Whoa! Check it out! You can see a storm cloud and lightning in the binoculars at the cove. This must mean there will be a storm for the Halloween party instead of an eclipse. I wonder if it will rain and melt all the snow? Uh... I guess it would just snow then. Maybe this is all for the Anniversary party. Nah, I bet it is for Halloween. What do you think?

Mimo & CPG have an out of this world announcement later today!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Wow this is awesome! Thanks for the awesome tip Mimo! I hope this is for Halloween! This is rocking!
Wow, Imagine lightning and thunder on Club Penguin! That would be spooky!
Dude mimo that would be sick. Maybe it has something to do with the snow cannon?
wow thats awesome and scarey
Hey Mimo! I bet it's for Halloween... it'll make a dark, gloomy and ominous atmosphere. =P
woah cool
Woah!!!!!!! I like storms I'm one of Mimo777's biggest fans!!!!!! I check it out every single day. You wouldn't beliee how many people are flapping (worring) about the storm cloud.
I have been wishing for a while that something exciting would happen such as a new sea-faring penguin like rockhopper,or a new party! Or a new color!
P.s. I have new been posted before now.
thats creepy, if theres an actually tornado on club penguin.
Yeah, Mimo, I don't know. its probably for the halloween party. And I hope it will melt the snow. We'll cross our fingers!
i think it will flood cp and kill us!!aaaaaahhhh!!!!!
by the way its been a week since i cant enter cp!!can someone help me fix it??
Cool I hope it RAINS.
Cool... But I think it's just gonna be a storm, exactly like the background you can buy in the clothing catalog..
Hey! I know! The storm will come in on Halloween and the shadows of the clouds will sub for no eclipse!! :D And plus there will be lightning and stuff to make it even more scary!! (At least that's my guess!)
Wow! That sound cool! I hope lightning doesn't strike anything :O
boo yah! halloween partay!
yay I'm soo excited i love it when it rains. I better get ready for this one though it looks BIGGGG!!
wow!!!! scary! i wonder if there are going to be free raincoats, umbrellas, and maybe even rainboots! ♫Emmy
I think it will be "Hallowen Storm Party"...
But you're great Mimo!
cool i hope its 4 Halloween because then it would be dark and stormy!!!!
I noticed that as well! It looks cool! Rockhopper might have problems with leaving from the island!
Woah! I didn't expect that :D Oh yea, your cat likes fish a lot lol!
cool mimo, I think it´s for halloween too.
I think it is for HALLOWEEN party!
plz plz plz plz plz post
Hmmm i bet your announcement is either how you got the cp toys early, you know billybob irl, you give away the codes on coin or that sort - Turffguy
mimo,ur up at 5:30 in the morning!?!?!?! im not up that early but chloe is
oh no i hope its for neither of them its going to be great if there was no storm coming maybe its gonna be in the penguin times
it would be so awful if it would turn into a flood what would we do if it did flood and how come theres a storm this year anyway
what would the cove be we would become less iland than we are now omg :O :S
OMG, I think that has somethign to do with the halloween problem.
Agent Lc
hello lush i woud never of found that with out u thanks
WHAT! This is crazy mimo! Is this the end of cp?!?!?!?!
Hi mimo777 big time fan its cool isint it early today i left a comment mentioning it.
must be for halloween surprise
I think it's for Halloween too!
wow! thats cool
i can't see it!!!
realy cool! i guess club penguin will be dark again!
Storm to Club penguin?? I dont still remember before.
But Mimo is this first storm or second?
maybe its for the halloween eclipse?
oh my good it looks well good im so going to look at the cp news tomorrow to see what G says
+ your the best mimo you rock
hey mimo whens the announcement?
NOOOOO!!!!! WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO US IN CLUBPENGUIN? NOOOO what will happen to our puffles? we can only bring one for a walk so what will happen to the other? and what's a safe place to hide in clubpenguin?
most likely haloween.....This means its gonna be SPOOKY!;)
So cool but the other thing seems better
I've heard lots of penguins lie about a storm and telling everyone to go to the boiler room. That all used to be a lie--until now! Hurry! We have to get ready! Hurry! We have to get giant fans and giant umbrellas to save the snow from melting! Hurry, everyone! Run to the boiler room! Sorry, guys, I weirded out like Mimo. No offence, Mimo. LOL. Waddle on! I'm going on CP now. I'll go in Big Snow in the town.
