Club Penguin Cheats

Monday, November 22, 2010

Club Penguin Multiple Window Bug!

Here is a message from Billybob about the Multiple Window Bug many of you have been getting:

Some of you might be getting an error message when you try to log in - even if you only have one window open. If you refresh your page, you should be able to log in after that.

The bug only affects players using Internet Explorer 7 & 8. You can try using another browser like Firefox or Safari.

Thanks for your patience!

Hmm, kind of a bummer to get an error message, huh? Let me know if it is working for you, k?

Anyone up for some Caveman Olympics?

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids


Anonymous said...

I have an Apple, and I have never have a Microsoft product, so I always use Safari.
-Vamprah Fan2

Anonymous said...

Mimo, on disney channel they had a Club Penguin commercial promoting EPF missions.


Phillies Kid said...

i get that sometimes it gets annoying!
~Phillies Kid

Anonymous said...

its working for me YAYYYY!!!

Anonymous said...

its working for me because i have firefox :)

Anonymous said...

I find it funny that "only players using internet explorer 7 and 8"

Anonymous said...

hi mimo, there is a new glitch that i found its like gliding its kinda hard to get but when your walking press the new button and quickly exit out and u will be gliding this takes a couple of trys

Scamper52596 said...

Yep. That's been happening to me. I hope they fix it soon.

indiana742 said...

I had that problem! -indiana742

oglaboo said...

it's not working for me and i ALWAYS use firefox

Anonymous said...

HaHAHAHAH i like the bug picture

Jojojo33342 said...

I ran into that problem a lot. I was like," What is going on? I only have one window!" My mom has a PC. I like Mac laptops and computers. lol


Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous said...
its working for me YAYYYY!!!
Jojojo33342 said...

Lucky you! Remeber next time not to use too many of !s and don't type in all capitals! They're Mimo's rules.

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous said...
HaHAHAHAH i like the bug picture
Jojojo33342 said...

Yeah, same here! Next time don't type in all caps. It's Mimo's rules.

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous said...
I have an Apple, and I have never have a Microsoft product, so I always use Safari.
-Vamprah Fan2
Jojojo33342 said...

My school has a lot of Mac computers and laptops. I also use Safari. lol

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Jojojo33342 said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo, on disney channel they had a Club Penguin commercial promoting EPF missions.

Jojojo33342 said...

Cool! I really like that 'cause that would get people attention. I think I heard your name somewhere. lol

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Mimo, I had this very same problem. It was pretty annoying because I would always have to log in log out log in log out... -Peachem

Anonymous said...

Mimo there is another glitch.
First, go to the ski hill.
Second, click on your EPF phone.
Third, go Sled Racing.
It should still be there!

Buddytoe said...

It seriously annoys me so much that I want to smash my head against the keyboard.


indiana742 said...

It's Monday right.Where's the new mission! -indiana742

Unknown said...

NEVER happend to me EVER.

Anonymous said...

I don't have Internet Explorer 7/8 but it happened to me...

kimosabe550 said...

Can we use Google Chrome? Because I'm using it :)

Anonymous said...

Actually i have internet explorer 6 and it always comes

Silver2309 said...

i always click ok when i get that and club penguin lets me click play now

Anonymous said...

Actually i have internet explorer 6 and it always comes

Anonymous said...

I have window XP and that happens to me >=(

- Sharkz6000

Unknown said...


4545devin said...

i found a glitch it is if you unlock somthing and you buy it you have it twice.ROCK ON!

Limadude said...

Anonymous said...
Mimo, on disney channel they had a Club Penguin commercial promoting EPF missions.
Hi. Thats very cool. On nick a long time ago i saw a club penguin game day ad. i tried to comment on it but mimo didnt post. Clubpenguin really is getting popular!

Dj Wazzer said...

Anonymous said...

Mimo, on disney channel they had a Club Penguin commercial promoting EPF missions.


Thank you for letting Mimo know!

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

indiana742 said...

It's Monday right.Where's the new mission! -indiana742

New epf missions come out on tuesday or wednesday

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

Dj Wazzer said...

Anonymous said...

Actually i have internet explorer 6 and it always comes

Change your web browser and the problem should be fixed.

- Dj Wazzer (cpg mod)

Anonymous said...

Its not a bummer for me! I use Firefox! :D

Anonymous said...

That is what happens when you use Internet Explorer!

Rofegme said...

I have a Mac and use Firefox..

For those who get errors, stop using IE. It will make everyone happy. For example, webdesigners have to find workarounds for IE because it doesn't support so many things.

Anonymous said...

Thats been happening to me for a while but i just ignored it.

Jojojo33342 said...

Buddytoe said...
It seriously annoys me so much that I want to smash my head against the keyboard.

Jojojo33342 said...

Yeah, I feel the same. So annoying man! I want to get a boulder and smash it. lol jk

Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Here is one of the comments on that blog post:

shygrl96 said

but... you guys are going to fix it right?

November 23, 2010 12:43 AM

Billybob said

The team is working on it, shygrl96!

Yay the club penguin team is currently fixing the bug :)

-EDITOR- (penguin 9929) CPG mod said...

it isn't working for me D= and i dont have any other browser -penguin 9929

Manic0 said...

I use google chrome

Cowbell03 said...

I use Google Chrome yet I still receive the error message...? Odd.

Anonymous said...

Google Chrome loads fast and works VERY good with club penguin, please try it!


Tipski said...

Got that problem too. It's Ok if I close and restart IE and then try to login.
Doesnt save that I have the newspaper either!
Other apps I have also having problems, I have to close IE before retrying to login to my email too.
Not a CP bug, but an MS bug.

Hey Mimo. You know your beans, and have some good contacts.... :)


kkkk1112 said...

the bug is going on for me


Anonymous said...

I never use IE I really don't like it. I has Firefox :)


e said...

it happens to me...WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME INTERNET EXPLORER 7! (sorry for caps)

Anonymous said...

i have been having REALLY bad glitches on cp with my furniture. when i am decorating some objects wont go in front of other objects (idk if you understand) and then i tried sitting on a couch and i went behind it! is this normal or a new glitch?

Anonymous said...

I was the first person to email club penguin about the thing so he told me to reafreash the page.So I did and it dosent work???????why Thx Mimo777 my name is Woddtoots bye p.s. I ur cheats so helpful!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo! I was just on CP and noticed that even after you open the newspaper, it still says NEW! on it... just wondering of you noticed. Thanks

Olivia Stone said...

If you see that window just hit okay and log in again and it works! :)

Anonymous said...

Um, mimo? I have firefox. it was something like version idk... It runs on Ubuntu Linux,

Thus, I get these errors two. My family has NEVER had a microsoft computer in OUR LIVES!

gemstone09 or u can call me mimo777lover said...
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