FIND SENSEI with the World famous Mimo Tracker!
Have you found him yet? If not, we can help you!
We still get a lot of great response to our Comment Tracker! Know why? Because it works! Here are the...
Helpful Hints:
1. When you see a post with the new Mimo Comment Tracker logo on it, start tracking!
2. BE HONEST! You have all been so honest and helpful. That's why CPG fans are the best! Keep it up!
3. List what server and room he is in.
4. Don't put lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5. Do not ask ppl to help you find a famous penguin. Everyone wants to find them. They should post here if they know where he is.
6. Do not post all the servers that do NOT have famous penguins on them.
7. If the Mimo Comment Tracker has helped you, post a comment about it!
8. So, if you see a Sensei, post a comment here that says what server he is on. Let's not post comments here about any other subject! There will be other posts coming for that! Cool?
Let's go find him and post a comment hurry! ;-)
Happy Hunting!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids
He's at the ninja hideout on mammoth hurry!!!!!!!!!!
he is on french server jours de niege!
how does this traker work?
He is at christmas in the ninja hideout!
hes at alpine at the water dojo
Sleet Water Dojo now.
hes in the water dojo in glacier!
He,s in blue in sleet
plz find him in a non member area plz
thanks for your help by the way!!!
french serveur yeti whater dojo
He's at in ascent in the ninja dojo!
- legoeeyore
Anonymous said...
He's at in ascent in the ninja dojo!
- legoeeyore
Dont lie beacuse i just went there and he an't there!
Baran 103(CPG MOD)
Baran 103 said...
Anonymous said...
He's at in ascent in the ninja dojo!
- legoeeyore
Dont lie beacuse i just went there and he an't there!
Baran 103(CPG MOD)
I knooowww thats what i dont like about some people:( cuz they just say stuff.... LOL
Yukon at ninja hideout but if it's full for you, sorry :(.
Avalanche - ninja hideout then water dojo
sensei yet water dojo
Anonymous said...
Yukon at ninja hideout but if it's full for you, sorry :(.
NEVER EVER in my life have i been on Yukon LOL
Thanks Tipski!I met him :D
- Pinkky55555
thank you tipski thanks to you i found him :D
thanks tipski! found him!
Aurora Water Dojo now!
THANKS TIPSKI! I found him htx to u! Thanks again!
Heres a tip for finding famous penguins like sensei. Dont just go on English servers, go on portugese, french and spanish servers!
I never expected thanks. Thanks to you too my fellow penguins. Glad you found Sensei.
avalanch water dojo
mimo he was on brumby,canoe,mammoth abominable and alaska.And when he goes he says:Use your ninja skills to avoid the waterfalls edge.Hope it helps.
here is how this works:
if you see sensei in club penguin, come to this site and leave a comment saying where he is at and what server.
exp: Yeti, water dojo.
this is just an example he is not actually there. I hope you find him.
sensei bunny hill water dojo!
i found sensei on yeti in french
still waiting to meet him. met him during fire. cant wait to meet him again
Is he still at Vanilla, Water Dojo?
Anonymous said...
how does this traker work?
This comment tracker is just a post where people comment to tell you where Sensei (or anybody else) is.
does he go on other languages ???
Anonymous said...
Is he still at Vanilla, Water Dojo?
No he is not at Vanilla water dojo anymore.
Is there a new background?
~Muddy Duki~ (CPG Mod)
mimobigfan said...
does he go on other languages ???
You have to choose the language you want above the club penguin screen.
Hope i helped
Anonymous said...
how does this traker work?
Watch the comments and they tell you where he is! :D
~Muddy Duki~ (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Baran 103 said...
Anonymous said...
He's at in ascent in the ninja dojo!
- legoeeyore
Dont lie beacuse i just went there and he an't there!
Baran 103(CPG MOD)
I knooowww thats what i dont like about some people:( cuz they just say stuff.... LOL
They might not be lying! It just happened to be there at the time, now he isn't. Lets not name call ;)
~Muddy Duki~ (CPG Mod)
Anonymous said...
Jojojo33342 said...
