Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Christmas Holly pin.
Step 1. Go into the Coffee Shop.
Step 2. Now look on the plant in the corner on the left.
I love Christmas. I can't wait until the party!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Cool thanks
the pin looks really nice! [it is nice!] love it!!! =]
i really found that pin before...but thanx anywayz!
Nature joke : i can't wait for the party tooo !!!!!!!!
hi xmas roxs its the happy's day of the year
Yay! First Comment!
Where is the Christmas Catalog Cheats!?!
Found it! Tnx!
r u a member?
Mimo! I discoverd that the stage lights move when you click and drag on the lights in the stage!! (stage lights)
I like them lots and my name is winterfan and I go on frosbite most and all of the time
what servers do you go on mimo?? :>
I have a cool thing, on the front page, click on the penguin and he changes clothing. :)
silent magician,
that is not a new emote! it has always been there. people dont really use it that much, though. So I would understand if you didn't see it anywhere or see other penguins doing it.
has anyone heard of a golden viking helmet? I have one. But you cant get it anymore. I still remember how i got it. i got it in may and i remember, I got it when the blue viking helmet card thingy comes up, i clicked on the tiara and a the blue one turned to gold. Then it said on the card "Ooooooh! Ahhhhh! You have just found Club Penguins super secret Gold Viking Helmet!" and it was 1500 coins.
Hey, I loved the crying puffle glitch. Also, if you make it low rez and throw a snowball, the snowball looks like white you-know-what.
Hey Mimo do u no that when u press e and then w on the keyboard u get a chocolate icesream!
Its a cool pin. Have u seen the new emoticons?
The are so ace. But Mimmo 777, answer this. I have seen peole saying the new ice cream sign, but they can do it brown. how do they do this????
I need to know.
-From the gal that rocks.
P.S Post this.
P.S.S Post this pleaaaaase
Mimmo, I want u to have more parties. plz plz plz.
I think the pin is cool! Thanks for the help Mimo777! You rox my sox!
yea i luv the pin, its really festive! and i cant wait for the partay!! LOL
That is a cool pin totally! I can't wait for the Xmas party. It sounds fun, although I don't know what it's like since I was new to CP this year. MERRY XMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Waddly Penny (penguin name)
I click on the pin but nothing happens!!!
to pick up the pin u hav 2 walk over it to hooever didnt get it.
i ove the new pin alot i want to see the naxt pin that comes out bye
i have a funny glitch:
1:go to the town
2:go to he dance club
3:stand behind the speaker the green puffle i standing on
4:say anything and it looks like the puffle is talking
can i please have a holly pin please
anonymous u r in the 8TV right? my penguin name is "My Jay Pingu".Add my msn buddy_lim@hotmail.com
Anonymous said...
r u a member?
wow this is deep club penguin cheats man! well no and yes. mimo wasnt a member until recently. by recently, i mean janurary 2009. lol im answering this so late lol i was just skiming through lol.
Later CPG!
Gamer12356 (CPG Mod) doubt it counts though lol
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