The party was totally awesome! You all are so much fun! Take a look at some of the pictures from the party. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE PICTURES.

It took me awhile to get into the Night Club. It was full!
I will be having another party soon. I think I have a cool new way to have a BIGGER party so I can party with ALL of you! I'll let you know how it will work soon. It will be a blast. Do you have any good ideas on how to have a cool party?
Thanks for all of your good ideas! I will consider all of them. I will let you know soon. I will tell you that I will make it fair. I will not make it a hard contest or anything like that.
Just think, one of you will have a Club Penguin membership just in time from Christmas! WOO HOO! Thanks to all of you who are getting the word out about Clubpenguingang.com and the Club Penguin Gift Card give way! And thanks to all of you who are linking to this site. Keep it up! We need more links!
Tons of you have sent in to be my Ultimate Buddy and to be on my Ultimate Buddy List. Thanks you all! But I am very, very far behind in getting those posted. :-( I'm sorry about that. Please be patient. I will try to get caught up this week. You all are so much fun!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
I need a membeship!!! I love your site I use it everyday and I want my site to be in your ultimate links!
I need a membership, I love your site and I use it every day! I want my site to be in your ultimate links!!!!
Im sorry i couldn't be there i had to go to a fundrsiser
Sorry mimo777
Mimo are you boy or a girl?
p.s. Yay! First comment!
cool pics man
Your party was so fun! I'm coming to all your parties!
sweet pics i was there to i finaly met u mimo u are so cool
that was an awesome party! and i was wondering if ur buddy list is full?
Mimo! I've told all my friends who play c/p about your website and i'm going to link you from my blog!!! My blog is not much but i hope you appreciate the gesture! =) this site rocks!
sorry i couldent make it mimo :(
Squilers :D
i couldnt find you so i left
yeah are you a boy? ....i think so. dont you think the yellow puffle should be buyable to all people who play club penguin?
mimo r u boy or girl??? plz ANSWER!!! im dying with the curiosity!!
plz post this
im telling all my friends that they enter ur site!! IT ROCKS!!!
p.s. i guess ur a boy...
Ur buddy list isn't full!
in one of your pics u got a friend request!
and u can only get friend requests if ur list isn't full!!
yeh u probably wont post this lol
AWESOME party mimo!
I have a good idea for the contest. You could play hide and seek but with ALL the clubpenguin people that want the gift card and in every single server and every room. And tell us a day that you will be hiding. And whoever finds you and sends you a certain postcards first or something, gets the gift card!!! It would be really hard but SO MUCH FUN!
Hi mimoo777 i was not in any of the pics because i was at the dock talking to zoezoe11 and U firde im so lucky i get to be friends with them
hey when can i see you on club
I was in some of the pictures like two or three. My penguins name is daisydarr. Did you see me??? I saw you. Ufride and Zoezoe11 are my buddies! Dinnerrolls is also my buddy!
Hi Mimo777
Could you PLZ make the party at 8pm CPT (club penguin time zone) because I am on Australia and I'd really like to meet you on club penguin!
the party was sooooo boring it was the worst cp party i've ever been to!
-Not impressed penguin
why dont you just keep the membership card?
you never mentioned that the party would be other places in the puzzle thing
I think you should give it away by puting out kinda of what you o with your parties but really really hard and the penguins wo get it get put into a raffle and then you pick a penguin like that!
- viking1201
lol it was so annoying when everyone would say 'whos mimo!?'
HI MIMO! Coolstacy here! YOUR SITE ROCKS! I always come on here to check about the latest news+Cheat codes! Sorry i could not make it to your latest party. SEE YA SOON!
P.S I really think that you deserve a permitent C.P Membership!
hey how do u become ultimate buddies?
Mimo777, I wanted to go to your party. and... i DID! Please have another soon. Pwease. :-(
Allo', I am Mulefa- I am not a member- I want that girt card so much! I think it really should be a 'Design a Puffle' contest, with what the puffle would do when it ate, slept, played, ultimate played, walked and looked like. That would be so cool!
MiMo, P.S. When are you on club penguin? I never see you. I'm Kendreaa/Shannon824/Mike824/Reenaa.
Hello, it's Yoogu Birdie here. I think your website could be improved a lot but it's OK I suppose. When I go on CP then I always go on CPG as well. I would like to see more cheats on your website.
next time dont hide it(the party thing in the find word)is i can join in felt sad that it was in a find word(becouse i cant find it)
I wish you a Merry Christmas I wish you a Merry Christmas I wish you a Merry Chrtistmas......
And a good year next year!
I wasn't able to make it to the party (i was sick :P) but i'm sure u all had fun... Go mimo!! I can't wait for the 6 month membership competition (sorta) to start!! But thanks for being sooooooo nice and putting me on ur ultimate buddy list (that was a while back... oh well) See ya soon, hopefully at a party!
If you not can be a member and buy a Yellow Puffle ask a member penguin to invite you to thier igloo and then you can see the Yellow Puffle do all cool stuff. Manny are sad becourse they don't have a Yellow Puffle and I feel sorry for you ,the Yellow oan is the most fun ever!
