Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mimo's Planet Cazmo Party Pictures!

Well, we had a crazy awesome party on today! WOOT! It was so awesome WE CRASHED Planet Cazmo's servers! Here are some pictures of the sweetness.

Here I am!

Click here for more on the party!

Did you like the party!?

Ok, I still need to have another Free 6 Month Membership Contest! Too much going on! How about if I give away some coin codes first? Let me know what you think about that!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President

Listen to Mimo's music now at:
Mimo - Decoding Mimo


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ems24 said...

Yay! I can't wait!

ems24 said...

Oh wow, it says that you posted this two seconds ago.

No. said...

I'd luv to go but its my birthday i'm not gonna be home oh well maybe next time

Anonymous said...

I'm at the apple store!!!

--Orange Land

ems24 said...

Hey Mimo, when are you going to start the second membership contest? Just wondering.

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

I will be coming dude! Its gonna be great fun!


Anonymous said...

hey mimo I cant go to the planet cazmo game.

sorry though.


Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

My account on Planet Cazmo is the same as my Club Penguin account, Survivor91.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could go put I don't have an account B( LOL maybe I'll make one maybe not (o1

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Planet Cazmo is any good?How bout any other games besides CP? Suvivor91, Goofy73, Sandflipper, Sparkforever,CPG? P.S. Mimo when will there be another Q&A

Anonymous said...

ooooh i can't wait! mimo, you rock you've given sooo much to me! i couldn't find the pin several times and YOU FOUND IT. Thank you so much! :):):)

Anonymous said...

yay im ariscool meet ya there!

Evilk9187 said...

Please come to my party! It is at 9:00pst on the 26th! The party will be at fjord! The p[arty will start at the dock! you must wear a party hat! PLease tell people about it!

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo i cant wait for the party!!! but i dont know what time its at in canadian time so if you no PLEASE tell me at


Ben10x3 said...

cool see u there

Yellpe said...

i am definitely coming!

Anonymous said...

there are ppl already waiting.... i hope i make it on time

Cool98 said...

i'm gonna go maybe youll add me that would rock and how do you be your ultiment buddy

Anonymous said...

Mimo can you please post the membership contest? you were supposed to do it last week

Anonymous said...

yay! ^^

Anonymous said...

the other people said i missed you by like miniutes i am sooo annyoed!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i have got loads of sites that you could have partays at 2 of them our dizzywood & ourworld
Also what time is the party for england ??
Im already waiting :D & there are lots of other people waiting to !!!My name on Planet Cazmo is chocolatechum by the way

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOO planet cazo wont work too many people im near crying ='[[

Dino cools said...

Hi Mimo its Dino cools from planet cazmo(told you i go on your site)

Anonymous said...

Omg has the Live In New York thing in CP gone?!Have I missed it!? :O Please tell me :(
from sophiecute07

Anonymous said...

I really want to go but I have school tomorrow, besides I do not live in North America, I live in Hong Kong, China. So I am at school that time. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

happy early birthday spark!



Q-anna said...

Sup Mimo? I can't wait till the party! I'm Survivor91's buddy on Cazmo... I'm so happy cuz it's ALMOST as good as being buddies with you. =D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't be there = ( I have to go to church at 11:00...

Anonymous said...

Mimo I got my best freind to make cazmo

for not much proof: he named it Cavie monster

p.s ill go if i find out wich of those time is florida's

Anonymous said...

cant wait!

Anonymous said...

omg anonymous, i luvv to go to the apple store and use there iphones and computers to go online, lol!

hey sparkforever, happy birthday today! mines tomarow!!!!! i cant wait!!
plus, ill b a member tomarow of anyone wants to meet me there.

although, idk if a should ba member oct 27, or Nov.1....hmmmmm

Anonymous said...

awsome! i thought ut was yesterday!

Anonymous said...

my name on planet cazmo is Blossom173

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo I saw penguins reading books

River Racer said...

I am so there!

RacerXBoi said...

Mine is gonna be RacerXBoi. I really don't know how to work it

Aiondalia(cpg moderator) said...

Happy birthday spark!

RacerXBoi said...

Redicybob said...
Does anyone know if Planet Cazmo is any good?How bout any other games besides CP? Suvivor91, Goofy73, Sandflipper, Sparkforever,CPG? P.S. Mimo when will there be another Q&A

Planet Cazmo is good. Other websites are good to like Zwinky and Millsberry.

