We pretty much knew this anyway, but here are all the Club Penguin toys! Pretty cool.

Did I tell you we also have a pink Puffle with a coin? Anyway, as the whole world knows the toys are available this Friday! We will have pix here for you to see them.
Friday, you can buy the Club Penguin toys by clicking here.
Also, check my other site, I have something I put on my Nintendo DS for you to look at. Click here for my other site.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Club penguin Rocks!!!!!!
I love the pink puffle!!! I just can't get enough of the toys!
hey i have a cheat, when playing the pizzatron game, under the penguin click on the big red lever...
Thats really cool mimo! are you guys going to get any besides the ones u already have?
this is so cool mimo...you are the best!!!
i ♥ the new toys so much!! are they going to get rid of the other toys though? ♫Emmy
I sure hope that my Mom will take me to toys r us and buys me one!
hey mimo when are you going to have your other contest? i really want you to have it already so i can enter!
around the WHOLE world? cool!!! that means i could buy too!
aw those are cool!
the puffles look funny lol
I have a cheat!! put on your tour guide hat, go to your igloo and click GIVE A TOUR. It will say undefined.
Hey MiMo!! the day before RH leaves, we should get on his boat and go with him. Tell me wat u think!!
cool. the puffles are like sooooo cute! lol. I hope ur having fun. Have u found Rockhopper yet mimo? u shld find him and have another party! w/ clues and stuff! coolio!
keep R O C K I N G !
P.S.- its been a while since i've left a comment! so...teehee!
yay im so excited! im going to buy everything!!! :D
now i know wut 2 get 4 chloe 4 her b-day on sunday
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear clank 5,
Happy birthday to me.
Weee its october the 22nd and clank 5 is now 14!
wait....how much does it cost? $5.99 or $9.99 or someting else...
Mimo rocks.When r u going to have another party? Because i never been to one of your parties :(
lolzzz i luv the mimo eats cereal!!! chloe couldnt stop loling(shes my half sister she loves cp)
Hi Mimo
I can't wait untill I get one of them.
I have a tip for you if you are looking for rockhopper.
My friend and I were just hanging out in the pizza parlor when rockhopper just came in. No kidding.
Soo just act normal and he may come
but that could be hard since u always have a mob around you.
Good Luck!
P.S. I was on Klondike. Idk what time. sorry.
omg i just noticed that it was red bull!! i love red bull i should try that 2morow imn my cerealm lolzz
I cant wait!
Clank 5 said...
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday dear clank 5,
Happy birthday to me.
Weee its october the 22nd and clank 5 is now 14!
Congratulations Happy Birthday!
From ya buddy...
Jalen said...
wait....how much does it cost? $5.99 or $9.99 or someting else...
Mimo rocks.When r u going to have another party? Because i never been to one of your parties :(
Heyy! In a previous post I think Mimo said they are $6:99 USD!
cool toys :)
anyway the puffles' hair is kinda weird but cute :D
the toys are so cute and cool! :)
clubpenguin reallt rocks!its very cool but cant afford that thing
Awesome skin mimo! I don't want to get that skin I already have one. I don't qwant to take it off! Its a maeio and luigi one ;) I can't get the plush toys but i am going to get all series 1 figurines though :D
Agent Lc
I cant wait for Disney to release the toys
Also, a while ago you said that there will be another 6 month membership contest
Can you make it soon
I am iching to find out what type of contest it is
aww cool as!
In response to Hoopster67, who said:
hey mimo when are you going to have your other contest? i really want you to have it already so i can enter!
Hey Hoopster67! Mimo did mention that the next 6-month membership contest was gonna start real soon, so keep checking back to this site!Good luck for the contest too! :D
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
Wow, these toys are cool. I really hope i get them... (sighs) I wonder if they would be available in Australian stores... (sighs again) I really hope so. Anyways,hope i get to see you sometime during the 3rd Anniversary Party Mimo! That would be awesome!
Rock on!
Umm... mimo777 I got a glitch for club penguin! If you have a propeller hat then put it on and go under the table on the stage with food and fly! It looks like the food is flying with a propeller hat! heh heh! :-)
From bubble gum
do they sell them in the Uk? Also, my penguins name has changed...help?!
I can't wait until these come out! And, is that a brown puffle?
is that a BROWN puffle i see next to the pink one!! but shouldn't it be black ??
Hey Mimo u r AWESOME! I love this website it helps me with everything on Club Penguin! Keep on doing what ur doing!
Wow. Thats all? Thats alot. If they got more I wonder what they'ed look like. Hmmm. I LOVE THEM! IM SOOO GLAD I JOINED CLUB PENGUIN! BUT IT HASN"T BEEN GOOD EVER SINCE DISNEY TOOK OVER!
Good Luck on the Time Square Party Invitation!
I'm gonna have a Halloween Party Soon.
they all look so cool!
In response to jalen who said: wait....how much does it cost? $5.99 or $9.99 or someting else...
Mimo rocks.When r u going to have another party? Because i never been to one of your parties :(
It depends on which one u get!! Like a famous might cost more than a hallowen penguin!!
omg mimo i just ran into... drum roll... GREENDAY! yes the greenday, the beta! he is so nice! but not as cool and nice as you!
Hey guys!
It's Pearlwhite27!
SOOOOO sorry i haven't been on, you couldn't imagine how many tests we have! we had 3 today, 1 tomorrow, 1 friday, and one next tuesday! I think it's because the 1st quarter ends on Halloween. Speaking of which, go and check out my igloo! I decorated it all halloween..halloweenie?halloweenish? lol! I'm usually on Fjord, school gets out at 3 pm cptz, so im usually on about 4:30 when i finish my homework and ill try to put it on the map! you all rock and i promise to be modding more! =)
Anonymous Tide89 said...
I can't wait until these come out! And, is that a brown puffle?
October 21, 2008 6:37 AM
Anonymous said...
is that a BROWN puffle i see next to the pink one!! but shouldn't it be black ??
Hey Tide89 and Jinny Tree,
No thats not a brown puffle. It looks brown due to the white reflecting off the black. Also if it was brown it would most likly have a differant face.
yhwhhesus(CPG Mod)
the clubpenguin figures are totally awsome. im so getting them.
The black puffle is brown. lol
yo wuzzup in da hizzle?
CLUB PEGUIN RULES!! i remember when it came out with its first movie...Alien VS Penguin
bob signing off.
(end transmission)
hey theese toys came out, didn't they? I thought i saw them at a store... oh well
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