Here it is:
Step 2.Say it
Step 3.See what happens!
People are asking why Mimo777 should keep his card. Here are some of my own answers:
1.It's Christmas! The Gift Cards are presents.
2. Giving is good and make you feel good.
3. Mimo777 is really generous, giving up his time to give you guys the best CP cheats ever!
Please reply Mimo777!
mimo do you have a friend that mite join club penguin gang called coco best?
also im on JAI UTD's buddy list WOOT! =D
hey hi mimo 777 i also end with 777 and also DONT PUT THE PARTY IN THE FIND A WORD (cos i dident get to find it):( :(
hi mimo777!
fencergal here.i REALLYREALLY want to go to your parties but i havent been able to find the clues and stuff...): could you PLEASE tell me how to find the clues? just how to find them will do...i'm not asking for the actual answer.
thanks a MILLION,
i didn't know there was a party darn well i did have a parade on the 2nd to go to so i probably did not know anything about it or i would of come
cool pics... i wanna meet u in club penguin plz...
Hiya Mimo! Your site r0x! Im snow dobby remember?!? You asked me to add you on my blogroll! Your site r0x! Please comment on my site ;-)
-snow dobby ;-)
i was there!!!!!
yay im in the voteo look on the night clun and im there yaaaaaaayy!!!!! w00t w00t
for the next party could you do put the time in english time because it is hard for me to come to your partys because i live in england and you put the time in american so please could you translate into english thanks!
i can see myself in the third picture!
ur party was sooo boring because there was too many people there so it was really slow. one of the worst cp parties ive been to ever
that party looked AWESOME!!!!!!!!im sry i couldnt be der though.i did the wordsearch but your timing wasnt right for me cos i was der a few hours b4 wit other ppls waitin wit me,but i had to go off. >:( im soooo MAD!!!!!!!!!
Can u plz make a party that is on one of the Aussie servers cause all of these parties ur having now are just too early!
R U A BOY OR GURL MIMO777?????!!!!
hey mimo its pellowpuff!
mimo your awesome and i got to be in the picture yay!!
im at the far left which is that way <
and i am your number one fan:-)
ps my sister pinkbely was there and she said hi.
i see me in two of them sweet pictures they make me happy.
hey mimo i need some advice and help, dont you think that there should be a card saying that iv missed you or missing you card? you know i really want a missing you card because one of my greatest friends has not come online at the same time as me so i really find it hard to contact him so i just want to tell him that i miss him...
so what do you think?
from cp lover "honey gal"
hey Mimo i couldn't figure out when the party was. =[ could you make the hints a little more easier??
Im going to ALL parties!!!! cool pic im in one
cool pic
I was in the iceberg pic!Man I wanted 2 b ur buddy but u full.I wished 2 b great friends.I'll wait tho.I was on this sitwe the first day it opened.i'm ur biggest fan!Plz b my friend
Mabye ur future friend,
Hi, this is Mulefa again- I wish I had been at that party! Your website is so cool, me and all my friends go on it all the time. And plus u know that people wonder if your boy or girl? I bet you are girl.
Hi Mimo
Well I think next time you should just tell us were the party is.
It was really hard to do the puzzle.:(
I didn't find it so i couldn't come.
I hope you give me the membership.
I love this website! On club penguin: can you meet me at the dojo on December 10th at 5:45 PM?
My name is Pinki19100 and I hope that we can be friends! Please repl y back to me by leaving a comment on this website! Ok?
What an interesting website! I am Joe Jonas (you probably know who I am) and I just got a club penguin account and I don't really know how to use it! I would love it if you gave me some tips on how to play because I think that this website is very interesting and funny! Oh! And to that Nick Jonas lover or whatever.....I will tell him that you like him! (If that is what you want me to do....... so anyway..... Yeah......to all of my fans.....THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT AND I LOVE YALL!!!!!!Come to our concerts! Bye!
hi nice stuff man! tell me when your having another party! i want to come to all of your parties! u should say it in your place where u type things so we know but the parties look fun!
i had to go to a soccer game and a soccer party
Ur party rocked!!! ill sooo be there for the next one
No fair! i wasn't in a picture but pellowpuff was *crys* :-( it's just not fair
Hey Mimo777 i wish people would be exicted to see me i have lots of room in my buddy list! but i don't have no web site of my own! :(
the puffle crying isn't a crying puffle see your self when you do the thing press = agen and youll see
are your parties clubpenguin time? are they at a.m or p.m? by the way how do you get so popular? i was trying to be like you (it didnt work!) P.S. i really luv clubpenguin!
mimo how do you create website p.s. because im gonna make one
Mimo! Can you meet me some time?
My name is Sheerkool and I LOVE your website!
P.S. Can I be one of your Ultimate buddys?
hi im lisa and specky101 cant get another membership because she gave me her membership so she should get it
wouldnt it be cool if club penguin had a alley between the town and plaza and the every week they would hide member items in it and you would have to find them and they would have a alley catalog where members and non members could buy the same stuff if you could tell clubpenguin about this it would be really great th8nks
Mimo I. Use your cheat site every day and showed my friends your site it rocks your next party on cp should be in like 2 months.
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