Oh! BTW, my penguin is Matt Chez.
wow a storm,it might met the snow but i dont count on it but there might be ice puddles from the rain.
you forgot to mention me but the storms cool
Woo! This is gonna be cool!
Yeah it says it in the newspaper page a-5
I took a little look at the Vaughn Mills Mall a little out of Toronto. I am Ray Toolbear and I can go!! I All Canadians Have The Day Off Of School. Its called P.A. Day. Its a day where students have the day off. And well we can all attend the party. I got a little information on the party.
- Hundreds of kids viewing new line of toys and other products based on the popular Club Penguin virtual world
-- Club Penguin fans learning the Club Penguin dance from So You Think You Can Dance Canada judge and choreographer Tre Armstrong
-- DJ booth and dance floor modeled after the ones on ClubPenguin.com
-- Kids checking out the soon-to-be-released Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force for Nintendo DS(TM)
That is what will happen at the party!
Also in Toronto you can already buy the book which I already did. xD It comes with codes. Its the ultimate guide. It costs 9.99 because it says it is the first club penguin book ever. Also I will be attending the club penguin party. I will take pictures! I will email you them. Cool! See You There. Take the Mimograder there. xD
I know i saw it before you posted i guest the same as you. It has to be for halloween everything will be good or even better!
kool i luv the storms i was here for the last one it was very kool
OMG I KNOW WHY ITS THERE!!!! U No how cp said no Eclipse??? WELL!
I reckon its for halloween...But I could be wrong
oh no!
iat least it will be dark for the party :)
the storm is gonna be sweet, can't wait till the party
i think its going to rain and be a giant storm on halloween and somehting BIG is gonna happen to club penguin.
halloween storm cool
oh no a storm! what if the cake was blown away?! i can't have an anniversary party without the cake!
oh no a storm! what if the cake was blown away?! i can't have an anniversary party without the cake!
This is gonna lead to a second Water Party I think. It will rain and possibly flood CP and it will freeze in the cold and they will have a second water party. I wasn't here for the first water party but I heard it was awesome! I also think that it will rain on the soccer field, and it will freeze and make the Ice rink again! These are just predictions. '-'
oh no
we also got the storm backround earlier and that more be for halloween, that would be sweet if thats it. emosk8tpunke
I don't think it'll be stormy for the anniversary party, it's most probably for Halloween...
Hey purlpe moon!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: mimo,ur up at 5:30 in the morning!?!?!?!
A: Haha, no! hat time is blogger's time. Mimo lives in the middle of the US, so he probably has a different time zone than you. Or maybe he is really up until 5 am....spooky! LOL! Thanks for the question and I hope this helps! =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Mimo, I got banned for no reason! I got banned while playing Catching Waves for coins! I am probably going to miss the Anniversary Hat because I think I'm banned until Monday!
Bet is for Halloween
To make it scaryier
Can't Wait!!!!!!!!
Corney 33 is my cp name
In response to Anonymous, who said:
i can't see it!!!
Hey Anonymous! You could see those thunderclouds by looking through the binoculars at the Cove. I think they are for Halloween.What do you think?
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
that would be really weird if the party got rained out and it had to be held in side! And the free item would be an umbrella with pumpkins on it that would be so cool! SWOOT!
hey mimo give me all codes for unlock your items PLZ!!!!!
I GOT IT!!!!
they said there wasn't gonna be an eclipse this year, so now the storm clouds gonna cover up cp!that way it will be dark!!!!!
-yous friendies friend evah
I have a feeling that the storm is for the holloween party, but my friend had an idea that CP should have a blizerd for the next aniversery or mission. Hey smelly zebras RULE YO! (please post yo, if you do i will give you a smelly zebra.)
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