After all the toys Club Penguin released yesterday, they still have more to come! In mid-November, they will release the Club Penguin Trading Card Game. Not only will you be able to play the card game, the cards will connect you to a brand new multiplayer game coming on Club Penguin. The cards will let you enter a code into Club Penguin to help you to master the new game. That is really smoove!

But this is different than the card game called Fast Flippers! Fast Flippers is available now. It is a card game. Remember the card game and the trading cards are different. Yes, I'm confused too!
Here is what the card game Fast Flippers looks like.

There is also see-thru cards!

What do you think will be on the card faces? I think they will have Aunt Arctic dressed up like Rockhopper riding a squirrel. Weird, I know, so ya.
Don't forget to check out Mimo's Out of The World Party click here!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Whoa! Cool! I want some! and I hope to get them!
Hi mimo I was wondering how much does the igloo cost (in american dollars)
the different plush toys
CPG Moderator
Maybe types of penguin outfits like halloween, summer e.t.c I soo wish i had a code!!
Agent Lc
Similar to Yu gi oh, they might have characters like Rockhopper, G, Aunt Arctic, or random penguins. I knew there was gonna be one. I thought it will never existed.
There is also some fast flipper game at toys "R" us its on the site too its looks wierd but funny
Awsome mimo guys if you go to the first book and its page 101 enter
I think its crazy...kinda...its like making a whole new toy line out of nothing...CP isnt that well known...Im a web surfer/gamer and i only ran across CP this past summer. I think if they had more advertising they could pull it off. But im not shur if itll take off
Cool mimo im guessing u will be getting them all as usual lol.
Kiwi-Boy(CPG Mod hopeful)
whoa what next? NINJAS!?
cp name fireballds
i wish they would just leave cp the same.... i hate all these new changes they are making. i like the toys but unlocking items i dont like huh
Sand Flipper
Ok i am trying out for a mod but there are no posts hurry up plz i want to be a mod i have been on this site alot i have even been to the secert partys
That sounds really cool Mimo.
I think there will be pictures of coins,puffles and other stuff.
I think G, Rockhopper, Aunt Arctic, then random penguins lol! i can't wait. SMOOOVE! ps Mimo or CPG mods: i cant find the books and stuff on the disney shopping for CP, where is it??
I Bought everything
can't wait to see you open the toys
old penguin name: Jw0704
new penguin name:Penguin23415368
BIgs news and help
Scholastic book orders are giving away club penguin books!!I am excited.
I think the card game is called fast flippers you can look it up it has just been added to the toysrus catalog
Do they sell these things in Australia?
Dear club penguin gang,
In planet cazmo they have beta hats!
go to the theater then go to the lizard click yes and you have the big beta hat!!
Hope this helps
Sweet. I think famous penguins like you will be on the faces
Mimo i know this dosn't have anything to do with the card game but if i did it on the cazmo party one you probebly dont check that for comments anymore. soe here is my question. when are you going to do a party on australian because the cazmo party is on at 2 in the morning and i will be sleeping so plzzz do a party on australian time ok if u do thanks
Mimo!The secret agent room said they put only 21 screens,but they have 24!Please post [I never been posted]ryanrc68
pinkuein said...
Ok i am trying out for a mod but there are no posts hurry up plz i want to be a mod i have been on this site alot i have even been to the secert partys
To be a CPG Mod, you have to answer alot of questions. Just don't put CPG Mod beside your name cause u answer questions. Make sure u have permission
Anonymous said...
Do they sell these things in Australia?
They are gonna sell them. Not yet though. Wait.
This doesnt have anything to do with the post here but i just tryed to go on a full server and hit OK, and it went to the unlock free items thing. I think its a glitch. Its kinda cool I guess. o_o
Whoa, CP's suddenly gone crazy with the merchandizing. Toys, books, trading cards... what's next; CP breakfast cereal? (Hmm, not a bad idea actually...) All these toys and things are interesting, but that begs the question: How much is too much? I think CP is an AWESOME game, I'm just interested to see how well all this stuff will sell...
No matter what, CP still ROCKS!!!
MIMO if u click on the board behind the counter at the coffee shop it will change
turffguy said...
I think G, Rockhopper, Aunt Arctic, then random penguins lol! i can't wait. SMOOOVE! ps Mimo or CPG mods: i cant find the books and stuff on the disney shopping for CP, where is it??
Turffguy maybe them Club penguin stuff arent on there because Disney because they dont have shippings of it yet or its supposed to come out another time???????