Hm. Sounds like you've got vanilla water dojo. lol
Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
from kerrok the 1000 year old master of CP
he is coming to yeti water dojo fast fast go go sammalyn
go to alaska water dojo and make a mob up on the stairs
Jojojo33342 said...
Anonymous said...
Jojojo33342 said...
Hm. Sounds like you've got vanilla water dojo. lol
Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
Just to let you know for next time, you're not allowed to put '(CPG Mod)' after your name when not answering a question.
~Ron68 (VVGamer101)
he is on big foot in the water dojo go know!!!
i met him. (: goood luck to evry one who hasnt PS hes pretty easy to find his stamp should be green.
I found him on Abominable in the ninja hideout. This isnt recnt i just wanted to give this as a tip. One of his favourite servers is Abominable.
Hey muddy duki
I found Sensei so I'll answer your question. No, he doesnt have a new background. Its the same old one.
Hope it helps :)
abominable now water dojo
Muddy Duki said...
Anonymous said...
Baran 103 said...
Anonymous said...
He's at in ascent in the ninja dojo!
- legoeeyore
Dont lie beacuse i just went there and he an't there!
Baran 103(CPG MOD)
I knooowww thats what i dont like about some people:( cuz they just say stuff...
They might not be lying! It just happened to be there at the time, now he isn't. Lets not name call ;)
~Muddy Duki~ (CPG Mod)
well i am pretty sure he lied becuz you can see the time the comment was published!
I can't find him!
I can't find him either! Please help. =(
Mimo, put this post up the top so that people will see it and comment! Whats CP's phone number?
Anonymous said...
from kerrok the 1000 year old master of CP
Hey, kerrok! Here's how it works: when somebody spots Sensei, he/she should quickly come to this post and leave a comment that says his location. If somebody else reads his/her comment, they'll know where Sensei is! Cool, huh?
Hope this helped,
Buddytoe (CPG Mod)
I found him
that was ages ago though.
I hope I can meet him! I only have the Rockhopper stamp in the Characters category. ☻ ☺ ☻
hes at mamoth just like coolbird said
he is in the ninja hideout at slippers now......go now hurry it is soo awesumm today is the 19 nov 2010 america time go!
hey hey he just went into the water dojo in slippers get there now!!
Hi everyone, theres …
Hi everyone, theres a new glitch! copy and paste this comment into 2 videos. log on to your penguin and push F2, F3,F4 at the same time and you? will get 700,000coins and free membership FOREVER! it sound scary but it really work people! by
ARGH! Has anyone seen him lately in a place for nonmembers????
Sensei is in the Water DOJO in RAINBOW HURRY!
mimo777 i don't get it I never see new comments on the comment tracker the comment at the top was from two days ago how do I see NEW comments?
I can't find him
he just left north pole!!
Anonymous said...
mimo777 i don't get it I never see new comments on the comment tracker the comment at the top was from two days ago how do I see NEW comments?
Its in the bottom
where is he
sasquatch in the ninja hieout
he is in sasquach in the ninga hid out
Anonymous big thank you i mett sensei because you
sensei at abominable at water dojo!
Latest comments on the bottom
You get to see Sensei when he is in the dojo and right before he goes into the Water Dojo. You just have to be lucky non-members. And pretty darn quick to get there. I don't think it is possible to get there quick enough if someone says he's there. Guys and Mimo777, can you get the comments and Mimo777, can you 'ok' the comments quicker please? The latest one here I see now is from 3 hours ago. What time is the time on this web anyways?
Can non members go into the water dojo?
He's on acsent in the water dojo! (as of 11/20/10 at 7:55 pm)
i hope i get to meet him as i have never met anyone famous on cp b4 thats why i am using this lol
Look guys. If people are asking where the new comments are cuz they're not at the top, your response is going to go at the bottom so the person that asked it is never going to find the answer anyway huh?
Mini mich said...
Can non members go into the water dojo?
unfortunatly no, but i wish
he is now in bubblegum I SAW HIM!!!it's awesome!!he talked to us and then he left...I met him in the ninja hideout!!
hang on with this, doesn't it take a while for comments to get posted, so if you do post where he is, by the time its posted and ppl read it, he's probably already gone hasn't he?
i know card-jitsu water is here, but i met him at cold front in the ninja hideout and water dojo yesterday
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