Club Penguin Halloween costumes will be here Friday in the Penguin Style catalog in the Gift Shop! There will be wigs in the Halloween catalog this year. We will have all the cheats for you right away!
Here is a sneak peek of one:

Also, the New Mission will be here as early as next week! How groovey and smoovey is that?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

You must be plugged to club penguin! Like,the second billybob postes anything you know!
so the new mision is out early next week yay!!!!!!!!!
thats a smoove wigs nice job mimo
wooo first comment i cant wait till hallowen also please give me credit for this but the reason the grab and spin game is closed is because of a cheat that gets you alot of tickets
i really dont like that wig bot o well! good for some people! i cant wait for the catolog!
second comment!
You Rock Mimo Cant Wait To Get More free Items For Halowen This Year
cool mimo
i can't wait for the new mission
Nice Cheats Mimo!
You Get The Cheats Up Real Fast!
I think CP is going to bring back RARE items in this cataloug! Like the Black,Green and Red cape and the Black hero mask!
Ohh Mimo, When the newspaper comes out check out the back to see if there is a new mission note thing =)
ya mimo that is groovey and smoovey and roovey and coovey and choovey and stoovey
hey got all the new prizes already
mimo! omg! the game grab and spin isnt available anymore!!!
Wow we are gonna look
wow a new mission i cant wait
Well... On the Radio and the news they said today will be 31 degrees...That's HOT!
Well I gusse I will just melt in the hot sun =( ... Please Mimo send me a plane ticket to where you are!
looks like dude hair hmmm im guessing in clubpenguin alot of boys will be whereing that at the time probably like a new fashion trend or something.
man, you post FAAAAAAST
If CP is brining a new puffle I think it will be orange! Becuase if you play Feed-A-Puffle, there are coloured rings where the puffle comes out... There is Green,yellow,red,blue,pink,purple,black and there is a orange one!
Could this be a hint of a new puffle?
thats trooley groovey! i loovey halloween!
you're friend goofy73
SOO COOL, keep up the good work mimo!
Do you except members?
i heard frankenstein was one of the costumes...
i can tell disney probably helped with this.
I think that the wig is frankensteins creator
Very groovey and smoovey indeed. ;)
~Mr Fun 5
HAT I HAVE DONE! NOOOO!! dang it lol i emailed cp telling them about the ticket cheat and they emailed me back saying thats sand flipper we wil be sure to get it fixed and they really ment it and they are fixing it.... darn now i gotta work for my tickets! i hope they mention my name lol well you can thank me.......
Sand Flipper
looks like a evil scientist!!! WOW
ohhh im not a member
mimo! omg! the game grab and spin isnt available anymore!!!
The game is closed because cp is fixing a ticket cheat on it... thanks to me lol
Sand Flipper
kool looks like a mad scientist but im more excited bout the mission cuz im not a member
ps i like pie =P
Dear Mimo777,
The Fall Fair Game Grab N' Spin is not working.Maybe you can post this telling everybody.
-Stevey Mon
Awesome so cool :)
This is my fav cheats website it has the latest each time
Thanx Mimo777 Plz dont ever quit :)
yay soon i will have green hair!!!
you're friend goofy73
Thank goodness that a new mission is coming out.
I finished Mysterious Tremors today, if the new one doesn't come out soon, I'll scream and shout!
hehehe now youre saying groovey AND smoovey :)
WOW ive waiting and waiting for the new mission i hope we catch herbet this time!
Looks like the game has a serious glitch...I think they can't fix it....It has already been like a day or so
How come purplyn is not in cpgang anymore?
Cool, and smoovy Mimo!
Agent Lc
Wow. I cant wait for tomorrow! Awesome halloween items are gonna be out! This sneak peek reveals a weird wig, Lol.
It looks like the hair of some kind of a mad scientist. :D
Oh wait, thats what Halloween was supposed to be all about right! Mad things, scary things, weird things, Wow its gonna be one powerful catalog tomorrow.
I wonder if there will be a new party hat released for CP's 3rd Birthday!
Anonymous said...
Thank goodness that a new mission is coming out.
I finished Mysterious Tremors today, if the new one doesn't come out soon, I'll scream and shout!
Josip52 Wow That mission was hard for me! hope you enjoy the newest mission! when it comes out!
P.S back from HOLIDAYS!
awsome! i do say, a smoothie does sound good right now.i like floobs pic the best.they all we awsome though
Mad Scientist.... whoo hoo.
Sparkforever said...
How come purplyn is not in cpgang anymore?
Heyy! I ask myself that question all the time! Purplyn9 still works for CPG but never goes on! Mimo said she lives in a differnt state then the others!
Spark...I just realised! I looked on the sidebar and she is not on there =(
Mimo what happend to Purplyn9?
Lol! I love it! That is so funny looking! ROFL! :-p Ha ha ha! I'm seriously rofl!
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