For the first time that I can remember, Club Penguin has a member only background in the Penguin Style Catalog for sale even though it says backgrounds are for all players! Check out the Rainy Day Background:
Wassup wit dat? Do you think they are going to start having backgrounds be members only, too?
Wanna play Flood Runner 2?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids
Aw man. Getting backgrounds are my favorite thing to get as a nonmember.
For sell, it's the first. For members, it's not. ex: The Mountain Expedition Background
or club penguin messed up and added the wrong actionscript...
I hope it's a bug.
How do you know it's for members only?
You know its a members only bacause if you click on it it says members only! i can't believe this- members are taking over- way too little stuff is for non-members.
it would have been realy cool if it moved. like the rain fell and the light in the lighthous moved
it better be a bug or i will feel really sorry for non members(im a member). my fav part of cp before i bacame a member was collecting backgrounds :(
Ya I hope its just some horrible glitch. Backgrounds are one of the few things that non-members can look forward to:( Its a new one too so I really want it:)
O.M.G! That's a bummer for non-member. It's a really cool background. I put it on my player card.
u gotta be kiddin
Buddytoe said...
How do you know it's for members only?
If you click on something, it will say "Members only" :)
-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)
If we want to become a member to log in, I'm gonna quit >:| Sorry for the rude thing :)
-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :( I think I'm gonna start crying right now! ☻ ☺ ☻
kimosabe550 said...
If we want to become a member to log in, I'm gonna quit >:| Sorry for the rude thing :)
-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)
i totally agree. if everything becomes for members, then i'll stop playing on CP. it'll be no fun at all
this is a great injustice! how could they do that to us!?
Club Penguin had member-only backgrounds a few months ago. I was on a post-member account and when I looked through its backgrounds, some of them were whited out.
it might be something to do with card jitsu water, because that is for members only maybe tehe backbground is to go with it :/ not sure now i am erearding it but hmm, we can all hope :D
WHAT!!!!??? I LOVE backgrounds! That CANNOT take THAT away non members! WE DON"T HAVE MANY PRIVLEDGES AS IT IS!!! Hopefully, it's just a glitch!CP won't be fun for nons! STOP TAKING OUR STUFF AWAY!
~Leafpool5:disappointed nonmember
Well. This is bad. Clubpenguin will take our all things. Thats not correct we cant buy clothes we cant go to some rooms we cant to anything fun! Ill stop playing CP
No wait, CP say Backgrounds are, and always WILL be for everyone.
Anonymous said...
I hope it's a bug.
I hope so too! I really like this background!
- Dj Wazzer
Buddytoe said...
How do you know it's for members only?
If you are a non member and try and buy the background it will say it is only for members
- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)
Anonymous said...
it might be something to do with card jitsu water, because that is for members only maybe tehe backbground is to go with it :/ not sure now i am erearding it but hmm, we can all hope :D
I was thinking this, card jitsu water will probably be for members only and the background is linked too card jitsu water but i hope it is a glitch
- Dj Wazzer
That's IT! Club Penguin has gone TOO FAR! This is all down to disney. That's it. Im cancelling my account. Goodbye Club Penguin!
But i really like collecting backgrounds and I dont have enough money for a member ship! Im only 12 ):
Disney didn't do anything wrong. CP would turn out like this anyway. Old CP was going to the same point as we're anyway. You can't just blame Disney if something is wrong with CP.
I don twnt that to happen because I collect most of the backrounds. -indiana742
Have you noticed that Clubpenguin is changing almost everything? For example the Aqua Grabber, they made "Soda Seas" for members! If they are just making everything for members, why can't they just make clubpenguin "Register for $1.00"!?
Hey what happen a member only background in the catalog!?!?!?!?!?!
i hope is a glitch
Mimo I searched through my inventory of backgrounds and When I was a member I got the underwater background but now I want to have it and it says Oups Members Only. So, I think that there will be more members only backgrounds! :(
My sister,peanut742, checked it out and it was a only member item. -indiana742
Uh Mimo, some people are quitting CP because they hate being a non-member. I used to be one and I was a non-member for a total of 1 year and 6 months. I got my first membership
on Dec. 29th, 2009. That's it for story time. PEACE! -indiana742
NO! it has to be a bug!!! no... CP what have you done???????
------------Coolio Too, Freaking Out
Grr. This is getting annoying! Please be a bug. Clubpenguin just wants our money...
Mimo how did u get SO many coins?!?!
My friend is a nonmember, and she has every single background on cp except for this one.Its bad enough u have to be a member to comeplete games! I think we should send a complaint to cp! Anyone with me?
This is totally unfair!Im a member, but I feel terrible for non-members :( they deserve better.
I think the whole you-need-to-be-a-member thing is to make more money for cp for upgrades.I got the ultimate awesome guide to club penguin and it had alot of things that arent here YET.Just a thought.
Thats just silly!
Next thing you know it your probably going to need to become a member to read the newspaper! Or even to log on! Club penguin is just getting worse and worse... I think one day im going to quit but the parties are keeping me on this game >:(
Don't worry it's just a glitch.
WOW! u have ALOT of money! And I think its very stupid to have backgrounds only 4 members poor nonmembers :'( *tears*
if cp actually does that then CP is going way too far with their membership stuff. they are just way too greedy now. seriously...
yup that was definitely a glitch,i tried it out myself.....i am not a member but i still got the background.....*woot woot*
You can buy this background now! I wonder why it did that in the first place.
Rock on Mimo,
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