You read that right. I will be giving away one 6 Month Club Penguin Gift Card in December FREE! That's this month! So you'll finally be able to buy your very own Yellow Puffle. How cool is that?!
Now, here is where I need help. How should I give it away? I need some ideas. What I want is to get more Club Penguin sites to link to clubpenguingang.com and to get more and more visitors. Can you help?
Let me know and I'll announce how in the next couple days.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
1 – 200 of 580 Newer› Newest»WOW!!!
free membership!!!
im speechless, lol
This sounds great !!! But why ?
Why don't you just take the Gift card ??? So you can buy a puffle !!! Any way it should be a contest . I have no other Ideas ...
:( Sorry
Thanks for the Party, it was fun to meet you again:)
Hey Mimo, May be u should like go around CP and see who u want to have it and ask them like their address so u can mail it to them. Hey, it might work?
mimo, you can hide a link somewhere in the site, then the first person to find it can send you a message saying their penguin name, and password
Hey mimo777
Are you only giveing away one?
first comment (i think)i want a membership but i dont know how you should give it away?!?! but i realy want the yellow pufle but my parents dont like payment games:(
well byebye and mimo you rocks!!!
first of all FIRST COMMENT AND SECONND sweet party also i think you should hva a drawing mabey that is what i think
Hey thanks u rock! i really can't wait. how r u going to give it to us?
you should walk around every different place and click on people to give to
wow thats a good iDEA! DID YOU SEE ME AT YOUR PARTY?It was awsome. i have a idea. what if we swnd you a video entry of why we want to be a member? how a bout that?
xtra cold
Hey Mimo!
Great party! Anyway, you could do a puzzle. Then, give your e-mail address. People e-mail you the answer, and you mark down everyone who gets it right. Out of all the people who get it right, you draw a name and pick the winner!
Who are you going to give it to? I want it!
hope i get the firast comment!Ok,I
would start doing that!I could get more people to come!I did it once before! But cp doesnt let you use periods.(.)I just say,"www dot clubpenguingang dot com" Is that good mimo?
How can I earn that gift card?
Yeah thats kewl I wish I could have the membership.I say to get more vistor's is by asking other people in their clubpenguin site to advitise your site ask if they can put a link to your site that way other people can come and see how your site is well organize and set one of their own =)by the way my penguin name is Zerala
first comment yay!!!
talk 2 people with the other websites... get ads on other websites about the giftcard thing... but who will u give it 2??
heres pellowpuff!
mimo thats so cool!
one qeustion are you a boy or girl
just asking
from your #1 fan pellowpuff
ps are you a secret agent?
Hi Mimo my name Emerald Jan. Youre site is great! Anyway I think you should make an essay contest on which is your favorite sight in clubpenguin is. Anyway youre sight rocks im telling all my friends about it
hi mimo yore coled make yore front pade a bit more cooler.. and try to fined out more cheats..do the party thing that you did like cross word you cold evon do a maze one
bye bye :) (nice party you had today
How about you have a contest? Or something along those lines.
Anyway, first comment.
oh and i almost forgot what does the nickname thing mean?
just another quick qeustion from pellowpuff.
Hey Mino777 i know a cool cheat and u have to have a puffle (it doesnt matter what kind). Just go to the cove go to the rock by the surf shack. The make puffle go under rock. After that say where did my puffle go but take puffle off your player card by clicking it. they wont know what happened to it! But after that go to your igloo (fast!) get puffle and go back to cove they will freak (unless they are ur buddy!
hey when you are on clubpenguin do you tell everybody?
Heyy Mimo
I was at ur party and it rocked! I was awesomek i found u a couple of times.I am member but i was thinking of ideas how u could the gift card away. YOu can make a puzzle and who gets it first by emailing u they could get it or look on ur buddy list and draw names or get people to write u saying why they want it or need it thats all i can think of at the moment i will be bak w/ more if i can think of more! Biggest Fan
Awesomek on cp
um you can ASK paaintboy100 to put u on his blogroll. and the gift card thing VERY SMART sure......
i think u should hav a drawing and we should giv u names and u will randomly pick which one! this gives everyone an equal chance
when are you going to give the gift card out?
that was an awsome party mimo but im not ur buddy
What about if you say it on a party
and no puzzlez this time ur puzzle was hard!
