What do you think of "Icicle900?"

Rate this penguin now by doing the following:
Step 1. Go to www.ratemypenguin.com.
Step 2. Click on the "Penguin" category.
Step 3. Find "Icicle900." He is on the 9th page.
Step 4. Click on the picture.
Step 5. Now, right above the picture, click on the word, "Rate."
Step 6. Next to the sentence, "Rate this image," select one of the following"
Step 7. Finally, click "Submit Rating."
Would you like your penguin to be featured on ClubPenguinGang.com? Then do the following:
Step 1. Screen capture the Player Card of your penguin on Club Penguin.
Step 2. Go to www.ratemypenguin.com.
Step 3. On the right side of the page, click "Submit CP Image."
Step 4. Enter the name of your penguin where it says, "Title."
Step 5. If you would like to enter a description of your penguin, do that were it says, "Description."
Step 6. Now you need to upload your Player Card by clicking, "Browse."
Step 7. Now locate your screen capture and click, "Open."
Step 8. Click, "Attach."
Step 9. You can submit your email adress if you would like updates sent to you.
Step 10. Click "Submit Link."
Step 11. Leave a comment here that you would like to be a Featured Penguin.
Make sure to check out the newest Rate My Penguin Category - Wars!"
Upload your Club Penguin parties, igloos, Penguins, wars and funny pictures now!
Don't forget to send all your penguin buddies to rate your penguin!
Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Kool! But I don't wanna do it! I ONLY have like 2 mins on the Computer! Not even that! Becuase i was naughty sent to my room but i snuk on the Computer to see waht was going on!
So awsomely cool!=)
~Pink Starzzz♥
Cool you got me as a Featured Penguin!! Thanks :)!
I wear stuff according to the CP season.
Hello Club Penguin Gang, can I be a featured penguin?
My penguin is Ress1757. Please show him. Thank you! I love the site!
hey cool!!!
Hey mimo did you make "rate my penguin"?
Just wanted to know!
- The Jay Dude
hey mimo!!! can i meet you!!! plz!!! im ur biggest fan!!!
Thanks guys!
PS: I'm non member
Hey Mimo!
That penguin's OK.............
I would rate it 5/10
No offense icicle!
- The Jay Dude
When i heard you were only going to give to ONE penguin i was faint onto the ground
hey sup mimo that penguins ...ok i guess i have all his items and stuff , hes a 5/10, my penguin looks awsome
Anonymous said...
Hey Mimo!
That penguin's OK.............
I would rate it 5/10
No offense icicle!
- The Jay Dude
December 14, 2007 8:36 PM
It's all right! Atleast you like it:)
am i in the club penguin gang?
bg roonie7
Thank u mimo!!!!!!!!!!Now I can capture pictures for my club penguin site!I thought you used a camera.I coulnt afford one.Thnks for the secret of capturing your pictures!Your a big helper.
I think icicle900 is pretty cool and i like his choice of clothes.
Dear cp gang
I love your website also a tip i have for you is to add a like lil msn window i saw it on another website
but anyways ur sit rox!
thanks for the cheats (p.s im againt hacking)
from Juniorpang
Tejada At
Crysatal97 said...
Kool! But I don't wanna do it! I ONLY have like 2 mins on the Computer! Not even that! Becuase i was naughty sent to my room but i snuk on the Computer to see waht was going on!
oooh, bad boy!
Well, mimo, looks like YOU put on a show! that there's YOU
Ill just rate it a 9.
Its cool but It needs to wear another item more,
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