Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How old are you? And you STILL play Club Penguin?

Ok, here is another Club Penguin hot topic...

How old is TOO old to play Club Penguin?

If you are OLD, like teen old, then WHY do you still play?

BTW, today is 9-10-11! WOOT!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


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Anonymous said...

I thought mimo was like 18 lolol

leno aka alex said...

im 14 hbu mimo?

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 and I still play. I don't spend hours at a time on it though, I'll play a few games to earn money to buy new clothes and furniture, decorate my igloo, and that's pretty much it. I don't care what anyone else says about I'm too old to be playing CP, but I honestly don't ace.

Anonymous said...

I'm only 13 I only Club Penguin only when I'm bored or I just get stuff...

Anonymous said...

How old are You Mimo?

Anonymous said...

I'm 15 Years old and i'm playing since the 1st Anneversity Party on Club Penguin... thats maybe 4 years, or i dont know :D

mimoisaspoiledbrat said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Im Turning 11 MOnday !

Anonymous said...

i'm 11 and i still play full heartedly

Braceface27 said...

Im 14! :D

I think over 18 is too old to play CP. And yeah, I don't care what people say. It's fun!


Braceface27 said...

Anonymous said...
How old are You Mimo?

Mimo has never said (i don't think). He doesn't want people to know personal information.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Braceface27 said...

Anonymous said...
Im Turning 11 MOnday !

Happy Birthday!

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Im 9 Years Old and i Play Penguin! I like this game.

Braceface27 said...

Tomorrow is September 11th. *Puts hand over heart*


Anonymous said...

I'm 14 and I still play! :P

Anonymous said...

Im 15 and I still play...ITS SO ADDICTING!!! MUST RESIST!!!! I gotta find a way to get rid of this membership...maybe if I get rid of membership then I would stop playing...hmmm

Sjheerts said...

im 12 and i still play

Anonymous said...

I'm 102
LOL...JK. I'm 16 :P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i am 12-Toffee8899

Wwerocks88 said...

The pic is kinda freaky... xD

Braceface27 said...

Anonymous said...
Im 15 and I still play...ITS SO ADDICTING!!! MUST RESIST!!!! I gotta find a way to get rid of this membership...maybe if I get rid of membership then I would stop playing...hmmm

If you REALLY TRULY want to cancel your membership, you can do so in your Parent Account.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Unknown said...

im 15 and i still play. when i was 12 my friend was trying to get me to stop playing but i wouldn't listen to her. i dont even go on that much unless somethings happening like a party or a new clothing catalog.

Pinkrosie909 said...

Im 13. I think 18 is too old to play. i know some 16 year olds who still play! And its not like we are on 24/7, we just go on for parties and missions and stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

im 11 and dont play cp unless something new comess out

Anonymous said...

im pretty sure mimo is 14 but started his website when he was like, 9 or 10

Anonymous said...

i'm 13 and I play club penguin like once a week. I'v been playing for like 4 years now. I think 18 would probably be too old top play, but isn't mimo like 18 by now?

Kattelyn said...

I am 17 and a girl. Yup, 17. I'm not kidding. I am sure I am the oldest person here. And it's not like I'm a creep or anything, I just go on there about every two weeks when there is a pin or a party or something. I have been playing for 5 years... why stop now? If I enjoy it, there's no reason I should stop.

Why put an age limit on fun? :3

KittieKats :P x said...

I really don`t care, I`m 14, and will be 15 on Halloween ( I know, best day to have a birthday EVER!) It`s a laugh....

Jack said...

I'm 14

and it is a great fun

Marth2187 said...

I am 16 but i dont play too much at CP i only go in to get the items and see the partys how they look like but i like better Star Trek Online.

But you still rock mimo!!

Anonymous said...

im 14 and i still go on occasionally if im bored

Weird Owe said...

I turn 12 on the 29th and I still play. But only with a membership. No membership right now so I am not on a lot anymore

StiliyanGadzchev said...