RacerXBoi said...

desperate non member said...
Mimo can you please post the membership contest? you were supposed to do it last week

He was but there is to many things going on in CP right now. Give him a minute

RacerXBoi said...

Sparkforever said...
I'd luv to go but its my birthday i'm not gonna be home oh well maybe next time

Thats ok. Happy Birthday though.

Anonymous said...

Mimo. This will be my first party of yours. There is no way I'm going to miss it. And can you be my buddy! Please! Thanks Mimo. I wont miss it for the world.

Yay! i just created my account! its my penguin name. lol.


See yall there!

Anonymous said...

There is somthin odd in cp
my friend was playing cp and her name changed. the changed name was penguin 466445. that is not my friends penguin name! i dont have a picture of it sorry.

Katy said...

omg can the room get any more full of cazmos?!?!

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

I can't wait Mimo! I am on in Beatsreet right now!

Cool98 said...


Anonymous said...

YAY! You accepted my request!:D

Anonymous said...

it's two full mimo

Anonymous said...

By the way, when's the next ClubPenguin party? I want to try figuring out the clues, and this time I might really be able to go!:D

Anonymous said...


Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

What the! I cant log-in! Connection was lost!

No. said...

I get to stay home til 12 YAY! also the server IS too full but that just might be my computer.

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

I sorry mimo! I can't come it keeps saying connection failed. I'll be on cp in stead if you want to meet I am in Fjord Town. I am so annoyed I can't come I was on for a couple of mins but it froze. Its so packed! Have fun :D

Agent Lc

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

Mimo its too full! We cannot log-in! Connection is lost everytime!

Katy said...

omg ur being covered by a mass of people!!

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

SO SORRY MIMO! I wish I could come :(

Agent Lc

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!thanks for the update Mimo! thanks! i really enjoy your website! I'll keep checkin' for updates!

Anonymous said...

mimo i cant get in can you please change the server!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo right after u added me i lost my internet

Anonymous said...

mimo im on your buddy list :)

Anonymous said...

mimo its me gogobo
p.s add me on cp tomorrow on alpine
i'll be in the dojo 6:00 My name is Tomosdafydd exactly like that

Anny Ning said...

hey heyyy we crashed planet cazmo!!!! =D

Anonymous said...

Mimo thanks for adding me and I hope you got my email! Meet you there.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah tomorrow

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

trying to go on different servers on Planet cazmo if u go on them i cant go on beatsreet cuz its too ful!

Agent Lc

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

The thing is, we cannot load into Beatstreet! Urggh!

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

The thing is, we cannot load into Beatstreet! Urggh!

Anonymous said...

srry my connection got lost so i had 2 go.

Just wanted 2 say thanx 4 the crazy party,lol.

Also,thanx Zoezoe,china,mimo,EA,and U Frode 4 being my buddy on planet cazmo:)

Have a nice day every1!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Its wont let me log in!!!!! :(

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

m soo mad!
i logged of cuz it told me to them i cant get bak on!

Trainz Railz said...

mimo i unfortunatly cant get in planet cazmo! it keeps freezing and stuff. when u crashed it, i was at 94 or 95% then it went to 84 then logged on, but everything was flashing and moving and didnt load all the way! mayb(if i cant and probably wont come) u and CPG could hav another party soon and i could come. do u have the secret beta hat? i do

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

Ahh it crashed again! I can't get on it. Thanks for addign me though ;)

Agent Lc - YOU ROCK

Anonymous said...

It won't let us on.

Anonymous said...

ea or me santa isnt there!!!! Hmmmm

Anonymous said...

Dear U Fride, Mimo, Zoezoe, China, EA, and ME Santa,

Anonymous said...

three partys today : yours planet cazmo now!
TheFlame12 club penguin server sleet ? Heatblast227 club penguin server snow drift 2pm cptime

Anonymous said...

hey mimo...
it wont let me sign in!!

Anonymous said...

I'm at your party right now!

Anonymous said...

Planet Cazmo keeps crashing I only managed to login once and then it logged me out again! at least I saw you! I might just give up now though :(

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

OMG, its crashed again! I'll keep trying and thanks for addign me zoe, china, u fride, mimo, me santa, and EA
u all rock. AWESOME PARTY!!

Agent Lc

Anonymous said...

it dont work

Anonymous said...

hey mimo have you ever thought of making a fan website for fans to talk to you?

Anonymous said...

i can only go on beatstreet! crashed it bad!

Anonymous said...

