Saweet! Remember this video I posted last week? You better check it out again! It is longer and has more details!
Billybob is posting this video for everyone now, and he has some GREAT news! With Card-Jitsu Water we will "reach the Waterfall." The new game will be here November 25th and is going to be for
Looks like Billybob might be changing his blog post! ;-]
Check out the Water Sensei!
In preperation for Card-Jitsu Water coming, Sensei will be in the Ninja Hideout training new recruits! Woot! I have a feeling Club Penguin will be adding a stamp for him, too. So, let's go find him and get that stamp!
Here is a fun tip: If you click the "Train Now" button beside the video on the What's New blog, after you log in, you will go straight to the Dojo! Cool!
Play Ninja-Jump!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids
MIMO! sensei has no stamp! =P
It's about time! lol
You notice the penguin has a MAROON COLOR.
yes same as me posted sensei doesnt have a stamp maybe thats the new stamp!
~Phillies Kid
I cant wait! I really want to meet sensei!
when it means ALL ninjas...does it mean non members too?
Mimo!! They the mini clip club Penguin page is changed!! -Zack4812
Does this mean that the Water Dojo is IN THE WATERFALL?! That's awesome!
Is it going to be for ALL penguins? Even non-members? ☻ ☺ ☻
If they get somethin called snow jitsu water jitsu will be for non members MAYBE
Hey mimo,
If you dance w/ the puffle raincoat on, it disappears!
That's so awesome! I can hardly wait for Card-Jistu Water! And the Water Sensei looks so cool!
Fluffygood said...
You notice the penguin has a MAROON COLOR
Jojojo33342 said...
Yeah, I did notice that! I thought it was kinda strange. But maybe, it's gonna be the newest color!
Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
Hey! Didn't you notice the dude speking is the same one as the video in Card-Jistu Fire video! If you don't belive me, check it out in the Dojo Courtyard. I think Card-Jisu Ice/Snow is gonna be in/on the mountain on your right hand corner! That's my prediction for Card-Jistu Ice/Snow!
I wish non-members get something out of this, but I highly doubt it ._.
I think its funny that its raining in the fire dojo!
OMG Mimo! This is breaking news! There is more stamps in the stamp book! Now there is 200 stamps!
Please give me credit.
New party stamp added ( It doesnt say what the stamp is for )
Bone Clan
hey mimmo777 i think the snow card jitsu is gonna be on the mountai(top right)
wait mimo wat if u didnt get to get ur fire ninja suit yet? Will u not get it or still be able to?
Mimo there new stamps are in party stamps. It seems to be loading up! -indiana742
awsome, i think ill be a water ninja fast. i love water lol.
- zimy number2
mimo777, did you see the new start up page! Theres a NEW one!
cool mimo i like to see your site is back up and doing great thanks for the cheats i found tis website back when i was 9 im 12 now
Thats SOOO unfair :( how could they do this to people like us :'(
I can't wait! i wonder if Sensei will bring a new background with him.
I got water trading cards! and it had a picture of the water ninja not be rude but water ninja looks sort of weird to me and i can not wait for it
it's not longer than the other one!
Mimo there is a new start up screen it says "Member ninjas" "Prepare. Your battle begins Nov. 25
Please post this i have never been posted.
- My Penguin name is Penguino370
Thx I love your blog
Mimo i found a new glitch... when you go to someone's igloo or your igloo you will still see the cloudy grey sky let me know if you see this too k
ilionese said...
when it means ALL ninjas...does it mean non members too?
Members will only be able to play Card Jitsu Water
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Jojojo33342 said...
OMG Mimo! This is breaking news! There is more stamps in the stamp book! Now there is 200 stamps!
Please give me credit.
Theres been a lot of stamps recently! Its fun collecting them all!
Anonymous said...
Mimo there is a new start up screen it says "Member ninjas" "Prepare. Your battle begins Nov. 25
Please post this i have never been posted.
- My Penguin name is Penguino370
Thx I love your blog
Thank you for letting Mimo know!
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Elizabeth said...
Mimo i found a new glitch... when you go to someone's igloo or your igloo you will still see the cloudy grey sky let me know if you see this too k
Thank you for letting Mimo know. Club Penguin will probably update this soon!
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Check out teh amulet description
"Continue your journey by opening the hidden doors in this room. The next dojo awaits"
That so unfair that non members cant not play card jtsu water
Remember back in maybe June, when we voted on hats? There was a squid,boot and a bucket helmet. The squid we have a bucket helmet too.
Hey Mimo the Bucket Helmet is for non-members now! I saw some non-members wearing it!
i have seen sensei in person already!!
i saw him at the new dojo's construction site!!!
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