Yep, that's right, Mimo and the Club Penguin Gang took a little trip to Disney World!
It was awesome! Have you ever been there?
Anyways, we looked for Club Penguin stuff at Disney World but really didn't find too much. That was weird. I wonder why they don't promote Club Penguin more?
But we did find these Club Penguin Mystery Pins!
Lots of people were trading these pins at Disney World but we didn't open ours...
There are two Mystery Pin inside this box. Here are all 10...
So let's have a contest! Which two pins do you think we got?!
Here is how the contest works:
1. Leave a comment and tell us which two pins are in our box.
2. Put the number and the Club Penguin Character in your comment.
3. Put your Club Penguin name on your comment
4. You can only enter once. (soz)
5. If you don't obey the rules we will not post your comment.
6. The wiener is the one who is the FIRST to guess BOTH PINS CORRECTLY!
7. The big wiener will get a secret party with MIMO777! YEAH!
More about our trip to Disney soon!
Watch for details on Mimos Influence Project party!
Play Chaos Invaders
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President
Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel!
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Virtual Worlds for Kids
1 – 200 of 346 Newer› Newest»I guess it's 7 camera penguin, and 4 space penguin.
Hi Mimo! My name is Juanmita1. I think that the secret pins are number 5: the scuba diver penguin, and number 8: the penguin ghost. Are they OK?
See ya!
From Stormfur1234 (CP name)
Here are the two pins,
1.Club Penguin Blue Penguin
6.Shadow Guy
I hope that is right.
I have soo many of those codes and pins! I have at least 2 of everyone expect the Rockhopper one, which I think is the rarest.
By the way Mimo, did you shop in Downtown Disney? They have MANY club penguin toys there.
3 the princess and 9 the mickey penguin.
I guess Number 7, the camera penguin and Number 3, the princess penguin!
its definatly 6 shadow penguin and 3 princess penguin
2 - Rockhopper and 6 - Shadow Guy.
-Autumn Rain
did you unlock the code yet? Cuz when I went and got them, and unlocked the code, you get a Disney CASTLE pin. And when I went, i got numbers 2 and 9 the most. or you could have gotten 6 and ten. Those are just what came in mine when I went. And yes, I got all mine from Downtown Disney.
I think they are 2 Rockhopper and number 5 Diver. My penguin is Charguy.
I think you got rockhopper #2 and the fairy #3.
I think 2, Rockhopper, and 9, the red mickey hat camera guy!
Hi mimo,My name is Karate728.I think the secret pins are number 2: rockhopper, and number 5 the scuba diving penguin.Hope its these ones. See ya mimo!
I think 2 - Rockhopper and 8 - Ghost.
- Danny Boy 85
Hi Mimo! i think it is 1 (the lanyardd pin) and 9 the mickey mouse guy (orange).
- Shimmertail
1:clubpenguin sighn 8:ghost
sorry i meant the red mickey mouse guy not orange (#9) before. (i put the right number before but not the right colour)
- Shimmertail
I think its 8, Ghost penguin, and 4, space penguin. I dont know if those are the right characters though! thanks, xmageassasin(thats my cp name)
3-Fairy and 8-ghost,
My penguin is Dapurpledude
I guess Number 9 with the penguin with the disney hat and Number 2 thats my guess :)
~Phillies Kid
10 rocker 4 space man :D i bet i win :D
My to guesses are number 3 the princess and number 10 the rock star penguin
I think that #1 (the clubpenguin penguin and word) and #2(Rockhopper)
Bone Clan
P.s ( Please let me WIN! )
I guess the Ghost(8) and Rockhopper(2).
#3, Princess
#10, Rock dude.
My name is Fluffygood (duh)
my guess is 4:the space penguin and number 6:the super hero i really want a special party with you
Name: Bimble521
8. ghost
10. Rocker
This is so epic i need to party with mimo!
~Phillies Kid
My guess is #5the diver and #9 the red penguin with the mickey hat
i think its 4 (astronaut) and 8 (ghost).