I'm 13 and a half and I play the gamefor like 3-4 years. At a moment, I wasn't playing at all, except parties and pins, I just would have felt gilt if I just stop playing. Latelly, I started playing more and now I log in at least 2-3times a weak, sometimes more. I don't thing there is an age to play Club Penguin. At the page, where ClubPenguin has written their awards, there was a coment from a grandma, who used the game to connect her grandchildren from another country and loved it! I can't emaginne stop playing it!

sprocket07 said...

I don't play that often, and I'm-

Wait a mo'... Isn't the number 1 rule of being a kid on the internet is to not give out last names, and your age?


Cuddlesnowy said...

I'm 17, and although I don't play CP as much as I used to when I was 12/13 (not to keen on some of the recent changes, like the lack of point and click adventure missions,), I still enjoy and play it.
Why? I guess I'm a big kid!

Anonymous said...

Um... aren't u like freakin 80 years old? in the unwraping wii game (Cp game day) thingy, your hands were HUGE and red! And didn't u say poster, it was an adult's voice.

theAlex said...

I'm a sophomore, and I still play Club Penguin for 10 min. a week. I log on to Club Penguin to get the free items!

Anonymous said...

Im 13 and I play cause I can!And idk its fun

Anonymous said...

I am 12 and i still play. I play because ive been playing for a long time now, and its become sort of like am addiction. But i DO like it.

Anonymous said...

Im twelve. And my club penguin name goes back when i was a cub in cub scouts. Agcub. Now, i use Agboy on everthing else. If we could change nick names, i would change it to Agboy.

Anonymous said...

im 14 and i just go on to be mean to others :b

Anonymous said...

12 is toooo old to play and care about stupid rockhopper

Anonymous said...

i check this blog to see what club penguin is failing at try to make a good game

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you know this yet mimo but there is a dance you can do with the full water ninja set!

Tahmid said...

In 2009 mimo was 13 its been almost 3 years mimos almost 15 :D

Anonymous said...

I'm 15 and only play Club Penguin when there's something new or if I'm going to meet someone online. I tend to only get on if I have an active membership, if not I get on every other week at most. Right now with school I can't really get on as much; most of my free time is taken up by homework or other things that take priority over CP. Club Penguin should be rated ages 5-105 XD


Aosc2 said...

Im 13 but I still play. CP is cool. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm turning twelve on 11/26. I dont care if some people say im too old! I think old-ish will be 20; i mean, come on, i bet at twenty you'll be alot more busy than being 18.

Anonymous said...

I'm 11 but I still play Club Penguin even when my friends say that it's a baby game, but I still like playing it. I've been playing for 3 years and 310 days and I'm proud of it!


Smallpengi12 said...

I am 11 and I still play Club Penguin. I am totally addicted. I have a Club Penguin blog, get monthly memberships and I log on every day. Any chance to play on CP is a good chance! In my opinion, you can be any age to play Club Penguin. As Kattelyn said, why but an age limit on fun?


Anonymous said...

Im 14. Friends say i shouldnt play, but I dont care. Sometimes I spend a lot of time playing, sometimes not.

Ps: Mimo is 14 or 15.

Wwerocks88 said...

I'm almost in High School and I still play! :P

Anonymous said...

ummm wow i just remembered, ive been playing cp for 3 years now!

pengi05721 said...

im 11

Braceface27 said...

Anonymous said...
12 is toooo old to play and care about stupid rockhopper

Who cares what you think? I'm 14 and I still play AND get excited about stuff.

Nobody likes a hater.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Braceface27 said...

I like that people are like "I'm 11 and I still play." STILL?!?!?

I'M 14!


Tommy88696 said...

im 9 and a half im quitting at 14 and a half

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 in like a month. I deff don't play every day but I still like to keep my account up.

Anonymous said...

I am 13 and I will play CP forever (with membership)

Anonymous said...

well, your 16 and you play club penguin to get money from you blog. Dont need to ask you if I'm right, because i am.

LISA673 said...

i am 11 love ur blog but club penguin can get bit boring i only play it theres party our cool catalogs

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 and i play club penguin all the time

Johny 4 said...

