosing some music to play!!! and there was three new songs to from they are Christmas Jam,Christmas Calm, and Jingle Bells.
If you want to use my penguin for the pictures just ask me!
give me credit rosie2396
The Agent Head Quaters (HQ)Is No Decorated. Too Bad.. Shame on Maykate
bah humbug!!!! lol!!!
thanks!!btw there is new xmas music in ur igloo if u have a stereo or dj decks!u heard it here first.........
Mimo can you help me take photos?I have no clue how to!
mimo can you meet me squishadish on cp in fjord server at the ice berg? I will be waiting for you!
nvm bigfoot server okay mimo? squsiahdish
sorry my computer is slooow
Ooops! the target will actually spin around! My bad! But, when there is a lot of snowballs on the target it will NOT spin around
u missed another thing u click on the camera it takes a picture.
and theres new igloo music
oh and one more thing the green puffle in the dance club has a hat on
Hey, Mimmo777. Can you please try to find out what that other item is? If you cant find out what it is early than tell us what and where it is when it comes out. Thanx
hey ,mimo
how come my comments never show up on your comment chart?
Are you going to pick another winner?
Oh and its not your fault if she is in the Hospital or something, but you shouldn't give her forever.
Love your site!
cool but i have one,listen firt go to the coffe shop and then go upstairs then you see wood stove and if you want to walk for there first walk around the map and then walk there in the darkness.
I think its unfair becuase you released the scarf when all the Australians were asleep and now you only realesing them again when the Australians go to bed. So it is unfair.
Dear Mimo,
I love your website so much and i go on it everyday since ive heard of it!!!Plus just wanted to say lets be friends on clubpenguin,like on eachothers buddylist!If u can, go on at 12:00 penguin time then in Canada in mukluk at the big clock.I hope i see u then on December 24!!!
did you notice that the whole christmas theme is The Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens?? I think that idea was so cute!!!!! You can tell in the book room and the plaza. It's like old victorian England.
hey you can also stop the trains by going in front of them!
Hey Mimo777,
can u please make a party for christmas eve please i've missed u'r previous parties and would love to go to 1!!! I also want to add u to my friends list!! Tell me when and where it is please also i'm ussually in snowy river!
(my penguin name is rockirl 85 if u meet me somewhere i will be happy to talk to u just tell ne u'r from the clup penguin gang :)
From Titch
HEY MIMO if you type in SANTA CLAUSE IS COMING TO CLUB PENGUIN it flashes like if u type in ICEBER TIPPING PARTY NOW my club penguin name is horseysdoggi
hi mimo777!
you wont believe that i took a picture with santa!
i bought the picture for 100 coins.
and now it is my background!
it is quit tricky to get the background!
but if you want o know,
just ask me!
i am ng510.
hey Mimo777 rember that parrot glich well tell people to use the clown outfit (if they have it)and dance its cool!
Mimo are u a girl?
Yes!75th comment!I did them all!yay!here is a question:Are you gonna have a another party without guessing?because when I tried to solve the last party(it's crossword right?)its so hard!
Hey mimo,
In the Last picture, what is that red thing besides you?
It's Monday and Billybob lied! I read it, too and I looked EVERYWHERE and barely anyone's wearing them! So, please, please, please let us know when they come back!
Whats the red thing next to u?
Hey Mimo! If you stand behind a snow man or next to one in the snowforts, wave! If your position is in the rite place, you are patting the it!
hi mimo
i wanna become a train engineer but its not comin
can any1 help me
akhil dilip(indian)
Hey Mimo. This is sooooo old. But cool.
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