I cant come, my computer doesnt like planet camzo XP Also, what happened to the other membership contest?

Anonymous said...

IT KEEPS FREEZING MY COMPUTER!!! I'm really sad... I really wanted to meet you and the gang Mimo... I met Me Santa though! Thanks for showing me that site! It rocks!

Anonymous said...

hi im yoyobia thx for adding me on plant casmo ps youdont need to post this

Anonymous said...

ill see ya there....maybe

RacerXBoi said...

Articsledder said...
I cant come, my computer doesnt like planet camzo XP Also, what happened to the other membership contest?

The membership will come. There were so many things happening with CP Mimo couldn't doo it.

Anonymous said...

your not there...its full anyway

RacerXBoi said...


Stickers303 said...

Heyy Mimo,

When yhis party was on it was 1am Monday my time! Please mimo, have a party for us Australians! We cant ateend your parties becuse they are so late at night or early in the morning!


Anonymous said...


Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...


Agent Lc

Stickers303 said...

wow looks like you guys added everyone!


Anonymous said...

hi. please post!! i think u rock!! u r so cool!!

sb121 said...

Thanks for the great party mimo!:) -Sb121 or silky pup-

Club Penguin said...


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm in a picture! That was awesome Mimo I hope we have another soon.

bimbo775´s awsome cheat site said...

i like the idea of giving codes

Anonymous said...

yes yes yes plz give out coin codes plzzzzzzzzzzz

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding me as a buddy mimo on Planet Cazmo!!!!:)

Can you gon on Fjord at the dock now and add mat623 as your buddy!!!!

Loved the party see you on Planet Cazmo!!!!

Anonymous said...

yes make a contest for coin codes!!!

Anonymous said...

That party rocked!!! You should totally give away codes. That would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Mimo Added Me But No ONE ELSE! gosh im on cp right now on fjord server at dock so. And THX 4 the partee mimo it rocked meh sox lolz
AND it rocks!

Anonymous said...

Give Away Coin Codes!

Go Mimo!

You Rock!

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

Awesome! I see me in some pics! Thanks for great party!

Agent Lc

Anonymous said...


Bn28 said...

yay!i was there all of you rock and yea you should do a code give away i said that you should that was my idea!


ps: a saw agentLc but, he didnt add me!

Anonymous said...

alot of people have been asking when the next membership contest. Well Mimo said that there has been soooo much happening on CP rite now that he didnt have time and will do it as soon as possible.
Hope this helps
Kiwi-Boy(CPG Mod in training)

coolio too said...

I coudn't go cause i think there were too much people on beatstreet so it kept on logging me out, but im excited with the stuff coming soon and my birthday is October 29 same day as the halloween party now its like i have a cp party

Anonymous said...


it would be AWESOMMEE if you gave out the coin codes!!


you are so COOL!!

Anonymous said...

hiya mimo i waz there yesterday im nemesisgurl and my sis is the one who kept telling u to cum on msn lol anyway on cp my name is xxminaxx maybe we could meet sometime!

Anonymous said...

cool! pls pls pls give out some coin codes! i want to unlock some items on my penguin-especially the ipod. awesome dude, you rock.

Anonymous said...

cool! pls give out some coin codes... i want to unlock some items-even the ipod! awesome dude, you rock!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Heya Mimo!
I really suggest you give away coin codes first since you can wear members stuff without being a member if you have the codes.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer coin codes! I can't buy toys in my country so it would be very nice!

Salón 313 Grupo #2 said...

Some codes allright mimo ur the best what code will u put?

Cricket said...

i like the coin codes idea mimo

Anonymous said...

woooww that party was soo nice!! ROCK ON! lol and it would be so coooooooooooooooooool if you gave some codes to unlock the treasure book. I love parties!!!!!

mimo rocks!!

Entei said...

hahaha you can see part of my name.caitlinjr23. hahah im saying go to the theater. also a few hours later i kept on losing "connection" in beatstreet.then some weird server glitch was starting to freak me out.

Anonymous said...

DO IT! Tell us! People on Club penguin have Ipods! How do i get it? They say go to the Ski lodge but... I can't find it. I want those codes! pretty please with cherries on top!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The party was AWSOME! We HAVE to do this again. What if we do it in Runescape? Hey Survivor91 I also went and saw you there! Lol! Mimo: I became buddies with you and all CPG exept Me Santa. What a shame for those of you who cuold not come!


Anonymous said...