Im 14 and I stopped playing a month ago.

Josen said...

im 8 years old, i only go on it mostly for the parties when my friends want to and to decoratemy igloo, also to feed my puffles. I usaually go on sploder or facebook, or im in school, im in
4th grade!

Anonymous said...


Splash Man 1 said...

I'm 17. I love this game. Its fun and I have a ton of friends who are my age too that I talk to on cp and on youtube. The games and stuff are awesome. I loved decorating my igloo or wearing cool outfits

my penguin is 1532 days old. :D

Kalifunfans said...

Im 34 and play well almost daily,

cart surfer for 100k coins while watching tv.. then I let my 10 year old girl spend the COINS

but im 34 and still waddling

Braceface27 said...

Anonymous said...
well, your 16 and you play club penguin to get money from you blog. Dont need to ask you if I'm right, because i am.

This blog is NOT run by or affiliated in any way with Club Penguin. Mimo runs it by himslef and with him family.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

mimo u shuld do another contest

Anonymous said...

im 11. i go in when theres something new or im bored.
i bet mimo is around14.

Mimo777 said...

Wow so many people stopped reading my blog just because i posted a post SOME people didn't like?

PEOPLE I'm 16!!!

Anonymous said...

Kalifunfans said...
Im 34 and play well almost daily,

cart surfer for 100k coins while watching tv.. then I let my 10 year old girl spend the COINS

but im 34 and still waddling


Anonymous said...

I'm a teenager. And yes, I still play Club Penguin... usually I'm on when there's new stuff, etc. Likely, some people say I'm too old for Club Penguin. But, I'm never too old for it. :)

Anonymous said...

im turning 12 on 10/17/11 same month and day eminem was born. yeah thats right:D

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 and play,I remember reading that its aimed for up to 14 year olds so I'm young enough lol.I usually play when there are parties and for the missions and games but I never chat with anyone on there because they are kind of a lot younger than me :p

Anonymous said...

i play club penguin since i'm 6 and i still play with 12! :D

Anonymous said...

I'm 14 and I still play. I don't play it as much that I used to when I was like 11 but it's still really fun to go on with my BFF and she is 15. Who cares how old you are. One day when I'm like 20 or something I'll probably remember cp and come back on to see how cp has changed.

Anonymous said...

12 almost 13... you're never too old for cp!

Mrs Lamaine said...

Dont make fun! I am 12 and I still play, my Grandma plays and my mom plays to! You are never to old to play CP!

1 more minute mom! said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Turk Ois said...

I'm not very old, but our Grandma plays a few times a week when my little brother or little cousin go on. Playing Club Penguin is one of the ways she stays in touch with them.
I think you should play if you want to no matter how old you are.
As long as you don't act all creepy or something.

Anonymous said...

I'm 12. The reason I still play is because I don't have anything else to do on the internet.

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 and I am still playing because it is fun and my penguin is slightly rare, being over 1100 days old. I don't thInk there is any respectable age, because if you don't get bored after 5 or more years you deserve to keep playing!

Anonymous said...

Well, the date in places like the UK and Australia the date is 10/9/11. Not 9/10/11 till the 9th here!

Well, I think 10 should be the age you stop playing. Im a teensy bit older, and I play it when im bored. But aren't you like 16 or something arather!

Anonymous said...

Josen, arent you meant to be 13 to get an account on FaceBook, MySpace etc.

Anonymous said...

I'm 12 Years old and i play club penguin for the same reson i played when i was six
Now it's full of Bay bees (really? Bay bees?) And online daters uppies wolfs vampires twilight people and annoying mean people! I don't hate new club penguin thoue i think all websites get new every day! Cant just stop adding updates all to getter!

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 and I still play weekly. I've been playing CP since I was 9. I check this blog daily cuz this blog is by far the best blog regarding CP.

PS Don't ever quit playing Mimo

PPS My grandma is 68 and she still play CP

Anonymous said...

Im 15, and kinda do play. There is something about that just entertains me. And im sometimes im depreesed and I dunno playing games on there just calms me down

Anonymous said...

