Woot! Woot! Woot! Card Jitsu Water is here NOW!
Here are the instructions:
Check out the Water Suit:
Member ninjas can enter the Water Dojo by clicking the sign and the door will come up through the steps.
Check out the Water Dojo:
Go talk to Sensei and he will give you a deck of cards.
When you get in the game, it has these instructions:
Here is what Card Jitsu Water looks like:
You have to quickly choose a card that is scrolling on the bottom. The element choice will advance you.
Check out this awesome glitch after I finished my first round of Card Jitsu Water:
Too bad I didn't really get all those coins!
And, look at this phunnie glitch! Somehow I morphed with the penguin next to me:
Finally the game is working for me:
Woot, woot! I earned my Wave Sandals!
And, my Waterfall Coat!
Woot! Now a Torrent Mask!
And, finally a Water Ninja:
Got the Water Gem:
Kinda sweet how Sensei will comment on your stamps!
This new fast paced multiplayer game is awesome, although the game is running very slowly since so many penguins are trying to play.
There are lots of glitches. Check out this glitch when the room is full:
Weird, huh?
And look, I got the Water Ninja stamp, but not the Helmet of Oceans stamp:
How do you like the new game? Is it working for you? Let me know when you become a Water Ninja!
Card Jitsu Water not working? Play Battery!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids
It's awesome!
Also, there's new stamps for all Card Jitsu games!
mimo are u a fire ninja? if u are then u cant get the fire ninja stamps or the ninja stamps cuz im both of those and i dont have them
CJ Glitch! It says 88888888 coins!!
Try it! Givee mee credit plz
i played my first Card jitsu water game just now and it said i won 888888888coins! lol when i looked at my coins, they werent added :-(
P.s Mimo your awesome
Hey Mimo!!! Whenever I play Card Jitsu or Card Jitsu Fire it says at the end of the game that I won 888888888 coins!!! Pretty sweet glitch but it doesn't show on your player card!
wow!i havent played it yet considering cp wont load but wow!
Glitchy. I click one card it goes to another. i mean come on. please fix, cp!
STAMP fail.
It is now impossible to get all stamps if you are already a Ninja or Fire Ninja, as there are at least seven stamps that involve becoming a Ninja/Fire Ninja.
ive already got the wave sandals
Hey Mimo, you can earn stamps in all 3 Card-Jistu Games! Normal CJ, CJ Fire, & CJ Water!! Give me credit please!
Penguin Name: Pengutibba
Awsome!mimo i found a new cheat if u hold ur stamp while custuming ur stamp book they rotate if u press the arrows!
MIMO! Theres a new wallpaper on club penguin.
I love our awesome serious faces when we're playing XD
Awesome game :)
mimo have u ever noticed that EVERYTHING including parties comes out a day before its supposed to? (other then catalogs lol)
I already have my sandals and suit :)
Mimo on the homepage there are clouds and next to the lighthouse instead of a spy phone there is a water balloon and a ninja picks it up PLZ give me credit.
hey mimo i found a glitch.
When you look at the card jitsu stamps you have the wrong pictures on the stamps!
Wow! Go to Club Penguin's homepage and you can see gray clouds far back!
he said to me
"you have the stamp of 365 dyas, you are old like me"
sweet ;)
It's really cool! I found something new on the clubpenguin page. On the home page where you usually find a spy phone, there's a water balloon, and if you click on it, a ninja grabs it and swoops back behind the lighthouse. Also, you can see the clouds that hang over the ninja hideout on the home page. Thanks so much,
I want membership store in my country so I could just cycle it to the place :(
Mimo do you notice theres a new start screen?
-kimosabe550 plz give me credit
Mimo, did you see the main page? Everyone are ninjas!!!
You know where the epf agent is on the home page on cp. Well, its a water balloon now and a ninja picks it up.
Plz give me credit!
Sensei told me:
"I sense we have met.
Either I am wise or I
peeked at your Stamp Book."
LOL! I have the Sensei Stamp.
Lazycory said...
CJ Glitch! It says 88888888 coins!!
