Whoa! It is actually raining on Club Penguin! Check it out in the Town:
And here is the Cove:
Even the fires around the island are out due to the rain!
And, check out the Dojo! See the water symbol in the puddle?
According to the Club Penguin Times this is the first Rainstorm ever for this island!
The newspaper will be getting a new look on November 19th! Saweet!
These changes to the paper will require it to be released later. Beginning next week, the Club Penguin Times will be released on Fridays!
Some coolio news, isn't it? Let me know what you think about all the rain and upcoming news!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Cheats Gang President Listen to Mimo's new album Crazy Wheel! Follow MIMO on Twitter! Virtual Worlds for Kids
This is totally awesome! I can't wait for Card-Jistu Water. I also think that this is a hint to Card-Jistu Water. Thanks Mimo! You rock!
woah raining???
that is soo coooooooooool!!
it was pretty predictabl it was coming though(umbrellas, new ninja thing, and the newspaper and storm)
i cant wait to see more
Coolcreegle said...
Hey Mimo have u realized that there's a wet floor sign on the beacon?
lol mimo go to the mine... the plant watering system is over flowing! we r gonna have a lot of crops after the rain lol
Sweet! Just what I wanted! Another clue to Card Jisue Water!
Go to the "We need you!" page and you can only see the question, joke and riddle button. Where are the rest?
Mimo! The new igloo tune "The Way of Sensei" is the music of the Water Dojo!
Oh I'm so happy! I LOVE rain! I want this weather to stay in Club penguin
mimo777 i found a cheat in puffle roundup club penguin has started using orange puffles
my name is gace 3pw
hey mimo, have u noticed that the tree by the recycling plant is bigger than EVER?
Did you notice that it rains inside the ninja courtyard?!
OMG the rain is sooo cool! I can't wait for the new newspaper! But delivery on Fridays? Since the beginning of CP Times, the delivery was on Thursdays and we had two things to expect: the newspaper on Thursdays and pins, catalogs and plays on Fridays.... :S
Rootoo564 said...
Hey Mimo! You know how last year when the volcano started acting up they had a scavenger hunt to find items and they got a pin. Do you think CP will do it again for the rain. Also, shouldn't Sensei be coming like last year?
OH MY GOSH! This is so exciting!! This is such interesting news!! I really like reading the paper, though, so I hope they don't make it weird. ☻ ☺ ☻
Wow! Have you noticed, the 1st questuion for AUnt Artic in the newspaper talks about black puffles being happy in storms, well I saw someone with a black puffle outside on its lead and it was smiling and it was happy! - I dont't know if this is new or not. ;]
~ Zenhta
Anonymous said...
lol mimo go to the mine... the plant watering system is over flowing! we r gonna have a lot of crops after the rain lol
Good noticing! Thank you for letting Mimo know!
- Dj Wazzer
Gategirl87 said...
OH MY GOSH! This is so exciting!! This is such interesting news!! I really like reading the paper, though, so I hope they don't make it weird. ☻ ☺ ☻
This sure is exciting! I'm sure they won't make it weird, It will be a fresh new look for the paper!
- Dj Wazzer
also if you look you see the ask aunt artic section has something about ninjas AND the clasified file is about ninjas!
Anonymous said...
Wow! Have you noticed, the 1st questuion for AUnt Artic in the newspaper talks about black puffles being happy in storms, well I saw someone with a black puffle outside on its lead and it was smiling and it was happy! - I dont't know if this is new or not. ;]
~ Zenhta
Thank you for letting us know but this is not new. Puddles are always happy when you walk them
- Dj Wazzer
Anonymous said...
Wow! Have you noticed, the 1st questuion for AUnt Artic in the newspaper talks about black puffles being happy in storms, well I saw someone with a black puffle outside on its lead and it was smiling and it was happy! - I dont't know if this is new or not. ;]
~ Zenhta
Puffles sorry not puddles!
Grande pie (CP name) said...
Mimo! The new igloo tune "The Way of Sensei" is the music of the Water Dojo!
Jojojo33342 said...
Really? How do you know? But the song is really cool,isn't it?
Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
Grande pie (CP name) said...
Mimo! The new igloo tune "The Way of Sensei" is the music of the Water Dojo!
Jojojo33342 said...
Really? How do you know? But the song is really cool,isn't it?
Jojojo33342(CPG Mod)
some of the buttons on the submit your content page are missing
hmm there's clues of the way of the ninja everywhere
kkkk1112 said...
woah raining???
that is soo coooooooooool!!
it was pretty predictabl it was coming though(umbrellas, new ninja thing, and the newspaper and storm)
i cant wait to see more
i meant is was predicatble
Hey mimo777 guess what if you hover over the petshop door you can see the rain im not sure if it works on other doors but hey its cool!
Mimo that clue with the puddle thing in the card jitsu fire dojo was just a minor clue if u look at the signs on the roof they are all of fish apart from one which is a whale or something with water coming out his back
Hannah MCC
Grande pie (CP name) said...
Mimo! The new igloo tune "The Way of Sensei" is the music of the Water Dojo!
I bet you're right! I wonder what the Water Dojo will look like, and where the entrance will be? ☻ ☺ ☻
Hay Mimo and cp gang again go to the main club penguin window where it says start well if u wait and look (when its on the new backround of penguin playing card jitsu) well u will see things apear then out of no where Sensi is behind them
but because ur mimo777 u probably already spotted this because well ur u and like know everything bout cp befor any one and like u no billybob thats so cool and he send u messages about whats goin to happen or if somethins comin up ur so cool
omg guess what just came to my head cause ur like good friends with billybob he knows u well
well u could start up a club penguin trainer u have the brains and if u did years ago u would probably be more sucsessful but u are like my idol
if i could be any one it would be you
sorry i left my point
Hannah MCC
mimo we all no water card jitsu is coming there 2 many clues around the place but i just found a (sorta) hidden one
when ur in the fire dojo click on the martial artworks and on the page with the amulet it says "continue your journey by opening the hidden doors in this room. the next dojo awaits" but mimo club penguin must have been planning this since the fire card jitsu 'cause its always been there!
Hannah MCC
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