Well I dont know but I think the books are on a different shopping site that sells thsoe such as Toys-R-Us. hope I could help!
or maybe rockhopper dressed as a puffle holding a purple cocunut
nobody sell a clubpenguin toys in philipines
Wow! Disney is introducing so many products nowadays! Man, its hard to keep up, and this isnt fair for people who cannot access these items! Oh well, I will try my best though!
Anonymous said...
nobody sell a clubpenguin toys in philipines
Cp toys won't be out yet. u have to wait
Hey, Mimo I just went to Toys R Us to get one of the books and then I found that the cards where already there!
actually i saw those in stock at toysrus
hey mimo i bet they will put U on the cards
so going to the planet cazmo party
snik fire
I SAW THAT AT TOYS R US TODAY MIMO!!!!!! I SAW IT!!!! TODAY!!!! OMG!!! and i bought the bubmlebee/frankenpenguin 2 inch figurines. all the club penguin products r 2 overpriced in my opinion, and the card game-fast flippers-well, heres how u play: put down the cards, c hu can pick them up the fastest, dumb huh?
hi mimo, i thought there are going to be 2 club penguin membership contests? is there an another one?
i dont think thats fair (if i understand)you can play taht game and un,lock items only with the code but what about us who are from diffrent places where can we buy those toys and cards not thru internet i think cause were not allowed...
Cool thing Mimo! I'm getting that.
Anonymous said...
hi mimo, i thought there are going to be 2 club penguin membership contests? is there an another one?
There is going to be another membership contest Anonymous! Mimo just doesn't have en0ought time to post it because of all the things happening in Cp. Hope I could Help!
puffie3737 said...
Whoa, CP's suddenly gone crazy with the merchandizing. Toys, books, trading cards... what's next; CP breakfast cereal? (Hmm, not a bad idea actually...) All these toys and things are interesting, but that begs the question: How much is too much? I think CP is an AWESOME game, I'm just interested to see how well all this stuff will sell...
No matter what, CP still ROCKS!!!
IN my opinion they did not sell much stuff but it may be too much. I dont really knoe. Also if they did create a Club Penguin breakfast cereal i would like chocolate coated cereal with marshmallows. Maybe the marshmalllows could be items to puit on your penguin. You could mixmatch! Sorry but im weird. Also they might make a club eonguin store if they keep selling stuff.
i have that fast fippers game alredy i saw it at new york
In response to Anonymous, who said:
hi mimo, i thought there are going to be 2 club penguin membership contests? is there an another one?
Hey Anonymous! Mimo is going to have another membership contest, but give him some time though!There are many updates on Club Penguin these days. But be sure to check back to this site as the contest might commence anytime. There is also a Code Contest coming up, so you could look forward to that too!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
mimo.... i... just love your site! i got the rockhopper 2 inch figure, and the frankenpenguin plush toy. there so cool. i unlocked the MP3000 and the pizza apron,the safty vest, and the 500 coins (which turns out to be 2000 coins!) good job mimo.
when you go to your igloo,the loading screen says players funny!
-Blue dude776 :{)
you are very devoted to club penguin...i salute you
yours sincerely,
soo mimo, u ever gonna tell us wut da seceret words from the books are to unlock special items on cp?
you should! cuz some of us cant get those books... :(
i hope u consider it, everyone wud really appreciate it!!!
WOOT! they look soooo cool!
I saw the game. It was at Toys R Us yesterday.
dear mimo
when i went to my igloo i was checking if there was new music because its halloween and there is
dear mimo
when i was in my igloo i was checking if there was new music and there is im just telling this to just in case you didnt know thanx!
from mattattack88
lol riding a squirrel rofl
idk y thats so funny to me lol
tariii said...
Hi mimo i was wondering how much does the igloo cost (in american dollars)
frosted415 here to help tariii!
I am not sure how much the igloo costs, but each figure is $5.99. So about 6 bucks. I think the price is kinda high, sinse its only 2 figures and a couple accesories.But it might be totally worth it. The clubpenguin toys, books, trading cards, and games are available at most Toys'R'Us. So I can colclude that the igloo costs about $10.00.
the game is so cool..i have got my 2nd yellow belt, but i see some got green and blue…some penguins have special cards and crazy animations…it rocks…i heard need to win lots games to become a ninja…and surprise ahead when becoming a ninja…
i have a penguin thats almost 700 days old so wanna trade trading cards for its if u want it mimo or any body email me at
i did it!
weird, i have ones and there just penguins so i dont know how to play them,
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