Im 15, and kinda do play. There is something about that just entertains me. And im sometimes im depreesed and I dunno playing games on there just calms me down

Anonymous said...

Dude I think over 14 is enough people playing a kids game at age 17? That's just creepy for me unless you blog about funny stuff or cool cheats but if not you are probably scamming kids and robbing them :P

Anonymous said...

Dude I think over 14 is enough people playing a kids game at age 17? That's just creepy for me unless you blog about funny stuff or cool cheats but if not you are probably scamming kids and robbing them :P

Anonymous said...

I'm 16 and still play occasionaly. It's probably too old and I'm SURE that if i told my friends they would think I was a bit wierd, but I just play for laughs. It's fun and makes me feel little again.

Anonymous said...

Im 12 I ushually only play when theres something new or theres a party and I surprised like 90% of the people that commented say they were 11 or older.

Anonymous said...

Ok a comment says they are 34 what the heck! Freak I'm ten and I'm gonna give my account away some time in about four-two years

Big Geraldo said...

I`m 15, well, almost 16. I DON`T play CP now, because it`s not fun to me anymore, because of my age.
I only go to CP, when new pin is released to pick it up. I also go on CP when new clothing catalog is out to buy some backgrounds.
I don`t want to quit CP at all, because I am CP cheats blogger.
Also, I don`t want to forget about the great time I spent on CP, when I was younger. If I will quit it, I will probably forget, and all those memories will wanish, that`s sad. Also, I`m not american or Englishmen, so sorry for my bad English.

How old are you, Mimo?

- Assnfiks

That guy. said...

ok my big brother still plays club penguin and he is like 17 lololol. im only 13 but im still wondering if that is too old :L btw that was my big brother Christopher who said he was 17 yesterday NOT ME!

That guy. said...

ok im JOEY546 big brother and im 17 and i still play! it ADDICTING! even tho my freinds at school dont no i play i prefer to keep it that way couse they will so make fun of me if i tell. But i pay for my own membership and it is so addicting! i find Club penguin addicting couse there is new stuff EVERY friday!! likethe new pins,catalog,stamps,parties and more!i tried to quit ages ago couse my mum said i was too old to play but i just could do it. Club Penguin is like a drug to me! :D :D :D im gonna play club penguin until i die :D

Anonymous said...

Im 17 and yes i no some of you might think it is sad but i still lve club penguin with all my heart! i have been playing since i was 13 and i still do. its just so sarn addictive! i play for at least 2 hours a day lol. man im cool ha ha

Anonymous said...

btw mimo how do we reply to peoples comments?? couse i see people doind like a line then replying ion peoples comments. how do i do that!?

Anonymous said...

I'm 12. I don't why I still play it. At least once a day a check your website mimo, and you always help me on cp. I usually play games, buy clothes, buy furniture and I always go on cp when there are parties!.

Rob557, I'm Australian too.

Dropthebird said...

I don't think you can be too old! I mean, the people who create it are adults, and they enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

Yea, I'm 14 but I just go on 4 new stuff. I enjoy collecting the items and showing off their rarity! :p 18 is probs too old... :/ keep going strong Mimo!

Anonymous said...

I'm 13 and ive been playing since i was 8 when i got my membership. yeah i know it might be a waste of money to have a membership for 5 years, but its still fun.

Anonymous said...

HOLY COW I'M OLD! dsfjkdshfdjkfa!!
im 15 turning 16 soon..

daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope)) said...

Josen said...
im 8 years old, i only go on it mostly for the parties when my friends want to and to decoratemy igloo, also to feed my puffles. I usaually go on sploder or facebook, or im in school, im in
4th grade!
ur in 4th grade and ur 8?? im 9 and im in 4th grade
and u have a facebook?? o.O

daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope)) said...

im 9 and im gonna play FOREVER
the pic is kinda freaky

Anonymous said...

im 11 :)
i think over 14 is when you stop playing. or 13.

Anonymous said...

I'm 13...hehehe :))

I started playing CP in the 3rd grade and now I'm in the 7th grade and I still play (but not as much). :D's still fun...