-Czar 23
Can I post this site on wikipedia and the Club Penguin wiki? Thousands of people go on per day!
whoa mimo how can u get sooooooooo many gift cards do u know a guy or somthing thats awesome i am a member already but gift cards are awesome mimo can u send me where to go for the party somthin is wrong with my computer and it will not show any of the pictures on this sight (including the word find) so can u please e-mail me where to go for the party at crunchypup14@yahoo.com thanks
wow!but i dont need it my friend does.
I think you should send the card to penguins wearing a color.you should say what color we should wear.I am also an agent.I do not have a E-mail address.I love your website.
It is awsome to have a cheating website of clubpenguin.
Mimo I think that you should have a thing where there is like a picture of the HQ and we have to click on something and if it has the gift card behind it we get it. It should also change everytime someone trys it.
Please answer me! I really need to know! I need your permission!
i really want to win it but i dont know what to do. i used to be a member but im not now.i have loads of clothes but cant wear them. anyway heres some ideas:
club penguin quiz
greatest name for a penguin ever ( club penguin done that but with the puffle)
asking a question about why mimo is cool! hope they help you
FREE MEMBERSHIP! KOOL! IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS DAY AND I REALLY WANT TO MEET U! IF U EVER WANNA MEET ME MY PENGUINS NAME IS : Ana Ana 4444! i hope i get the chance to meet u mimo! i always check ur website everyday and i agree with vetiu maybe there shud be a contest or maybe we can se who has the most coins for the "coins for change" so who ever raises the most gets the gift card! U ROCK! wel c ya!!!
oh and you can join with paintboy1000 and fever( both different web sites)
you could go on clubpenguin and tell everyone to go to club penguin gang:)
(djpeiguindj is clubpenguin username)
omg i said on last thing post are u givin them away im psychic lol
just hide them around clubpenguinand tell everyone that if they want them they have to find them
:( just one? plz answer me as a comment on my blog
Does it cost 30 dollars or not if it does that stinks
This is cool you should only give it to peaple that posted a comment on this web site.
i'm already a member & i have the yellow puffle!
anyway, you should ask everybody's name & then like raffle 'em!!!!!!
Hi Mimo-
I have a good idea. Why don't you give out a really hard question and the first person to get it right gets the gift card!! You can email me @ gochows@yahoo.com. Thanks Mimo777 ur great!
hi mimo,
you should ask a quiz about cp and the 1st person to get it right wins the card
This sounds great! Can you give me one ill let other penguins to visit this website
OMG you are sooooooooooo cooooooooooool. You could do who make the best name for a puffle or somthin
Oh gosh, mimo thats soo nice. But how many are you giving away?? only one?
u could put links on your site somewhere to give it away...mayb
wow, mimo are you giving away only one?? cuz that would be a reeall bummer. i've wanted to be a member for soooo long. but to the person that gets have fun and congrats!
I've got an idea:
A Design A Puffle Competition
People send in their ideas with:
A Picture of your ideal Puffle
What colour your puffle will be
What it's characteristics are
What it likes
What its favourite toy is
What its super play is
What tricks it does (with bubblegum and cookie)
What it does when the penguin dances
If your Puffle can do stuff in mini games and what one (like how red puffles can join you in Catchin' Waves)
And whoever designs the best dream puffle wins the membership!
can u plz give that to me plz????????u can email me at kukasartori@yahoo.com.br then i can tell u my stuff ok?
this is a cool website, Ifound it on thurs day and I think a way to advertize your website is send a email to club penguin suport asking them to advertize on there site were the disney stuff is.Also you can get a new penguin and tell every one about it. I hope to win the gift card.
(ps. zorros101 is my penguin name im usaul in yeti.)
Omg, wow that's so nice of you to do!! Lol, it surely will be a though decision to chose who gets it. Anyways best of luck to you during the holidays.
My advice is to have like a contest.
an, Now i wish i wanst a member lol
good idea ! my parents wont let me be a member cuz of the money.
well my idea's are:
.the ultimate club penguin quiz !
.do a crossword & first 1 to solve it wins
. ask paintboy100 and watex/fever to post ur site on their blogs
.just ge ppl to advertise it around
from xmissboohx (my penguin name..im usually on bellyslide in the english server)
Heres a list of ideas:
Wheather in Club Penguin
Sleds For The Pnguins
Guiness Book
4 Level Igloo
P.S Mimo please I am a member.But my friends aren,t.Please give the gift cards for them.I just wanna help you.You can give me a gift card,but I will give it to my friends.Anyway I will thenk you and I will be happy.