Hey, Mimo I forgot to tell you that PLEASE give away (not in a contest) coin codes. Or if you want to make it more tricky and hard do it in a contest. The point is GIVE AWAY OR NOT AWAY SOME COIN CODES ! PLEASE!


Bailey said...

Mimo, I'm begging you. I NEED to have clothes that are new. I've been a non member for like 150 days and I HAVE to have some clothes! I really, really, really, really, want to win or get one!

Unknown said...

Can you go on again cause i didn't see you because my sister is a computer hog!!!!!!!
Yours truly,
Your Biggest Fan Jordan

Anonymous said...

YES YES, give out some codes, DUDE THAT IDEAS AWSOME!!!!
by the way GREAT PARTY!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

yay i was there you rock mimo


Anonymous said...

can you please give us coin codes

Anonymous said...

ive been visiting this site the last few months for help on cp and to get free mem would be awsome

Anonymous said...

Mimo!! That party was a-w-e-s-o-m-e!!!!! It was my first party of yours I went to, and it rocked!! I'll make a note to do what ever it takes to go to another one!!

By the way, my username is Typpy on Planet Cazmo. I am your buddy!

Anonymous said...

tottaly you should!!!!!
by the way are you a member?

Anonymous said...

i was there i saw you then our computer crashed and i had to load up but how do you earn coins

Anonymous said...

i want a membership or coin i dont care!

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!! Give away coin codes!! :D

Anonymous said...

Could you PLEASE give the codes first? thanks a lot! im your biggest fan!!! xoxo

PS. How to unlock new clothes on planet cazmo?


My planet cazmo name is: kokoliko00
My penguin name is: kokoliko

Im your biggest fan! U rock mimo!!!!

Unknown said...

Yes please give away coin codes!!!!!!!!! or both!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah! I'd love some coin codes! lol.

Anonymous said...


River Racer said...

Woot Mimo!
I hope you totaly post a contest for coin cheats!

Anonymous said...

give away both at the same time!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

definatly give away some coin codes!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you thank you thank you!!!!!

ur the greatest!!


RacerXBoi said...

Anonymous said...
tottaly you should!!!!!
by the way are you a member?

Mimo is not a member

RacerXBoi said...

Mimo I loved the party. I was gonna ask u 2 be my buddy but you would think I would only want to be it because your famous. So I didn't.

RacerXBoi said...

Hey Mimo. Is there romm for more CPG Mods. I want to become but if I can't, its ok. Just wanted to know.

Anonymous said...

Mimo please give us the codes!

Anonymous said...

Nice party man it was RAD!!!!

RacerXBoi said...

Anonymous said...
i was there i saw you then our computer crashed and i had to load up but how do you earn coins

You warn coins by playing the games. Look on the bar at the bottom, and go over 1 right beside the house. Its blue.

Anonymous said...

omg, yes! thanks mimo! i really wanted some codes

Taiga H said...

WAAAH! I wanted to go, but I can't. )=

Anonymous said...

i saw me

just ed

Anonymous said...

hey mimo im adicted to club penguin can u give me the codes pls

Anonymous said...

i was going ot go th the Planet Cazmo party but i went out...Too the Mall...maybe we can see each other some times on Planet Cazmo. If you see me around my name is heydemi then it has some numbeers after!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Please do the coin codes and the membership contest! Codes especially though!

Anonymous said...


Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

In response to Anonymous, who said:

Omg has the Live In New York thing in CP gone?!Have I missed it!? :O Please tell me :(
from sophiecute07

Hey Anonymous! Sorry, but the event at Times Square ended on October 24th. Do not be sad! CP might have lots of similar events in the future!

-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could give away a coin code as a 2nd prize, and have the membership as the 1st place prize!

Anonymous said...

YES,YES, YES!! You should definitely give out some coin codes!

Anonymous said...

i came to your party. it was super awesome. thanx for a good party mimo and your even thinking about giving coin codes! you rock more than a rock mimo! =]

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

In response to RacerXBoi, who said:

Hey Mimo. Is there romm for more CPG Mods. I want to become but if I can't, its ok. Just wanted to know.

Hey RacerXBoi! Of course there's room for CPG Mods! Just answer other's queries frequently, and you might get added!

(P.S. I saw you at the party too! The party was rocking awesome huh!)

-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

In response to Anonymous, who said:

i was there i saw you then our computer crashed and i had to load up but how do you earn coins

Hey Anonymous! In order to earn coins on Planet Cazmo, just click on the dark blue game icon located in the row of icons at the bottom of the screen, and a list of various games will appear. Phrux's Goalie is recommended for earning many coins. Hope this helped!