Mine is 3:princess and 9:Red mickey hat guy ;)
i think it is 7 the camera guy and 9 the micky guy
My two pin guesses are
1:the clubpenguin penguin
7:The orange penguin with the black hat
I think it's number 4, the space penguin and number 9, camera penguin.
i think it is 2 rockhopper, and 8 ghost.
1:cubpenguin blue penguin
-Chee Yan97-
I guess that it's number 7, the photographer penguin, and number 10 the rocker penguin.
:D :D Santa1456 :D :D
I Figured out that there are 45 gueses. I honestly think that numbers 2 Rockhoppa and 10 Rocker Penguin. Good luck to everyone!
Penguin name: Boombull78
From Ecn1011 (Cp name)
I think its #2. Rockhopper and #5
Diver Dude
I hope those are right!
I love Mimo777!!!!!!!
7. camera penguin and 3. the princess
Gator270 (cp name)
Brock O Lee:
I think u got
3. The princess penguin
9. The mickey penguin
That's cool that u got to go. Here's hoping i guesses correctly!
I'm gunna guess 2 rockhoppen and 7 camera penguin!
I guess 6 super penguin and 9 disney penguin without glasses
my penguin name- Santi 781
I think it's the guitar penguin, number 10 and the space penguin, number 4
-Gabbie09 (penguin name)
Sorry Mimo I Forgot To Say the names of the charactors number 7 the mickey mouse photographer and number five the scuba diver
I think:
1. The blue penguin with the logo
7. The orange penguin with the camera
- Yay Guy
i think number 6 shadow guy and number 2 rockhopper
my name is pokemon247
I'm Chief8256
you got number 3 fairy girl and 8 ghost dude.
Hope I'm right!
I think #2 Rockhopper and #4 spacepenguin. Ashley5063
Also, did you all go?Like you met each other? ?IF so, COOL!
9 cam penguin and 7 the other cam penguin
Hey mimmo,
I think its 2 rockhopper and 7 photogropher.
You got the tourist penguin 9 and the rocker penguin 10
Hope I'm right
My very wild guess is:
5. the Scuba Diver
9. the Red Penguin with Mickey Mouse Ears!
I doubt that that's right, but like I said, it's only a wild guess! ☻ ☺ ☻
Hi Mimo.I think you got #1-the CP penguin. And #5-the diver! Good luck to everyone. -Peachem
9 the camera penguin and 5 the scuba diver - Jayjay1411
Mimo i would like to repick i just noticed that someone picked the same won i did so my new pick is 8 the ghoast and 10 the rock star
~Phillies Kid
I think it is #2 Rockhopper and #8 The name is Iamcoool322
Cp name - Safhira
Number: 3 - fairy princess?
and Number: 7 - Orange penguin photagrapher... :)
I ( really )hope that is right!!
6 (Superhero Penguin) and 8 (Ghost Penguin) Hope I guessed it right!
Penguins Name: Zero Sonic
My guess is that it is #1 the lanyard penguin and #7 the camera mickey mouse one!
Hi Mimo! I'm Pink Shorie I Think You Have Number 4 Space Missonary
and Number 10 Rocker. Hope I Won!!
I'm guessing #5 the scuba diver penguin, and #10 the blue rocker penguin.
Mimo777, I thinnk it is numberr 5 the diver and number 9 the mickie mouse red camera one
My penguin name is: sakura hina
I hope I win!!!
well i think its number 1 that ses club penguin and number 7 the camera penguin
I think you got #2 Rockhopper, and #8 ghost penguin
I think you got the number 5scuba penguin and number 6 superhero penguin.
i guess that its #2 rockhopper and #7 camera penguin
Darn it! I can guess, but if I win, I can't party with you, Mimo.
:( I don't have a google acount or anything like that. So I have to comment un-secretly. If you know what I mean. Unless you have a person tracker, like where they live and stuff like that(but I don't know if they have it) I really sorry.
Hey Mimo! I think the pins are 2: Rockhopper and 10: The rock penguin.