I think we should have a contest like have a find the word puzzle and people e-mail u what the words u hid represent and u pick the people that got it right and draw the names. then u e-mail them and ask them their adress, name, etc. I will elp u get more vissitors because i have a widget on my sitte and it says 2 go 2 clubpenguingang.com and it is a LOT of fun.
~~Sarah Skelton~~
Hey Mimo777 like i have a great idea k?
Well first u can go around CP and say like, "Go to clubpenguingang.com to get a yellow puffle and be a MEMBER!!!!!!!!" hey, it might work! just email me if u aprove of my idea k? my email is, thesilvertiger101@gmail.com k? Thanx!!!!!!
OMG im already a member but cool!
I will tell ppl
Dear Mimo
im already a member but i will advertise every time i go on cp.
my idea is to do an ultimate test of cp! :p
Hi! Oh and Pellowpuff Im ur buddy! im violet05!! Mimo I love this site!!
AMAZING!!!!!!!! lol!! Mimo777 YOU ROCK OUT LOUD!!!!! (PM me at the rate my penguin ok?) :):):):)
Yeah thats a toughie... But to settle it all just give it to me!! lol. i crack myself up...
wow u rock mimo!
i think we should all go to CP and say go to CPgang dot com
or we can make more websites sayin visit cpg or lol
if people have myspace we can make a little flag of CPG your the bast
i tell every one i see but no one listens . hey let's all say free membership to club penguin.
Hi there you could put cheat games on or fun actives on and if you want to you could make it famous if you want
Hey Mimo777 YOU TOTALY ROCK!!! I have a idea, how about you can make some type of scaventer hunt, and who ever you think does the best, (not who did it the fastest) gets it! And if you want to be my friend, im Difficool167, just send me 2 hola cards and i know it will be someone who reads this website.
But to who???
Hey Mimo i reckon u should do aacinom's idea, with the secret link and whoever finds it gets the card
and also i would've come to ur party (even though it was 3 in the mornin for me) but my stupid phone alarm didnt wake me up lol
hmmmm.... here's my ideas 4 now...
1) A comic strip contest?
2)a find it contest? like, there's a load of clues and u have to find the next clue, and the next, all over the site, 2 find the ultimate item.
3)a 'customize ure penguin' contest where you have to edit ure penguin card using screenshots (which u will probably have instructions 4)and theres quater finals, semil finals, finals, etc.
thanks 4 reading!
Omg!Thats great!Don't make it a contest,penguins would be sad becuz they lost.Make it like there is a hidden button on ur site!
p.s. I saw u today!
MIMO can you give me one membership card and ill work hard to let other penguins to visit this site. And mimo please just send me the card number on this email adress jshaube@yahoo.com
You r sooooo nice that u would do that. For a contest make them enter and print them all out and pick how many people u want to pick. how many r u givin away?? dont u want 2 hav it?? u r 1 of the nicest peoples in the world!!!!!!
ps i luved ur partay!!! i waz maddigirl29
hey mimo you should give them out to everybody so no one could be sad and hate club penguin and you should give them out to everybody in clubpenguin hey i no id be sad
I think you are sooo nice! I am already a member because I pay for it out of my alllouance! But Mimo, you should get your self a membership! At least then you could buy all the puffles you need :) Plus You deserve it! You have always helped us, we should aclualy refuse it and give it to you! LYLAB!!!
P.S. I figured out when and where your party was but I was to late:(
How about a contest? A writing contest. Maybe the person who writes the best Christmas poem.
I think you should just keep the gift card mimo!! You are so AWESOME! Just keep it and keep posting awesome cheats!
P.S The party was amazing. I finally got to meet u!
I have found a glitch:
First you have the black cowboy hat on and the bandanna around your mouth.
Then you open your player card to the part where you pick out your outfits. Then take of the hat first, then bandanna, then without doing anything else, you pick the the drumsticks and you play. As you look on the screen your penguin is playing the invisible drums!!!
I think that you should try to hold the hardest party and then the one person who finds you first you give then the card. But they may have to wear something or some color. When will you be picking the new member for Club Penguin Gang?I know a lot of cheats and glitches that I always post and they never get up on the site. ;) Mnsme
YOU MEAN..... TO EVERYONE? to who?...im lost=(
How do u become a clubpenguin gang member?
well i think that you should pick a name out randomly to choose who gets the gift, so that way everyone gets the same chance to win! No one will complain!