Pottingmix said...

I'm 11 almost 12. Still pretty old for CP considering that most of the players are 5-9 years old. I play when I am bored.

28883penguin/Puffle Pie said...

I am thirteen going on fourteen. I play Club Penguin for 2 hrs. a day. I have been playing since I was seven. I enjoy it very much. I belive eighteen is too old. (p.s. my website is still underconstruction) Also I remember a few years ago Mimo siad he was fourteen, so he has to be older than that now... :)

уσυg3 said...

Anonymous said...
How old are You Mimo?

Braceface27 said....

Mimo has never said (i don't think). He doesn't want people to know personal information.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Mimo has released his age, he is 13 or 14 currently.

28883penguin/Puffle Pie said...

Anonymous said...
well, your 16 and you play club penguin to get money from you blog. Dont need to ask you if I'm right, because i am.

This blog is NOT run by or affiliated in any way with Club Penguin. Mimo runs it by himslef and with him family.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)


Actually I am pretty sure he is sixteen. And yes he does get money for this site. He has advertisements and Blogspot pays you for the more followers of your blog that you have. You can see when you create your own blog here. And also Mimo has to approve of these messages and he wouldn't approve it if it wasn't true.

ccs46 said...

i have heard mimo is like in colange! and why is today so happy we are going to die tomarrow al-quidea is gona keel the usa take cover p.s im americain

klayrahx7 said...

im 18! i feel like I'm the only one still playing this at this age...i only play to get the pins because i have almost every pin also i play to get the free stuff...

Phillies KId said...

im 11 turning 12 i already quit thanks disney for runing my favorite game
~Phillies Kid

mario30206 said...

im 11(i bet mimo is like 16) and i only play when theres partys and when i get bored. because club penguin is making a bunch of stuff members only. (MAKE MORE STUFF FREE CP!) oh and my guess for the age limit is 1 to when you die lol.


Phillies Kid said...

P.S im turning 12 on the 30th this month and guess what i know a kid in my grade we were born on the same day and same hosptil but we are not related
~Phillies Kid [kinda freaky huh]

willkdh said...


That guy. said...

im 13 and i still play club penguin XD yes i no i have said this before but i just wanted to comment again lol. But you no what you cant put an age on fun :) becouse this game is very hard to get bored of lol. disney made Club Penguin waay better!

Anonymous said...

im 16 and i kinda still play and i have been playing it for 10 YEARS. no kidding im thinking of quitting soon i just go on for partys and missions

Anonymous said...

im gonna play cp till i die! (PS im 8 right now) ~Pups2003

Weird Owe said...

Phillies Kid said...
P.S im turning 12 on the 30th this month and guess what i know a kid in my grade we were born on the same day and same hosptil but we are not related
~Phillies Kid [kinda freaky huh]

OMG! I turn 12 on the 29th! That is so cool! What grade are you in? I am in 7th!

Angjelo Mhilli said...

Woo? Why cheer about 9/11? This is day for moarning, not cheering.

Also, I'm 14. I don't play much or at all, though.

Crabspider32 said...

I'm 14, and I still blog for this game and play it everyday. :D

star zone said...

I am 19 and still find this game fun. I was 14 when I started playing.

MrPeanut 207 said...

im 12 and i play, i wanted people to view this site a i talked to people in my class about it and they were inda mean to me about it but i told them that i dont care what they thin of me :-)

Punky41 said...

I'm 16, playing since May 2006 but now I just play a few minutes per week. I think after 18, people will stop playing or just to get free items.

Anonymous said...

I'm 10+ and I LOVE playing Club Penguin. I have many mix n' match figures and 252 stamps. I'm a new member but an old player. I started on 29 October 2008. I have 104 pins. I have Game Day. Many people in my class were playing CP. They quit. But I'm not gonna quit CP. I think it's the best virtual world ever.

Anonymous said...