My clubpenguin username is Mariofan2000. I hope I win. I have never won one of your contests. :(
Hey mimo i think its #1 the blue penguin and #2 rockhopper hope i win your the best mimo!! keep up the good work!!
Hey mimo i think its #1 the blue penguin and #2 rockhopper hope i win your the best mimo!! keep up the good work!!
Hi Mimo! I think they are number 3 the fairy and number 10 the rockstar.My Penguin name is OrangeJerry
i think they're the penguins number 8 and 9. the ghost and red camera. (the numbers may be wrong.)
I Think It Is:
7. Camera Penguin w/ Mickey Ears
1. Jumping Penguin With Club Penguin Logo On Top
Hope I WIN!!!
hey Cnbcnb10 here
i guess #3 the princess and #8 ghost penguin, just cuz they are Halloweeny. hope i win!
I thing in the first bag is #1, The blue penguin with the Club Penguin Logo. Bag #2 is 10, the rocker penguin. My Penguin Name "Rotom555"
These are my guesses!
3- Fairy
9- Red Penguin with Camera
There are 45 possibilities.
6 and 10 i think! =D the Shadow Guy and the Rocker Dude.
#1 The blue Penguin and the Camera Guy number 7.
I think you got Rockhopper and the Ghost numbers 2 and 8
4 and 9
The space penguin and the penguin with Mickey ears and a camera (the one without glasses)
Thanks mimo777!
I think it is #6: Shadow Guy and #10 Rocker
my guess is 1 (the lanyard pin) and 10, the rockstar penguin. My penguin name is happywagon
Hello, Mimo! this is my entry for the contest:
The blue penguin with the CP Logo #1.
And the Scuba diver #5
Good luck to everyone! My name is Dragin Force
i think its
5 scuba diver
8 ghost
Rootoo564 said...
I thinks its 2-Rockhopper and 4-the space penguin. My penguin name is Rootoo564!!! ;)
oops, forgot the names: here goes: penguin
1.cp penguin :)
I think it is #1 the club penguin pin and #4 the space pin. -Pester555
i guess it is
-4-astronaut penguin
-6-shadow guy penguin
My name is 1998cdk
My guess is the spaceman - #4
and the superhero - #6
good luck everyone
6 and 9
Shadow Guy and Mickey Penguin
Peace Out476
Hi! It is number 1 the blue penguin and number 4 the astronaut penguin.
*Crosses fingers*
Im going to go with the Camera Penguin (7) and the Rocker Penguin (10).
I think it is 6 (shadow guy) and 2 (rockhopper) by the way I love your blog, Mimo777! Penguin name: Pottingmix
Number 2 : Rockhopper
Number 10 : The rocker Penguin
5.the diver guy and 9.the micky mouse guy
im blue1093
My penguin name is Puffypuffs8 and I choose number 8 the ghost dude and 10 the rocker thx hope I win
Hi Mimo (and the rest of C.P.G)im Mr Peanut and im guesing the pins are 2 (Rockhopper) and 5 (THe suba diver).
Allthough someone has probably won here is my answers!
2: Rockhopper
6: Shadow Guy
Thanks Mimo,
I think the secret pins are number 1: the Club Penguin penguin, and number 4 the space penguin.
4 and 8 the spaceman and the ghost
gace 3pw
6 - Shadow Guy
9 - Red penguin with camera
Kiwi Berry
Hey! I think you got number 4(the space penguin) and number 8(the guitar penguin). Wow, haha, those probably have the least chance of winning! Just a lucky guess, doubt i'll win, but anyway :P My penguin's name is Cuddles 895
O wait! number 8 is te ghost penguin Oops!My bad!
Cuddles 895
2. Rockhopper
6. Shadow Guy
~Goast Spook
I reckon it's number 1 and number seven, the 'CLUB PENGUIN' one and the 'PHOTOGRAPHER one.
mimo i think 7(camera penguin with mickey ears)and 9(mickmey penguin)
Im guessing number 7 camera man and number 8 camera man
Danielninja0 (CP name)
Here are the two pins,
1.The Blue Penguin
I hope that is right.
hi mimo777
awsome cheating website i think its 8-ghost sheet
and 5-scuba diver
-AGENT JAS3 (penguin name)
hi mimo777, my name is henryboy200 and i think it is superhero 6 and space adventure penguin 4
Hi Mimo!
