Whoa! Go check out my new site. I have some sweet new screen shots of the new Club Penguin DS game called Elite Penguin Force!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

I already saw that site
omg!!!!!!!!! i didnt know that its awesome
wait whats ur new website's name
I saw that before lol!
Anyway I am so getting Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force on my DS =)
i saw this before...
There is a new postcard, on Page 2 in penguinmail!
Credit to Stickers303!
how do u know this ru magic or something if so plz come to my house so some of ur magic can rub of on me!!!!!!!!!!!
when is it suppose to come out again!?!?!?!?
hey mimo
when is the game suppose to come out ??????
Anonymous said...
when is it suppose to come out again!?!?!?!?
Heyy! I think it is arriving some time in November!
*stickers303* - CPG Mod!
Cool!!!!! I am totally getting it! But when is it coming out???? I just need to know!!!!!
wow mimo thats soo COOL!
That's really cool. I'm just worried about you have to have Nintendo Wifi to do a lot of it, and I just cant figure the Wifif thing out!!!
Already saw it. P.S. What happened to the Ice Rink
Anonymous said...wait whats ur new website's name
Josip52 says
Hi Just Click the link and look at the URL and ITS HJE SITES URL hey presto!
MIMO!!! Instead of the next giveaway for a membership u should giveaway this game!
Anonymous said...
Cool!!!!! I am totally getting it! But when is it coming out???? I just need to know!!!!!
Josip52 Says:
It'll Be coming out in November some time I cant WAIT! its gonna be AWSOME same with the plush toys!
Zozogur said...
That's really cool. I'm just worried about you have to have Nintendo Wifi to do a lot of it, and I just cant figure the Wifif thing out!!!
Josip52 Says: Well if you look in the instuctions there should be a WIFI Faq page.
RacerXBoi said...
Already saw it. P.S. What happened to the Ice Rink
Heyy! Everyone liked the Soccer Pitch so Club Penguin decided to let it stay...But not forever!
The Ice Rink may be back later next week or at the end of the month, but the Ice Rink will DEFINATLEY return!
*stickers303* - CPG Mod
Lot of people are asking "When is it coming out"?
It should be at local video stores early November!
*stickers303* - CPG Mod!
Where are they from?
will we be able to like connect via wi fi and talk like that to anyone in the world? or like only people near you like in picto chat thing?
I just noticed this while browsing through last week's paper and playing the word search. In the bottom right corner there is 3 letters. click on the A in the bottom right, then go left one, click on S, then left one again, and click on P. PSA! A letter will show up from G! Hope this helps! Luv ur site, Mimo777! Waddle on Club Penguin!
I'm having a rare penguin party.
Wear your oldest and rarest items (that includes pins and backgrounds) Even if it ugly or a nonmember item you still have to wear it. Why? Cause it a rare penguin party and how everyone how rare you are!
Date: Sunday october 19
time: 6:00 am club penguin time (the clock at the snow forts)
where: Tundra server, at the cove
What's new post about the third anniversary & it talks about that there will be a new yearbook
the club penguin version in the ds is even cooler! but too bad i dont have one... :'(
Wow Mimo! Those pictures are super awesome! Rock on Mimo!
In response to Anonymous, who said:
Where are they from?
Hey anonymous! Well, if you are talking about the awesome pictures Mimo took,regarding the Club Penguin Elite Force, well all I can say is that Mimo has his ways! Thats why he is so awesome!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
In response to Racerxboi, who said:
Already saw it. P.S. What happened to the Ice Rink
Hey Racerxboi! Well, Club Penguin let the Ice Rink remain as a soccer pitch even after the Penguin Games, because many people liked it that way. But the Ice Rink might return sometime!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
i luv that site. i am sooo getting the new game for my gold limitied edition, legend of zelda DS. mayb ill get it 4 my little bro and sis. they have a red and blu DS (not each LOL) and they both have pengz. i cant wait. Mayb they'll release it for my B-day ;-)
Still admiring the pictures from your blog Mimo! They are awesome!
I am feeling pretty bored right now. ( Sighs...)
i need help doing cream soda in aqua grabber
toataly me,
hey mimo i know how to see the squid in Aqua garbber go in clam waters in the first level and go down where the air bubbles come from
hey ray! u know u can play cp using a wii merote, ill tell how later but its AWESOME
Sand Flipper
oh and an awesome cheat! if you computer going slow, like mine was o_O well if you click an item in your igloo say you want to take out your tv and u got 1 just click on it twice and you will be in the hole, then u can take out as many as possible! this only worked for me it might work for u too MAYBE
michaboo said...
the club penguin version in the ds is even cooler! but too bad i dont have one... :'(
ask your mom and dad for christmas or your birthday! you might get lucky......... hope you can get one! you awesome penguin you! hehe
Sand Flipper
Where are they from?
if you ask wheres cp from, Canada! dodododolloodddooo! and that answers your question! i think. unless you meant something else.... until then KEEP ROCKIN
Sand Flipper
will we be able to like connect via wi fi and talk like that to anyone in the world? or like only people near you like in picto chat thing?
thats a good question, yet i dont know either...... i guess we will just have to wait and see!
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
MIMO!!! Instead of the next giveaway for a membership u should giveaway this game!
that's actually a really, really good idea! :o
İ have a DS and play +12 games , sorry...
Yeah, I saw them on your twitter thanks Mimo!
Agent Lc
you are the best penguinw!
Heyy CPG,
Bye the time you are reading this I will be back at school from the School Holidays!
Sorry I havent been commenting much, I was just using the last days of my holidays!
Anyway bye!
SWEET!Thats Cool
I AM SO EXITED! i've been beging mom and dad to get me a DS for my birthday or christmas!
Mimo777 they changed the font for the game pizzatron...at least for the dessert game!!!!
mimo, theres only one way you would have had theise. YOU ARE RSNAILS SON!
so is the game already out in stores or what
Toally confused bn28
Hey Mimo, there is a new sneek peak on the yearbok and anniveriry party 3! I said it first!
Cool!Was that your secret website?
mimo new sneak peak on clubpenguin blog
you're friend goofy73
hiya zozogur! you asked:
Zozogur said...
That's really cool. I'm just worried about you have to have Nintendo Wifi to do a lot of it, and I just cant figure the Wifif thing out!!!
you probably won't have to use Wifi just you have to get the game and log on to a penguin! you're friend goofy73
i want one for christmas!hey mimo have a seen Napoleon Dynamite?its like sweet
Sweet! But is it out now?
U rock Mimo!
I just met thia guy on cp, and he said he was screenhog, i met him before he said that too! Alopt of peopel said he is aswell, and he said the party hat is going to be purple and pink(he dont like the design much he said) and when rockhopper comes, its going to be BIG! Lots of free items for nonmemebrs he said too!
Agent Lc
Cool.I'm getting the skin on my b-day!
hey why did you make a whole new website?
In response to Cprox10, who said:
Sweet! But is it out now?
Hey Cprox10! The Club Penguin DS Elite Force game will be out in the middle of November, November the 18th to be precise.So why not,persuade your parents to get the game for you for Christmas!
In response to Anonymous, who said:
When is the new membership contest coming out?
Hey Anonymous! Mimo mentioned that the new membership contest will commence sometime after the Fall Fair ended. I have a feeling that it will be coming out soon, so keep checking back on this site!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
how the crud did u get it mimo ur soo lucky u get everything before it comes out
sorry mimo its my mark for youtube and more anyways u rule LUCKY
mimo does it require the r button? my ds top screen was falling off and my dad had to put glue on it and he put some below the r button and it wont let me press it. can you tell me if you need to press it?
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