I'm currently 15 years old but I've stopped playing CP when I was around 12 or 13 Years old. Why? Well it's basically: 1) It got a bit boring for me ,2) School work takes a lot of my time, 3) I found some other games which are a bit more fun (by that I mean it doesn't get too "repetitive")

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way wht do you make weird topics about CP? People like playing CP! If you're asking these questions, I think you don't like playing CP. Then stop playing CP and this website!

Anonymous said...

im 14, i only get get on to get new pins and when im bored, sometimes you can have a lot of laughs on here, oh and for partys, just to see everything and collect anything, and for the BIG missions not the little ones out once a week.

SmartDj said...

I am 14 i dont play but just get stuff :P

Anonymous said...

im 10

acter boy 1

Anonymous said...

Kattelyn said...

I am 17 and a girl. Yup, 17. I'm not kidding. I am sure I am the oldest person here. And it's not like I'm a creep or anything, I just go on there about every two weeks when there is a pin or a party or something. I have been playing for 5 years... why stop now? If I enjoy it, there's no reason I should stop.

Why put an age limit on fun? :3
I toatally agree :)

Anonymous said...

15 yrs old

Unknown said...

Im 14, but this coming november 27th, my membership runs out... and i'm not going to renew it :( This is my last couple of months on club penguin. My 15th birthday is the last i will see of it :/ Gosh im gonna miss it.. I have been on for years :L Xxx

Unknown said...

I'm 16 and I still play almost every day. I just like meeting new people and hanging out with cool friends :)

tydubz said...

Im 11 and i play, its loads of fun to play so old teens can play as well as people who are 5 or 6

Trainman1405 said...

I'm 16, been playing since I was 11. :S

I mostly just go on to blog for the updates and stuff since I have nothing better to do.

Swim Rocket said...

im 42 and i still play

Anonymous said...

i have been playing from the start of cp and im 13 and still play because i love seeing what cp will do next. oh and i love the epf stuff. i wish they would make some more missons.

Anonymous said...

im ten

Anonymous said...

Mimo... I know your not a nine year old... Even though I'm eleven we all know your above your age limit...

Jasminejazz2 said...

LOL. The only thing that gets me to play Club Penguin, is Mimo. Checking out his blog, etc. That's why I can't stop (=
And I just realized, I'm turning 12, and I started playing CP when I was 8 or 9 i think, because of my friend!

Braceface27 said...

28883penguin/Puffle Pie said...
Anonymous said...
well, your 16 and you play club penguin to get money from you blog. Dont need to ask you if I'm right, because i am.

This blog is NOT run by or affiliated in any way with Club Penguin. Mimo runs it by himslef and with him family.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)


Actually I am pretty sure he is sixteen. And yes he does get money for this site. He has advertisements and Blogspot pays you for the more followers of your blog that you have. You can see when you create your own blog here. And also Mimo has to approve of these messages and he wouldn't approve it if it wasn't true.

But Club Penguin does not pay him for it. He gets money from the ads. I'm pretty sure he meant CP was paying him.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Im 21 and i am playing club penguin :P
my little sister (12 years old) loves this game and i love it too ! she told me one day about this club penguin and ... i love it !

(sorry for bad english)

acter boy 1 said...

ummmm mimo on the start up screen there is the puffle launch app and did you notice there is no Herbert on the title screen

acter boy 1

and im 12 and i still find it fun to play until then waddle on

Flafy123 said...

MIMO! check the main club penguin page! theres an mobile app option! 12.hbu?

Whitefrost11 said...

I am 16 and go on for parties and stuff. Otherwise, I have no time due to too much homework.

Anonymous said...

I am 15 years old and I started playing when I was 11 :d I don`t log in as much as I used to, I log in once at a few read the newspaper and to get the pins! :d Btw...the parties are still soooo coool <3 I will keep playing Club Penguin untill I`ll get bored ;d And that won`t happen soon ^_^


Phillies Kid said...

P.S im turning 12 on the 30th this month and guess what i know a kid in my grade we were born on the same day and same hosptil but we are not related
~Phillies Kid [kinda freaky huh]

OMG! I turn 12 on the 29th! That is so cool! What grade are you in? I am in 7th!
i just started 6th grade this year i could have been in 7th but i failed a test when i was younger so i was out in pre first lol
~Phillies Kid

Anonymous said...