My Club Penguin account is Cherry1391.
I think the 2 secret pins are:
1.Club Penguin Blue Penguin
7.Camera Penguin
I hope I'm correct!
See ya!
I am Purssy06 3 the princess and 5 the scuba diver penguin
Hi mimo777 I'm chips45 I think it's 2 rockhopper and 7 mickey mouse camera penguin
i think 2 and 8 (rockhopper and ghost)
(mario joe1 uimate cp fan)
Alright... I think its Penguin Number 2 which is Rockhopper and Penguin number 6 which is Shadow Guy #2:Rockhopper and #6:Shadow Guy
I think its 6 shadow guy and 2 rockhopper. Hope i win.
#4 space dude and #10 rock star! Hope there right. -wild hamster
I guess:
6-Shadow Guy,
I guess Number 7, the camera penguin and Number 3, the princess penguin!
Hi mimo.My name is aget900.i think the pins are:
7 the yellow penguin that has glasses on and it taking a picture.
9 the red penguin that has a camera over his neck.
hope this is right.
I guess it is 4-space penguin and 5-super penguin.
My nick is Augustux7
i guess 2. rockhopper and 8. ghost penguin
penguin name josh36748
Im going to guess.... that its... 2.Rockhopper. and 7. Orange Camera Guy
Alfred Gored
Thanks : D
Hi Mimo I have 2 packs of those pins wich I got at magic kingdom and i think you got 1 (blue penguin with words) and 10 (the rockstar).
I think it's 2 - Rockhopper and 7 - Camera Guy with mickey ears
I guess 3:Fairy Princess and 8:Ghost
i think it's 8ghost penguin and 10 rocker penguin.
-Hi chewchew
I guess it's 9 camera penguin, and 4 space penguin.
6 (The superhero)
and 9 (The red penguin with the cap)
goodluck everyone
I guess its the 6: Shadow guy and 8: the ghost penguin.
I guess 10, rocker penguin and 4, space penguin.
ooops i 4got the characters
2 is rockhopper and 9 is the mickey penguin
1.the blue penguin and 8. the ghost penguin
number 7 camera penguin and number 9 mickey penguin
4 astonaut and 7 shadow guy i think
I guess it is:
10. Rocker penguin
2. Rockhopper
From Vickyhearts,
I think that the two pins are...
5, the scuba diving penguin and
1, the blue clubpenguin penguin
Sorry forgot, 1 the club penguin sign and 5 the scuba diver. There is also puffle pins but they're all in one pack.
I think 7 Camera Penguin, and 3 Fairy Princess.
I guess it's 9 shadow guy and 9 orange tourist penguin.
Hi Mimo! My name is Shanaynai99! I think that the secret pins are Number 3- the Fairy penguin, and Number 8- the ghost one!!!!
i think it's number 8 the ghost and 2 rockhopper if i'm right email me at
I think it is the space penguin(5), and the scuba diver(6)
Hope those are right or close!
I think that it is #7 the mild mannered reporter and #8 Which is the ghost.
8 the ghost and 9 the micxy mouse penguin.
I think it's 10(Rock Star) and 1 (Penguin with CP logo) Hope I win!
i think its number 1(the clubpenguin logo) and number 9 mickey mouse
i think its number 9 the mickey mouse and number 1 the logo and my user name is catsoldier
I have a question: what if when we posted a comment we said a guess, then we saw another comment that was recently moderated and ours is not yet moderated??? Can I pick again???
HI MIMO! my penguin name is taky9804 i think it is number 2 rockhopper and six shadow guy
Hmmm. I think it's number 10 rock star and number 8 ghost.