Try it! Givee mee credit plz
Mimo had already posted about this in the cjw post
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Sally said...
Same! I can't wait to play Card Jitsu Water!
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
Awsome!mimo i found a new cheat if u hold ur stamp while custuming ur stamp book they rotate if u press the arrows!
Thank you for letting Mimo know! Also thank you for letting me know. I have seen people with rotated stamps and have always wondered how to do it, thank you.
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
Mimo, did you see the main page? Everyone are ninjas!!!
Thank you for letting Mimo know!
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Im working to get the helmet. You only earn 1% when you win a 2,3,or 4 person battle! Come on! Now I have to play 100 more battles to become a water ninja! :(
MIMO! lol i saw you in the water dojo and I played a game with you! It's Silveratom! What a coincidence!
i have a glitch! whenever you would click on the play now button on the card jitsu page, it took you to the dojo. but at the end of the url, it said 322 when i put in a different number i went to a different room as soon as i logged in. like the dojo courtyard or some other room that you wont normally go to
Card-Jitsu Water is WAY easier than Card-Jitsu Fire. Besides, if you didn't know this, this week's Field-Op is late!
Brock O Lee:
When you are in the menu to pick if you want to battle sensei or other penguins and you click sensei's amulet around his neck, he will ask you if you want to learn about it. If you click yes to learn about it, he explains about the gems and earning them and the amulet. It's really cool Mimo, I think a lot of penguins would like to know about it. :)
It's not. If I click my card, it dosn't do anything, and if it does, if I click a tile it dosn't work. Shoot! (I didn't just sware!)
if you throw a snowball in the water dojo it turns into a water balloon!
STAMP fail.
It is now impossible to get all stamps if you are already a Ninja or Fire Ninja, as there are at least seven stamps that involve becoming a Ninja/Fire Ninja.
just play one game of card jitsu fire and you will get the stamps
Lol, gotta love flushing people down the waterfall.
Hey if you want to get the fire stamps and you are already a fire ninja, then just challenge sensei and lose.You get all the stamps when you get back to the fire dojo! I'm happy to help Mimo!
i became a water ninja water squirts out of your hands!
I had the same glitch!
i just saw you MY LUCKY DAY!
Hey Mimo! Since the Water Ninja is technically located on the waterfall, and the fire ninja is technically located on the volcano, I bet the snow ninja will be on the mountain from the mountain expedition!
heres my prediction......they will make a snow card jitsu game and there will be a club penguin blizzard!!
the water game is really confusing and everyones in there so it loads really slow :(
Its rubbish its sooooooooooooooooooo slow
Dalekry said...
i played my first Card jitsu water game just now and it said i won 888888888coins! lol when i looked at my coins, they werent added :-(
P.s Mimo your awesome
same thing happened to me !
I went up to battle at card-jitsu water, and Sensei said to me, "You have the stamp of Three Hundred Sixty Five days!You are old.Like me." :D Thats halirious, i never thought i was as old as Sensei o_O
i find it hard.. And annoying-ish
i dont get it
Trainpower10 said...
Card-Jitsu Water is WAY easier than Card-Jitsu Fire. Besides, if you didn't know this, this week's Field-Op is late!
Late again! I forgot about the field op until now.
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
Hey if you want to get the fire stamps and you are already a fire ninja, then just challenge sensei and lose.You get all the stamps when you get back to the fire dojo! I'm happy to help Mimo!
Thank you for letting everyone know!
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
You are so lucky! I am only 91% on my Waterfall Coat. The game is not really working for me.
LIMADUDE said...
Glitchy. I click one card it goes to another. i mean come on. please fix, cp!
Jojojo33342 said...
I know! It's so annoying right? It's so annoying that I sometimes cry at it. lol!
lol. Sometimes I suwisite on purpose. Then I'm like," Good-bye mouse world!" lol! I got that from Geronimo Stilton.
Hehe, I got the glitch with the white background and part of the Card Jitsu water game.