CP FOREVAA!!*jumps on laptop and plays cp* ~Pups2003

Coobreedan said...

I'm eleven, and I'm one of three in my whole school to play it still.

Anonymous said...

im 13 :D

kisss.ex said...

im 33 and play cp. just jokin.. im 20. most likely the oldest person. i dont care. go say what ever you want

Anonymous said...

im 21 and i play cp

Anonymous said...

i'm 15 and i play to get cool items and stuff ^^
not as crazy as i used to be but i still play the games

Anonymous said...

Im 11 and i quit. XD 13? half thr people are probably lying bout the age anyways

Anonymous said...

my bff's sister just grauated high school an in collage and plays cp and moshi monsters! lol its real.i went to her house yesterday and she was play moshi monsters.

Anonymous said...

I became 14 two days ago and I still dont think of leaving CP (but I just log in if theres a event,pin or something new :) I dont think 18 is too old to play I think everyone can play (if they want), whatever age they are.

-Sory for my wrong English :P)

Kat (pandaribbon) said...


Fisheater145 said...

I'm like 11. I still play because I blog. I will not quit anytime soon. Other than that I still play because of the items and parties.


musicjam19 said...

im 13 and i just check the cp news

Anonymous said...

im 13 xD

gnarlygurl said...

Well mimo, I'm almost 16 and I only play for the missions. CP doesn't make my life or anything I just think that the missions are fun and very addicting. I only visit your website to see if there's any new missions coming up. I don't really care for the parties like everyone else does.I would understand like a 19 year old still playing but I mean once you start when you're young, you cant stop!

Anonymous said...

Im almost 14. I rarely play CP anymore. It got boring cause you never know if they will change any features or not.
It just got old after a while. With all the dating n00bs and bietchy preps. It got lame.

daphnie58245 (CPG mod (i hope)) said...

ive read all 119 postes

Anonymous said...

im 15 (;

Anonymous said...

im 25 ! lol :)

Harry Speake said...

I am 13 and I play it mimo what age are you???

Harry Speake said...

Mimo i am 13 and i only go on cp when a party's on. what age r u???

Miki5258 said...

I am 12! I have friend that has 27 years and plays Club Penguin 24/7!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm 15. I play sometimes lol :P


kimosabe550 said...

My age is 100 and I still play Club Penguin, inside my grave! Just kidding, I'm 12 and thinking to continue playing CP in 13 years old :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! I turn 12 on the 29th! That is so cool! What grade are you in? I am in 7th!


your in 7th grade and you turn 12 at the end of september? im surprised. if i was turning 12 at the end of september, i would be in 6th grade. i am in 7th grade btw, just turned 13.

Anonymous said...

I'm 16 and still playing, along with Pinktuks, i think my penguin days are 1631 days!

sammywrinkle said...

12 1/2

dylnsprse said...

I am 11 1/2 and I get on when there are parties or if I'm meeting my friends online. My penguin is 1533 days old.

p.s. It's not even my oldest penguin I forgot my password to one that is probably at least another year older.

p.s.s. I like pickles

Unknown said...

I am going to be 19 soon, I now only get to CP just to get the pins or free items. My sister plays CP and whenever she can't get online I get her all the free stuff.

I keep my account because at some point CP will be old and I will be the few old pengs there.

Anonymous said...

I'm Fourteen I only log in once in a while to check things out but when I got rid of my member ship I only log in ever three months :P

Anonymous said...

Im 9 and a half,just a few more months till my birthday
XoXo Katy

Anonymous said...

im 10 and i still play it is so fun

Anonymous said...

guys- im 35. do u think im too old? my mom (i live in her basement) says i should stop playing club penguin and move out. help!

Weird Owe said...

Anonymous said...
OMG! I turn 12 on the 29th! That is so cool! What grade are you in? I am in 7th!


your in 7th grade and you turn 12 at the end of september? im surprised. if i was turning 12 at the end of september, i would be in 6th grade. i am in 7th grade btw, just turned 13.

