Club Penguin Cheats

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Club Penguin Gary the Gadget Guy Mimo Tracker!

Have you found Gary the Gadget Guy yet?  Many of you have said he is pretty easy to find, and the Halloween Party will soon be over. So, come on! Let's find him now! Use the Mimo Comments tracker to find famous penguins!

We always have a lot of great response to our Comment Tracker! You like it and it works! So here are a few new things that will help us all find famous penguins!

Helpful Hints:

1. When you see a post with the new Mimo Comment Tracker logo on it, start tracking!

2. BE HONEST! You have all been so honest and helpful. That's why CPG fans are the best! Keep it up!

3. List who you see and what server they are on. You may abbreviate. (AA = Aunt Arctic, PB = Penguin Band, C = Cadence, G = Gary, S = Sensei) EXAMPLE: AA is on Yeti

4. Don't put lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. Do not ask ppl to help you find the famous penguins. Everyone wants to find them. They should post here if they know where a famous penguin is.

6. Do not post all the servers that do NOT have famous penguins on them.

7. If the Mimo Comment Tracker has helped you, post a comment about it!

8. So, if you see a famous penguin, post a comment here that says who they are and what server they are on. Let's not post comments here about any other subject! There will be other posts coming for that! Cool?

If you have any other helpful hints let me know!

So let's go find them and post a comment hurry! ;-)

Play Action Jetz!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids


Anonymous said...

Met him B4 Candce and everbody came to CP! WOOT!

Baran 103 said...

i have met him twice

James Bradford said...

How does it work?

Anonymous said...

Flashlight works in the dark cave too
Bone Clan
P.s. Please Give Me Credit

Doctormt said...

How do you use the tracker? -Doctormt

Anonymous said...

alaska in the boiler room hurry

dj93398 (cpg mod) said...

he's on server: deepsnow at the beach!! go quickly!!!

Buddytoe said...

I've spent A LOT of time trying to find him. I haven't spot him. *sigh*

Luis2414 said...

Good idea!Hey mabey well find her!

Astronaut123 said...

Its easy to know if your in the same room because you get a stamp and it makes a noise.

Anonymous said...

gary on sleet right now

Anonymous said...

how come you never did this earlier

Anonymous said...

arctic in the cove beside the campfire

Unknown said...

dear cona131 mimo didnt have time while he was finding other cheats to help you

cpg mod heartgold3

Unknown said...

any posts by michael is penguin name


Unknown said...

he also goes to christmas yeti and mamoth

heart gold3

Anonymous said...

Gary just left Sleet he was at the Haunted House

Anonymous said...

I also asked Gary if there would be a tornado and he said YES. So get ready to take cover cp!

Buddytoe said...

there's lots of penguins at sleet forest...

Anonymous said...

New EPF agent mission
Bone Clan

dj93398 (cpg mod) said...

mimo there is a new field op out and gary is on snowball at the pizza parlor!!

Anonymous said...

I only found RH and I did not know he was famous

Anonymous said...


Bel said...

Not on sleet people are just wait for him but hes not coming :(

Anonymous said...

Anyone know where he is im really struggling to find him! Can anyone please help me??????

IiRawrCookie said...

Dude Mimo! Gary is now in the portugues Servers

Anonymous said...

i cant find himmmm heeeellllpppp

Anonymous said...

James said...

How does it work?

People comment where they have spotted Gary, and the other people go and see if that person was right!


Anonymous said...

ive met him twice woop woop

kimosabe550 said...

James said...
How does it work?
It works by commenting and saying that you found Gary and don't lie :)

-kimosabe550 (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Hiya Mimo,
I have been looking for him for ages! So when I find him, you will be the first to know ! xotwinklox

Anonymous said...

gary was just at Marshmellow he just left like right now 9:32 PST, so dont bother looking there

thiago said...

please i need find him but i cant

Tipski said...

It took me ages to find him. He appeared on Rainbow in the Town, then walked through Snow Forts to the Plaza wh the cauldron is.

Hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

gary at below zero monster room

thiago said...

he is in the below zero!!!!run

Anonymous said...

i really hope i can find him cuz ive never met him yet so plz comment! thx ppls! Waddle on!

Anonymous said...

a lot of ppl at yukon

Arod321123 said...

Gary is the Spanish Club Penguin Server Avalancha in the Plaza!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Astronaut123 said...

Luis2414 said...
Good idea!Hey mabey well find her!
--------------------------------------You mean maybe we'll find HIM right?
-Astronaut123 (CPG MOD)

Astronaut123 said...

James said...
How does it work?
--------------------------------------This is how it works:
If you see Gary (or whoever the famous penguin we are looking for is) you post it here as a comment. ==EXAMPLE==:
G at server: Abdominable, Room: Town.
Don't post the servers where famous penguin ARE NOT.
-Astronaut123 (CPG MOD)

Astronaut123 said...

Buddytoe said...
I've spent A LOT of time trying to find him. I haven't spot him. *sigh*
--------------------------------------Me neither! :( Oh well. Wish you luck!

Astronaut123 said...

Anonymous said...
I also asked Gary if there would be a tornado and he said YES. So get ready to take cover cp!
--------------------------------------Thanks for the weather update!

Astronaut123 said...

thiago said...
please i need find him but i cant
--------------------------------------I haven't found him either. But you never know. I found Rockhopper by accident! If you stay in one room for a very long time he might turn up. But keep moving around on the server he might be on that server but in a different room.

Astronaut123 said...

thiago said...
he is in the below zero!!!!run
--------------------------------------Thanks for the update!

Anonymous said...

Does Gary only show up in a server with alot of people?

Anonymous said...

gary is on below zero in the town

243joe said...

Gary is on abominable in the gift shop

Anonymous said...

Have you seen ski hill?
the scare crow is missing....

Anonymous said...

guys it's tuesday december 21 has any body seen gary around this time could u help me out plz i have never met a character before and was hoping for a christmas miracle thxz mimo etc and club penguin people


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