If you just play a battle whit somebody if you are fire ninja or ninja you get stamps
Hey Mimo! Did you notice that on the main page of clubpenguin, that there's a ninja picking up a water balloon? Normally it's a EPF penguin agent! :O
Anonymous said...
mimo are u a fire ninja? if u are then u cant get the fire ninja stamps or the ninja stamps cuz im both of those and i dont have them
bluecheese1 says..
if you play 1 game of each, you will earn the stamps!! i thought this too!!
bluecheese1 cpg mod
Yay! I have my Waterfall Coat and my Wave Sandals. I am only 3% on my Torrent Mask. :)
i would have done it today but its thanksgiving and i have family over hopefully i can get the full suit tomorrow
Nice, oh and a little funny thing you might want to post, the home page penguins all dressed as ninjas with masks and belts!!
i became one a little while ago and the game is awsome but when i got to the helmet i had to play it 100 times to get it but i had a stradagy and i got the full suit.
Coolio~ I got tht glitch!And I'm arning my Helmet of the Oceans!:D
Hey mimo!
If you click on sensi's water suit or amulet,he will explain it to you!
(when your choosing to earn your water suit)-Davybear
I'm a water ninja!
the inscructins at the start of the game arent very clear because what if you dont know what elemets beat other elements i know some of us arent that dumb stupid but some people are!
im only on my fire coat cause it takes forever
I'm older thn u Im about 850 days old :)
Step 1:Before u log on click small screen
Step 2:Log on to a one,two,or three bar server
Step 3:WHen u log on hit the + symbol once or twice.
Hope I helped!
Umm, Sensei haiku fail.
the inscructins at the start of the game arent very clear because what if you dont know what elemets beat other elements i know some of us arent that dumb stupid but some people are
Well, Sensei explain you when you click his coat, also, if you are about to play Card Jitsu Water, then you are already a ninja, and mastered Card Jitsu.
Do you have to be a member to become a ninja/enter the ninja hideout/enter the water dojo/become a fire ninja? lol
-Blackpearl8 (Hi, everyone for those who remember me! I'm backkk!)
so many glitches that club penguin will have a hard time fixing them, oh well thats what happens when u release something big like cod 7
HI Mimo777 ! Did you know that Sensei comments on the things you own? One time when I went to the water dojo i was not wearing my pumpkin head when I talked to the Sensei .. he said " I sense that you have a pumpkin head . I will ask: That orange thing floats? "
- Staryfaith :P
The outfit thing is just like the Fire one. Just blue with different accents.
The entrance is right in front of the store! I thought it would be on the right side of the Ninja Hideout.
The Water Dojo is really cool! It has an eerie feeling though. It must be the water and the misty look.
This game looks COMPLETELY different than the other Card Jitsu games. I think it will take me a little while to understand it.
Cool glitch! And disappointing. But since when do you earn coins from playing Card-Jitsu?!?!
Haha! Sensei called you OLD!
I can't play since I'm not a Member but it sounds fun. ☻ ☺ ☻
I Know A Way To Do It Really Quickly Press - On Your Keybord Before You Talk To The Sensei It Is Really Bad But It Goes Really Fast Trust Me
nice im a water ninja too
Anonymous said...
Im working to get the helmet. You only earn 1% when you win a 2,3,or 4 person battle! Come on! Now I have to play 100 more battles to become a water ninja! :(
on the bright side u will get the stamp.
Blackpearl8 said...
Do you have to be a member to become a ninja/enter the ninja hideout/enter the water dojo/become a fire ninja? lol
-Blackpearl8 (Hi, everyone for those who remember me! I'm backkk!)
unfortunatly yes. theyre making more member only thing so consider it lucky for nonmembers to actually do stuff
ps im NOT saying unfortunatly for seeing u back, i forgot to mention i remember u. hope i answered ur question!!
lol. It's so phunnie how Sensei only talks in Haikus. Then again, he's not always grammatically correct. Neither is "phunnie"! xD
Hey has Sensei ever said " Ah! I sense you have the Disco Wig, this shows your great humor and personality" or something like that? he said that to me but sadly I don't have a picture.
same here mimo i did the exact same thing but didnt get the stamp
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