-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)

Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

Woot! I am in the picture taken at the Arena! This party was a blast Mimo! Thanks so much for this rocking awesome party!


Luckylarry(Survivor91) said...

Also, thanks to the whole CPG for adding me! This is awesome! Thanks so much Mimo, China, U Fride, Zoezoe, Me Santa and EA! You guys rule!


Anonymous said...

yay i cant wait

Anonymous said...


Gerroffme said...

Hey mimo you can't believe this today when i log in to my club penguin account i saw my name is different the name is like penguin name is :Skdp but today when i log in it become different......

jovanb8s awesome club penguin stuff! said...

Woooo free codes and 6 month membership contests Wooooo

Anonymous said...

ummmm ok! i like the idea but i wanna be a meber! and i didn't get to sent in the card because i cant do uploads!

Anonymous said...

btw, how do u play planet cazmo? i did not register coz im afraid my results(in the exams) will lack! i have lots of account like neopets and club penguin already! so now u understand?

p.s no offence!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can have a code contest. I want a code. My parent's can't pay the bills so I guess they are going to say no when I ask them.

Anonymous said...

wow! the coin codes would be such a great idea!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like u had loads of fun! Yeah I agree there's a lot going on..... maybe you could have the member contest next week and post other stuff this week! That way, we can save the best part, which is the member contest, for last! And I'm sure it will be a great contest that's worth the wait!


Anonymous said...

yess!! so totally give out some coin codes!
i cant get ant cause ther not sellin them in australia! yes give coin codes out!

Anonymous said...


myelefan said...

I think both (member & and code) would be a good idea

Anonymous said...

Oh wow Mimo! You're really awesome! I can't believe you'd be nice enough to give away coin codes for those of us who live in countries that don't sell CP Toys!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Planet Cazmo is any good?How bout any other games besides CP? Suvivor91, Goofy73, Sandflipper, Sparkforever,CPG? P.S. Mimo when will there be another Q&A


Yes, I play it and it is good, I like to liisten to the music. Another good game is Adventure Quest, and if you like to just sit back and relax for a bit Neopets is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

Omg has the Live In New York thing in CP gone?!Have I missed it!? :O Please tell me :(
from sophiecute07


It was on during the Anniversary Party on CP, which ended yesterday.

Anonymous said...

There is somthin odd in cp
my friend was playing cp and her name changed. the changed name was penguin 466445. that is not my friends penguin name! i dont have a picture of it sorry.


That happened to lots of people. It was a minor glitch, and her name will change back.

Anonymous said...

Wow that looked cool.
I can wait until u give away the coin codes.

Anonymous said...

tottaly you should!!!!!
by the way are you a member?


Mimo is not a member.

Anonymous said...

Its kinda sad because I want to be a mod and answer peoples posts but I live in Aussie and when people are asking questions Im in bed asleep. Sigh.

Krishna. Mohan said...

Why don't u give away some codes first. Dats a very gud idea.U ROCK MIMO!

Anonymous said...


Everyone of my heros NEVER thinks of us aussies they r always at 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am and 6am or during school time so pls make a party just for us australians who always miss it.

Pls I beg you!

From Shell Away

Unknown said...

it would be awesome to give away some codes for us not near a stere where they sell these toys

Anonymous said...

That party rocked mimo! it totally crashed planed cazmo

Anonymous said...

hurray coin codes !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh My DAYs
Theres a giant ice burg tipping party & everyones got there puffles it amazing !!!
Loved the PARTY mimo

Anonymous said...

Yeh! Deffo leave some codes for us, I really want toys but I am from the UK! Wah! No fair! So anyways glad you had a good time at the party! It looked great, I couldn't come, I was out shopping. So can't wait for the comps! See you!

Agent Lc(CPG Mod) said...

anonymous says:
tottaly you should!!!!!
by the way are you a member?


Not on CP or Pc. PC (Planet Cazmo) CP(Clubpenguin)! I mite be wrong though.

Agent Lc

Anonymous said...

i am mimos buddy now and MIMO ROCKS.

Ashton said...

Coin Codes First

Anonymous said...

i could not stay for the party(i was there)


Anonymous said...

Mimo you rock!Can you really give us codes?I like electric guitar and MP3000!It will be really cool if you give away some of codes!
P.S.Please post,you have posted me only one time!CP name-Bentemen

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