Sharpie Mark
cool a free membership man do i need that my member was banned forever because someone found out my pass word and then they swore on it and i think you know how it went but i think you should give it to the penguin who you think needs it the most. :) :)
i think people could maybe write in to u by postcard then pick a winner
so generous!!
p.s. luv the site :)
Wow, Mimo! I hope I win! I think you should have an Ultimate Game Competition, to think up a cool idea for a game. You would have to:
1. Think of a name.
2. Say what you would do in it.
3. Write where you would go to play it.
4. List the keys to control it.
5. Say whether it's single- or multi-player.
6. Say how the point-scoring works.
Then we leave a comment saying it, and the best one WINS!
Waddly Penny (that's my penguin name)
The pepson who most comments on you'r site should win it.
Thanx Crysatal97
Make a tough test on Nerdtests.
wow ur sooooo nice!! Thank you so much ur giving all of us nonmembers a chance to be a member lol. Thanks!
hey mimo about tell everyone on cp to go to ur website
a gift card for free?!!!
its tamiflu maybe you could see how many random people just send in cheats, glitches, etc. in a period of time (like a month or sumthing) and then count them up and whoever sends in not the most, but the most HELPFUL to other penguins and how many and whoever wins those gets it, but i might not have the best idea, thats just a little suggestion. thanks for the party!!
I will be giving away one card in December. If you look at Club Penguin's site, to send a gift card all you do is email it to someone! That's what I'll do when the time comes. Don't send me your email address yet!
Hi Mimo777 i think you should have the gift card bacause you worked hard on this site and you are so nice and kind. Tinlun
Really cool!
Thank you!
i think that you should give more than one away, i mean us non-members have had our hopes crushed yet AGAIN and we have waited twice and i think we should all get a giftcard. mimo777 you should give at least 50 away please think about it plez.
1.you could somehow advertise club penguin on the little bar that is on the top of the screen...
2.you could advertise it on the t.v., radio, or other things that people listen or watch on a daily basis.
3.you could advertise clubpenguin on google, ask.com, msn, yahoo, or other websites.
sorry i cant think of any more ideas except for dvertising it on stuff.
That sounds great!! Cause a lot of penguins can't be a member =( I know this sounds crazy but, you could go under cover and find a great penguin who really diserves one!
Maybe a competition, like a sled racing carnival or something?
i think that you should re visit every site on your ultimate links, beacuse a lot of people have just deleted cpg from their blogroll, so you are not getting as much traffic.
and its so awesome that ur giving away free membership!!! cpg is the first site to do this. a world first!
You should give to the people or person who donates the most coins on Dec. 14 for the coins for change.
My penguin name is Marakpa, And i Want one!!. Can you give me one? PLEASE!!!!!!!! :)
Hey :) Awesome party! Loved it. I'm already a member, so I won't need the 6 month Gift card. But still cool!
new 1 you cold make a pop up box thing or or or or ..............ill think
you should have a link then Amorese code address then a word seach to get one
mimo I think u should give it to the person who is above visitor to ute blog like commets lot and commets about positive things and goes to ure blog everyday
omg.i´m speechless how could you do do something so nice as that?well,i had an idea why don´t you get the people you most notice and have a comtest and see how much they deserve it.well i´ve been on you site for about sonce i became a member well see ya!
your biggest fan,
hi please can i have it i will but big liks and banners saying clubpenguingang.com rocks i will even pay to put it on google or yahoo
the idea is okay.-Cave Pengi
I would like to advertise your site. Please Contact
I do anything for this gift card so a can get a new pufles
Hello Mimmo! I think, maybe you should get on a certain server, and do a scavenger hunt. I think this would be the best idea for the person that wants the membership. Like my sister for example. She has the disease leukemia. Its where your white blood cells dont work as well as they should. She is currently in the hospital, and her favorite website is Club Penguin. We can't afford the membership, so we just do with out. Please let me know, her penguin name is agentaqua.
mimo777 thank you for this gift card chance I do anything for this thank you agian
You should go to other websites and ask them if you could advertice it on their website. then make cool banners on that website and then comes the more people! Or get your friends to talk about it on their websites!
I am a player of CP who might get a membership soon (I HOPE).
My point is, why don't you keep the membership for yourself. That, I do not understand (unless you ARE a member).
Secondly, if you were to give it away, you would have to find the adress, etc, which CP hate people doing (stranger danger, etc).
