Dood! Club Penguin had this glitch before, but I guess they didn't fix it. Here is how to obtain unlimited tickets at the Fair!
Step 1. Go to the Dock.
Step 2. Play "Spin to Win."
Step 3. After your three spins DO NOT click "Done,"
Step 4. Press the "Tab" button on your keyboard until a yellow box is around the "End Game" button.
Step 5. Press and hold the "Enter" button. (It will appear like nothing is happening, but, you ARE getting tickets.)
Step 6. Click the "Done" button and check out how many tickets you have!
Saweet cheat, huh? Let me know if you find any other cool cheats, k? (Thanks, Jul112)
Play Crazy Topper!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President

Ummm...wont u get banned for that?
Fixed, OR it dont work on my comp
This is amazing! I got 35,000 tickets in just 30 seconds!
no it doesnt ban you i tried it on my spare penguin
It didn't work for me.
this is awesome! i got so much cool stuff with the tickets i earned. thanks mimo :)
Arrr You going to have a Rockhopper tracker?
amazing mate,well done
is this hacking? or a glitch?
I think it's a glitch.
I was able to earn 181,995 tickets in a minute and a half plus the few tickets I earned from messing up twice.It really works well! If I had done it longer,who knows what I could have gotten?
I worked out a similair thing for Ring The Bell, but it was fixed :(
grab and spin was cancelled because of that cheat!
oh and my penguin name is Frosty Cool7 so if you find me let me know k? (And add me!)
its Frosty Cool7 again!
And whoa guess how many tickets I have because of the cheat?
the answer is...
1105065! Cool isn't it?!
And if you didn't know that's over a million tickets! NO JOKE!
Why bother to do something like that?
There aren't that many things to buy, I got everything the first day.
Anonymous said...
grab and spin was cancelled because of that cheat!
oh and my penguin name is Frosty Cool7 so if you find me let me know k? (And add me!)
The game is still there.
~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)
i got 23850 tickets
It didn't work for me. 8C
Wow just when i got my prizes
Ha ha that's really funny. I wish I knew before I got all the items. let's just hope they don't fix it before more come!
it works :D thanks mimo
That's so cool!
Thank you Mimo!
Help me get everything from the booths. Kinda hope CP don't fix it so I can use it again hehehehe..
waah doesnt work on hp computeres
Awesome, I don't see the point in it though because there are hardly anything for non-members to buy with their tickets. Also, do you know when the next prizes will come?
Jul112, (And Mimo)
thanks SO much! This cheat Works!
Anonymous said...
grab and spin was cancelled because of that cheat!
oh and my penguin name is Frosty Cool7 so if you find me let me know k? (And add me!)
Dude, hes not gonna add you just cuz you said the game was canceled because of that.
Mimo! How dare you post something like this! I am deeply ashamed of you.... This is cheating!!!!
anonymous said:
Dude, he's not gonna add you just cuz you said the game was cancelled because of that.
what I ment was that if Anyone who read this comment finds me to add me just so they know It was me who said it.
WOAH! It worked I Tried it on my non member spare penguin thanks! ;D And its doesnt get u banned!!!!
Epic cheat Mimo!
i am NOT going to do this cheat. couse it is cheating and i prefer to play fair and square. im sure if cp team knew you were doing this they would be mad
Wow! I got 400,000 tickets lol. Today is my penguin and irl b-day :). Lol my penguin is turning 1400 days old. Whoopie.......(notice my excitement)
Rodeo500 (the wanna be CP MOG)
Pkittycat1 said.....
Mimo! How dare you post something like this! I am deeply ashamed of you.... This is cheating!!!
It isn't cheating, it's a glitch. Club Penguin wouldn't mind if people used this.
~Youg3 (CPG Mod)
awesome thanks i got 2,865,415 tickets in FIVE MINS!
i found this wierd thing that when you spin the wheel forward twice, then spin it backwards it comes up with a wierd message mimo put this up immediately
Its Fixed :( i tried like two times got tickets than today i tried and got none. :(
raggree said...
i found this wierd thing that when you spin the wheel forward twice, then spin it backwards it comes up with a wierd message mimo put this up immediately
I just tried it. There is no weird message.
~Braceface27 (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Its Fixed :( i tried like two times got tickets than today i tried and got none. :(
It still works. I just tried it.
~Braceface27 (CPG MOd)
This isn't necessarily cheating. It isn't because fair tickets are not coins. There are only a few things you can get with these, but with coins, the items go on. Also, the fair tickets disappear whenever you log out, so I doubt cp will take it away. Also, the stuff that you buy with it doesn't cost much. Mimo, its kinda funny how you said unlimited fair tickets. XD
Mimo! How dare you post something like this! I am deeply ashamed of you.... This is cheating!!!!
Seriously, This Is the title of the site:
Club Penguin Cheats by Mimo777
Still works 28/09/11
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