Check out this cool glitch. You can hide in the balcony or pretend you are invisible floating on the balcony wall by doing this. First go into the balcony, then just click underneath the balcony down by the lights. U Fride and I gave it a try. It was fun. Try it. Also do this and say something. People were trying to figure out how we did it. We were cracking up!
Thanks to Caraiggy for the glitch.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
thats so awesome!!!
woo hoo!! so cool i will try it hope i can do it...
heyy cool mimo thanks alot!you help out alot wiht all the cool glicthes and cheats!
Mimo777 did you put the glitch i told you about the name of the place????
I knew that for a llloooooooooonnnnnngggg time.
Name: 65mphboat
That's so cool! I'll try it right away! also, I know a cool cart surfer glitch to get alot of coins. You do backflips(100 points) and jump turns(80 points) over and over. When you reach a turn off point, crash. make sure to lose all you lifes before getting out.
P.S. I saw Mimo777 at the halloween party, i'm searching for Mimo on his usual servers. My Club Penguin name is Fangel96, PLEASE BE MY FRIEND MIMO!
this is so cool it is so funny to see people getting mad when you dont tell them how you do it
thats so cool! you and u fride are awesome!
that's awesome! i tried it too and people were like, "Huh?"
super cool glitch
Hey it is Ice Packers cool glitch i tried it and your right everyone was asking me how to do it
hey mimo i just figured out a glitch if u click the huge screen in the background by the little screens in the theater it changes channels it looks so cool it changes to the tv channels like in our igloos take a look cause i dont remember u ever mentioning this i do remember u mentioning the little screens but thats it? so i hope u like it plz give me credit for it! im a member on cp my user name is moogiemoogie
i knew that already!~
Mimo777 i do it all the time it is when you climb the stairs
I don't know where to write this...
On page 4 Love your pet
pet furniture klick on new and u can buy a grey House...
I also know how to finish all 5 missions...
Hi I just wanted to know how to get that template for the blogger web site. Can you email the code to jayliverpoolw25@hotmail.vom and put the web site you damload it from.
that is cool but i saw someone just yesterday with an invisible glicth, u saw his name but u didnt see him and it was in the town
thanks but i knew that
i alredi new tht but thnkz anyway mimo can i meet u on cp some time coz i wanna meet u so badli!!!!!
cool i worked out few days ago,kool huh? every1 was liked comon ur sooo cool plzzz tell i was like wtf am i doin!!
ps. i know a glitch go to cp home page scroll mouse over gift shop then quickly again over coffee shop and 2penguins will hav conversation! ps. i am afsf6 plz can i b on rate my penguin?
when will yoo tell us who won that competition for the 6-month gift card?!
i already did that glitch when the stage opened and i was trying to go to the balcony and i got stuck.
It's GR8
that was so easy. i already knew that
i done that ages ago thats so old and not even good
i have one question my two brothers have penguins and they both have the same email address as me can they still enter with the same email address please answer my question please
yo yo yo!!! wat up mimo. i tried
to go up in the balkony.me and my freind were playing hide ad go seek. he saw me easily. but it did work. later!!!
Mimo i know i'm not part of the team but i found a new glitch! If you press the '=' button and click one of the emotes the emote is looking to the left.
omg - thats so cool!!
i learned a glitch did you know you can move other peoples stuff ill send it to you if i can remember
Thats cool i wanna try that and it look fun!
i tried this and cracked up when someone really thought i was an alien lolololol it was so fun thnxs for the tip im issablla on Club p look for me on yeti in America or Beanie in Australia!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!
Wow mimo your so cool.
I love this glitch
PS my penguin name is duxduck
I have a Hydro Hopper glitch! Here are the steps.
1.Go to the Dock
2. Go over to the speed boat
3. When it asks, "Do you want to play Hydro Hopper?", say no.
4. Then sit down
You are sitting on the boat! How cool is that? ;)
I can't figure out how to get down as low as U Fride.
I can't ever see you Mimo777 because im 10 and made my penguin in that group.
Hey there is a new Server Called Christmas so ya by the way iut is Ice Packers
This is really cool! By the way my name is Aimee(pronuned Amy)
in the forest go to the bottom right is can hide you so weel you cant see your name p.s. please post this
hey um i'm soo sorry but please don't disquolify me i didn't read the rules. Im sooooo sorrry.
Love Liney122194
That is cool
I have a cool glitch!
1. Go to www.clubpenguin.com
2. Look at the banner
3. tough the cofee shop door
4. a penguin should come out
Hello Mimo! I have seen a strange thing at the stage. I don´t know what it is but meby you can help me!
At the stage between the sad and the happy puffels is a fish. At the fish you can see some strange marks. I think it is HQ-letters but i´m not sure. Do you think you can check it out? There might be something importante information.
^^ Roffie1
hi cool glitch its fun- mimmo u r so cool- u r the best club penguin cheater ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!(except from me of corse!!)
so cool cheat
1.go to clubpenguin.com and look at the picture behind the big blue penguin.
2. click on the n in night club and the penguin will turn into a ninja but if u click the penguin it will change clothes
i found a glitch here is what to do
1. go to the forest
2.walk to the rock in the middle
3.when u position urself right ur penguin is hiddenjust like in your balcony
please post this i just found ur website last night and it is amazing i love you
dude awsom
ive noticed that if u open the script at the stage and then leave, u can take it everywere!!!
you can also hide above the balcony on both sides
you know why u can probably be invisible? because it's like ur walking up the stairs that are behind the balcony!
i got a glitch use ur bell and keep pressing w to wave and u will c ur fins going in circles!
found a glitch!write in the chat bar 48 ?(question marks) and it wont fit coool!try it out!
oh if you use the bell dance with it and youll start juggling it!
Fowlfey says MIMO777 is a great dude!
Hey I'm soccerprep25 on cp so if u see me add me please! also kool site! it is so awesome! bye for now!
I know how to do it!!!just go to the right side of the stae and you will be at the balcony...just move down.
thats pretty cool but can you disappear ANYWHERE??cos some people do...please ans???
I know something simular people can see it and it's fun go to the pizza parlor.
Then go near the pizzatron and click the sign above it that says kitchen and your up top.
(from Tyminty.)
Wow three years later ...that balcony think is good for freaking people out
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