Finally, you don't really respond to many comments, which is sad. I hope someday, you will find time to respond and dicuss.
~ Penguin20688792
Ps- I wonder what the donation thing is about. Please post sometime later
I will
Have a non-member costume contest!!
Fliers to schools I could make some and Hand it out to my friends school kids.
you can also post on msn,yahoo,and especially myspace. There are millins of kids that have e-mail and Myspace.I really want a gift card and a membership. If I win e-mail me at
(ps. I blogged erlier.)
Mimmo, something is wrong with this. If we give you our email, hundreds of people will give you theres. What happens if you cant tell which one it will be? If you just post it on the site, everybody will email you.
Thats awesome! My idea is that if the contest is so that you are you able to get the yellow puffle, then lets let the thing be about puffles! We'll have a puffle party! See who is the most caring for their puffle! And if your wondering, this is Aquamarina78. I hope you like my idea!
i think you should create a penguin that we can all use and give the membership to that penguin so we can all have a turn at being a member
Hi mimo
Im really excited of getting FREE membership to cp and i think ur really kind for doing this to non-members but i dont really have any ideas but ill think about some!
i now how to be a free member do you want to now you have to find me in club penguin my penguin is rafass
Wow! You are soo nice! Also I think it should be a find-the-link competition.
You can take tour guides around saying some hidden items , cheats and others then say "all yhis stuff and more can be seen at" and say the website.
hey mimo!!
great idea... free member! i hope i win lol. ive been waiting for yellow puffles and... its for member.... ok here is my idea. think of a number between one and 1000 or something, and the first comment with the right answer wins!!! i can think of anything else!
asome! free membershipcards!
whoever helps the most in the wars could get a prize
Mimo you are awesome I couldn't of found all the stuff if you weren't here. I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaaallly want that membership card anyway your the greatest
I think I know how to win a war!
If you could please give me that Membership card I could tell you You may even know but plleeeaase.
I think the best way to get more penguin is to give more Club Penguin cheats and tricks to get more penguins. I can Help You if you want.
omigosh free membership COOL I'm already a member but I'd give it to my sister if i had it (shes not a mem) maybe you should have some kind of contest?
Why not have us put our adresses and you pull names? only idea. sorry if unsafe. but cool i want to be a member
hey mimo u should go around clubpenguin and say ur website and tell everyone about the cool things in have in there but dun ever tell out the cheats and glitches coz we wanna it to be a surprise!pls reply!
that is just wow !!!!!! I would want that , But no idea . Sigh from fruitydooty
i will tell all 22 of my friends and cousins u rockkk .Sorry,no idea
I think you have to get some more
cheats and some other tricks on
raffle!!!! we should raffle! but i hav to say, mimo, todays party was BORING
I think that the best way is to have a contest in club penguin then you can decide the penguin you like could be the winner e.g: Me maybe. i really want to be a member !
hello mimo777 i could help you by telling more people about the web site
You should have a scavenger hunt all over your website and whoever finds all the stuff first wins! That's soo cool you're giving out free memebership!
you should have a quiz and ask people quistens about the club penguin gang so only reguler visters can get it right and ask them to email the anser to you and who ever gets every single anser right wins it
ill help ill tell more people to come i promise
Guess what? I have already started to help you to get more penguins on your site. So than it could be popular. I would love to have a membership on club penguin!
Just give it to me!
wheres the gift card anyway ?
Hey Mimo,I was sooo right all along! That gift card was so u could buy your own yello puffle!!!! But I`m alredy a member...and I already have a yellow puffle. P.S. MIMOROXXX!!!!LOL!!!~ anonymous
I reckon you should have a hidden page and it says where a party is and you play hide and seek and the one who finds you the most gets the membership.
Guess what? I have already started to help you to make your site popular by getting more penguins to visit your website! If you want want to meet me i will be in the server called: Antarctica, and the room called: Ski Villiage. i would love to win a membership on club penguin!
Mimo777 I have a trick to tell you about first go to the clubpenguing website the on the top click the coffe shop door you are going to see a blue club penguing come out
Hi! If I win that gift card I would give it 2 my best friend 4 her B-Day! I think u should have a contest with clues that when u click on a picture it will tell u ur next clue and the first to complete it wins!!!!
you should have a contest about club penguin!
Wow! If you said this earlier i wouldn't have to pay for the membership! but anyway, cool!
If you have to get more people just advertise here and there!