Yeah, I have a late birthday. BTW it's Weird Owe. Forgot to put my name. Happy early birthday, anyway!

Weird Owe said...

Ignore my last post on happy early birthday, I thought it was Phillies Kid but NVM.

Weird Owe said...

Phillies Kid said...
P.S im turning 12 on the 30th this month and guess what i know a kid in my grade we were born on the same day and same hosptil but we are not related
~Phillies Kid [kinda freaky huh]

OMG! I turn 12 on the 29th! That is so cool! What grade are you in? I am in 7th!
i just started 6th grade this year i could have been in 7th but i failed a test when i was younger so i was out in pre first lol
~Phillies Kid
Ah... Anyways, happy early birthday!

BillyBob said...

Club Penguin is a fun game for everyone to enjoy. Not just, younger kids.

Braceface27 said...

dylnsprse said...
I am 11 1/2 and I get on when there are parties or if I'm meeting my friends online. My penguin is 1533 days old.

p.s. It's not even my oldest penguin I forgot my password to one that is probably at least another year older.

p.s.s. I like pickles
Wow! I'm like 1300 days old. If you have a parent account you can get your password sent to it.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

P.S. I like pickles too!

Allie said...

Thirteen... I'd have quit playing. But on my birthday, I got a membership card - I actually tried to quit the day before my 13th birthday, but it would be impolite for a perfectly good gift to go to waste ;)
So I plan to start playing for another month, starting a few days into the new Fall Fair! It's sort of like a tradition for me now... I'm over 2,000 days now and I've seen a lot. I'd miss CP way too much if I don't play every once in a while. :)

Phillies Kid said...

P.S im turning 12 on the 30th this month and guess what i know a kid in my grade we were born on the same day and same hosptil but we are not related
~Phillies Kid [kinda freaky huh]

OMG! I turn 12 on the 29th! That is so cool! What grade are you in? I am in 7th!
i just started 6th grade this year i could have been in 7th but i failed a test when i was younger so i was out in pre first lol
~Phillies Kid
Ah... Anyways, happy early birthday!
thanks you too i like to go on this site to see what is happening to cp i only go on when my little cousin comes over and wants to go on
~Phillies Kid

Anonymous said...

i am 10 years old ind i still play club penguin its an awesome game i played it 2 years ago

Buddytoe said...

I just turned 13 a few weeks ago. I've played Club Penguin since I was 9. I still play it because I still like it, and other people's opinions won't make me quit. I don't really care if someone tells me I'm too old to play it.

I will only stop playing it when I stop liking it, or being EXTREMELY busy everyday, or any other important reason.

Water said...

please know that i am doing research on how old kids should play cp. when i started this research, im sadly addicted to cp still. I am almost gone from cp but I still love checking this blog. Here is some of my research I've found:

1. Kids under 9 years old playing CP is okay playing cp
2. Kids 10-12 need to stop playing Club Penguin or they will have a hard time later in their years with school, job, etc.
3. Teens still playing CP are really addicted and usually they have membership. Removing their membership for a year will help them stop playing cp.

I am almost fully gone from CP, and maybe my last time seeing I love this blog and as a fan of this blog can you post my research for me, my friend still checks this blog as he is 8 and I want him to say you posted my research on your blog. Thank you Mimo777 and I hope you have a great day!


Naamee said...

why doesn't the guy in the pic have a nose?

Naamee said...

hehehehehehe weird guy lacking facial organs hehehehehehe.

Anonymous said...

I'm 14 and....i still play club penguin :P but i keep this secret to myself and nobody else knows

crewy said...

i'm 17:)))
i play cp from 2006 and i dont think i will give up very quickly

somebodyputoutthefire said...

Josen said...
im 8 years old, i only go on it mostly for the parties when my friends want to and to decoratemy igloo, also to feed my puffles. I usaually go on sploder or facebook, or im in school, im in
4th grade
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your in 4th grade? pfft... im in in 5th...

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