Club Penguin Cheats

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Club Penguin Security Camera Monitoring Herbert!

In the new Club Penguin Times, the Director sent us this hidden message:

So, I went the Command Room to check out and "monitor" the security camera...

Yep,  Pooh Bear is still snoring! I hope he isn't disturb during my Fairly favorite party, don't you?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Mimo's on Twitter


Anonymous said...

Klutzy will probably snip the camera wires, and wake him up.

Ninja43101 said...

I think something will happen that includes Herbert or Klutzy, or both, during The Fair. Operation Blackout?

Anonymous said...

I hope Ninja43101 is right. Ive been waiting a long time for blackout and nothing has happened! Blackout better be this month or I will be...You don't want to know...... Pups2003

IndigoAna said...

Klutzy escaped! He crawled through the fan in the mission!!
But where did he go?

kimosabe550 said...

Maybe he will wake up the robot and call the other crabs and Operation : Blackout will continue *snores*

Jonasaurus1 said...

code:FreeHood Hope Ya Like It Mimo!

koolmomo said...

MIMO go to codes and type in freehood and look what you get a free hoodie

purple040 said...

Go to unlock items online and type in the code FreeHood and you get a free hoodie. :) YAY!

Mikeyw8 said...

hey mimo heres a code for a free item that everyone can use! enter: "FREEHOOD". and heres another one. enter: “D23EXP11”

VioletYoshi said...

LoL, but Herbert is far more dangerous than Pooh!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo,
If you type FREEHOOD in the code box you get a free hoodie! Awesome!!!


Braceface27 said...


Go to unlock items and type in FreeHood for a free purple jacket and type in D23EXP11 for a free green jacket. This actually works, I'm not joking.

Mimo, please give me credit.


VioletYoshi said...

Maybe Klutzy will go to Club Penguin HQ and demand they make a plush toy of him! Seriously, I want a plush Klutzy so badly, he's so cute!

Braceface27 said...

VioletYoshi said...
Maybe Klutzy will go to Club Penguin HQ and demand they make a plush toy of him! Seriously, I want a plush Klutzy so badly, he's so cute!

They already make one! :-D He's adorable.

~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)

Bluegum0315 said...

Pooh bear Ha Ha!! by the way ninja43101 i agree with your theory.

Anonymous said...

Ninja43101 said...
I think something will happen that includes Herbert or Klutzy, or both, during The Fair. Operation Blackout?

Hey, Ninja!
Wow, I didn't think of that! Operation: Blackout probably will continue. I mean, Klutzy escaped so he could do anything. I also think it might have something to do with that other crab shadow on the login page. I'm still unsure.
Great theory!

-Dora64185 CPG Mod

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