Ok, since a comment has the same guess as mine, and that comment wasn't there before, can I pick again? If I can't, then I'm disqualified, I know. But I will risk myself.
Number 4- Space Guy
Number 5- Scuba Diver
2 rockhopper and 8 ghost
~Caseys Man
I Guess that The Pins thatyou bought are the rockhopper pin nr. 2 and the princess pin number 3.
I think it's:
5: the scuba diver penguin
10: the rockstar penguin
Wish me luck! I really want to win that party!
- Brandonboy97
i think its 2 rockhopper and 8 ghost penguin
I think 1 logo and 8 ghost
I think 1 jumping penguin and 2 Rockhopper
Penguin: Spiky3332
i guess you got 3-the princess
and 8-the ghost
~ Nairobi97
Penguin name:
I think it is 4(space penguin) and 1(blue club penguin penguin)
i think it might be 1: Mr Blue Club Penguin and 4:Mr Black Space Adventure
From 8bongo9(The Wiener,of course)
I think it's number 6 superhero penguin and number 8 ghost penguin
i think its the ghost penguin 8. and number 9 the mickey camera penguin.
From Sebastian99:
4.Space Penguin
hi mimo! i luv your comments so much! i think its 1- the club penguin penguin and 6- the super penguin. from Pink Tiffi
hey sorry about my previous one but i said 1 - club penguin penguin and 6- shadow guy! from pink tiffi (again)
Wow, you are so lucky. I'd have to get a PLANE if I wanted to go to Disney Land. Does anyone know if you can order the pins online?
Hey, I guess its 2 RH and 6 SG.
I think 2, rockhopper and 8, the ghost.
~Zenhta :)
I think it is number 3-fairy penguin and number 7-camera penguin.My name is diego2310.
I think you got 3- the fairy penguin and 8- the ghost penguin!
Hope im right/
6 shadow guy 2 rockhopper
-bonbon bono
Sorry but i saw that someone already said what i wanted and if i can here is my other idea:number 1-club penguin sign and number 8-ghost penguin.My name diego2310.
hi mimo i think they r number 7 the mickey penguin reporter and number 9 the other mickey penguin reporter
my name is badboyrules
I guess 2 and 6. Rockhopper and Shadow Guy.
I thinks its 6 Shadow Guy and 2 Rockhopper.
- Articuno667
I say pin 2 ( Rockhopper) and pin 8 ( ghost)
maybe i would've entered if the prize was better -_- like a code maybe??
hi i think its 3 the princes and 10 the guy with the electric guitar penguin name is tigermix123
if somebody does the same combo as u do you both go to the party
no5 scuba penguin and no1 club penguin penguin
i think the mystery pins are Rockhopper number 2 and number 9 camera penguin cp name shay oc
I Think Its 2 Rock Hopper and 8 The Ghost :D
My Club peguin name is
I guess it's 4 space penguin, and 8 ghost penguin.
My name is Mr Cockroach and my guesses are 3- Fairy and 4-Space Man.
I guess that its 3 the princess
and 8 the ghost
oops i posted an anymous comment a minuete ago and forgot to put my penguin name.
i'll do my entry right this time
1. blue penguin
8. ghost
there we go, my penguin name is Flumade Dude.
1 jumping penguin and 4 space penguin.
p.s. lol mimo777 u spelt winner rong and wrote wiener instead :P te he he
Hi Mimo, I think it´s number 3(princess) and 7(camera penguin)
Name: Albertito28
PS: Hope I win!
MIMO pls HELP me!
All My Penguins Clotch thing has got lost :S
-Joker 37
I guess it's 7 the camera penguin, and 2 Rockhopper penguin
- Halle75 (that is my penguin name! :)
I guess it's 2 Rokopper and 8 the ghost
Hi my name is Mariogamer64. I think they are number 9 camera penguin and number 8 the ghost. Is that ok? Bye! :)
I think that it is 5 the sonrklner penguin and 8 the ghost penguin.
i think its
2.Rockhopper and
8.The ghoust
my cp name is
-Andi Pingu
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