But i think a rafle whould do it!
people submit a name to the raffle and you pick a random one and then say who won on http://www.clubpenguingang.com/
and everyone checks it out on the day when you posted it and then they claim it!
But thats all i can think of at the moment!
If you can you can make a game on Miniclip and if it's a good one they would go to the website where it was sent or made from. I once went on there and there was a really cool game and when it was loading it had the address of the website and I added that to my favourites.
I am rather desperate to get this membership card
you could put on ebay "free club penguin membership card" if you can get other club penguin webstes linked up with CPG (club penguin gang) that is what I think might work.
AWESOME that means we could get all new clothes and everything AWESOME
u can link it to google. mimo i will tell all the people at my school. i will make sure every knows about the site i will even mention it on club penguin pages on you tube but please i need it bad my parents are never going to let me be a member!!!!!
All My friends are on CP and i told them they waste they're time looking for stuff and now they come on CPG ALL THE TIME!
make a membership thing that you can send special cheats code via email and get their friends email if the friend alllows it. you can have a chart on your homepage that says Friend allowed me to pass on email please send cheats codes glitches in exchange fo friend's email. you can have your own gragh that keeps track of emails.
Hope my ideas are useful to you.
The special cheats, codes and glitches are a weekly thing.
maybe u should have like a contest to see who looks the best or a Quiz to see who knows club penguin the best!!
I have LOTS of frens who play club penguin...i can help you tell ALL the people i know who plays clubpenguin...
oh my god please save me a gift card i really want ont but what if you are a non memeber and already have 2 puffles??????????????? my penguin name is bluebloosom
you can just give it out on clubpaenguingang.comhere is how to do it:
hide a object around club penguin and we should email what the object is and where it is
Fluncy Fire
Sweet a FREE Membership! I think that i am going to fante!
the contest should be who can answer a test first the test should be hard and should have stuff about club penguin's past and present. the test should have some questions about u too
also, the person whose idea u pick should also get a gift card
Wow mimo this is great what your doing! how thoughtfull of you! Merry Christmas, Happy Chanakah, Happy Quanza!
maybe you should make a riddle here on clubpenguingang.com and let people answer it and whoever gets the right answer but one ? will it be available to one penguin or all
I know when I started up my web site I got afflates and thats how i got were im at today. I wouldnt be were im at today if it worent for my members or afflates my web site it for anmie anyone into anmie.
hi i am so desperate to win the free cp gift card. i hope my ideas are useful.
u should team up wit chewittt dude.yall would make a great team
I noticed my little sister tryed to buy a red puffle.And she had enough coins and it said you had to become a member to buy it.Will you or someone please write club penguin about that?
HI MIMO777! Coolstacy here! Mabye u should give away the gift cards away to people who really want a membership! My mom is always busy with my sisters so my mom says later!
Are you sure your parents is gonna allow you? Thanks nmimo your a life saver
hey mimo! its coolstacy!(my real name is stacy)I think u are so cool! that is so nice giving away FREE MEEMBERSHIPS!!! I think u deserve a 1 year membership! U are so cool!
thank mimo777 for this aportunidy thanks again a never forgive you buddy.
sweet thank mimo777.
thanks mimo777 for everything your the best buddy.
thank you mimo!!!i will sure help you on your site and i will play clubpenguin forever !!!!!hurray!!!!
thank one more time.
mimo777 thanks for this apurtunidy and wiil never forgive you mimo777 buddy your the best from cupidito5.
hey i cant understand... u will give this membership to one person?? who and how? and yes if u want me to recommend to other websites den do they have 2 personal or mere blogs?? please give m the information... n yes your website is really very great!
u should hold a one word search on ur page and the first person to know what the word is gets it...... <):-)
You should give it away to the coolest rate my penguin. and dont give it to a member!
um it will be like super hard to get it! MIMO DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE COME TO THIS SITE? MILLIONS!!!! no one is gonna win!!!!
and why dont u use the gift card on your self?
i think i now how u could put up like a thing on your website and click there so they can get the gift card but they need to give u there user name and password we trust u
You could have 2nd & 3rd get a plastic statue of you or another club penguin gang guy and then others would think that there is more of a chance and give you more ideas.
LOl! send it to 2danny67 and others that yo know
hOw do i gEt thAt.....?
to AlL?
oR only onE?
plZ... replY.....
im So excitEd...!
Why dont you just make the yellow puffles for nonmembers too for 1 month or a week that will give everyone a chance to get a yellow puffle good idea :)
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