Everyone's really jazzed about the new Club Penguin Mix 'N Match Figure Packs! So, I thought I would answer few questions about them.
Q. Hey Mimo, how much do they cost?
A. They cost $5.99 each.
Q. So where on Club Penguin do you put in the code?
A. It isn't ready yet. I haven't found were you put in the code. I guess they will have it ready when the toys are released on October 24.
Q. So, can non-members who buy the toys put in the codes and get the free items or do you have to be a member?
A. I think that you DON'T have to be a member. You spent the money to get a toy so you will be able to get the free items.
Here are all the Club Penguin Mix 'N Match Figure Packs Unboxing videos! They are all different. Enjoy!
Shadow Guy and Mild Mannered Reporter
Bumblebee and Frankenpenguin
Space Alien and Spaceman
Rockhopper with Treasure
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

hey mimo is that one of your voices in the backround.
lol cool! i can here someone laughing in the background... china zoe... lol or maybe idk well anyway this is fun watching these!
also.. hey mimo is that one of your voices in the backround.
accually mimo is the one openeing it thats his hands... you can here him talk and it rocks hehe
Sand Flipper
Mimo could you tell the answer to this question please.How or where did you get them before they were out?Please answer!!!!!!I really want to know.
haha your little sister makes me laugh, Mimo.
well i have been saving up and now i got 80 dollars! im gona buy all of those mini toys but not plush toys... dont really like um. its gona be so so fun! hehe im gona get that game and a cp skin for my ds!
Sand Flipper, i will be even more of a club penguin freak WOO
cool mimo
Cool! It looks easy to unpackage the toy. That's good. Alot of other toy packaging is a pain. That's why I like Club Penguin because they are really smart. Will you make a video or post on how to use the codes. Even tough i entered the Viking Penguin Giveaway, I might not win and I want to see what's it like to use the codes and what kind of stuff you will get. If you do make a video or post about the codes, I appreciate it. Thanks for making those two videos about the Mix and Match Figurines!
Mimo, What's your youtube username, I want to see some more of your vids, about cp.
Rsle & sktls12
If you ever get a code you don't want even though it's a surprise, make a contest!
is this right now?
mimo how do get the toys?
awsome mimo!! thats just sweet! also to sand flipper, on oct. 13th where u at the dock wearing a green snorkel with 2006 1st anniversary hat? cus i think i saw you!!
whos in the background lol. I bet the older boy voice is you ;D
-kitty cat04
i love the figurines!! they are SO cute!! i entered the contest to win a viking!
awsome mimo!u have skiny fingers!lolz.jk but really u do
Hey mimo how did you get those so early? mod plz answer!!
you're friend goofy73
hope you and cpg enjoy the toys! ;)
you're friend goofy73
hey mimo did you enter the viking penguin give-away?
mimo check the lighthouse
its still playing fall fair music
p.s. cool figurines
if u enter one of the codes what free items will u get? liek just random free items?
watch mimos space alien one and once its over down on the bottom of the lists you see a cartoon penguin... watch that! LOL
Sand Flipper
Mimo, What's your youtube username, I want to see some more of your vids, about cp.
Rsle & sktls12
MIMOS youtube username is clubpenguingang just search that and it will show his vids... THERE AWESOME!
Sand Flipper
MIMO ROCKS.... i like that camera guy nah he looks wierd
if u enter one of the codes what free items will u get? liek just random free items?
im pretty sure if you enter say the alien coin thing, you get the alien costume or the space man costume
Sand Flipper
Skipper 287 said...
"Mimo could you tell the answer to this question please.How or where did you get them before they were out?Please answer!!!!!!I really want to know."
Dear Skipper 287,
Mimo likes to be mysterious, so he won't tell the real reason, but i'll try my best.
Lets just say, in real life, Mimo's not your avarage kid.
-regiking7, cpg mod
is that your hands?
Awesome :D
Cool!Was that ur voice in the back round?
mimo, u r so lucky. my parents probably wont by em. :-( im gonna have to by them, and i dont get paid much. double :-( anyway, i hope u get kewl and awsome items for ur pengs
I really want to buy them all but...im like 12 and I would get really embarrest buying them!
are thay gonna sell them online?
where can I buy it?!
where can I buy it?!
Awesome mimo, I already seen them though. I watched it on yotube ;) They look so cool!
Agent Lc
i heard someonein the background. it sounds like a girl. she laughing. i just wonder who is that. is it china or zoe? oh ya, about the figurines, do they sell in singapore (the one next to malaysia.)??? i really want to get some free items! :)
p.s we have toys r us in singapore.
n ... the post is very long.
Are you going to tell us the codes? If you are, that would be great! Thanks a bunch for posting the pics and vids!
Hey mimo!
Ur awesome!
How did you get them before they were out?
Anyways was it ur voice at the background?
Hey Mimo777 AWSOME you guys were so amzed at them I was too and you now how Stickers303 is from Australia wel im from Australia Too!!!! :-) Its AWSOME here like its last termof school only 6 weeks left! i have 8 week term my sis has 10 weeks! :P lol
so im lucky! i HOPE to see you soon! :') happy tears
where do u actually get them?
and where r the codes?
Cool! I wish someone would invent a teleport machine so I can go somewhere where there's a Toy's R Us.
haha lol funny it must b u who says sweet then if u hav a little sis shes says u always get to say that cute lol
Those were awesome Mimo! I enjoyed the unboxing videos so much! Rock on forever Dude!
The background voices were pretty funny. :D Those were awesome videos Mimo, I am sure all of us enjoyed it! Rock on dude!
you rock mimo!Is that you talking in the video
lol when you were openning rockhopper i heard somesay ,"its a boat" lol it made me laugh..
which one is u?
how did you get these things before they came out? plz tell
Hey mimo that vid is awesome u rock u should be moderator you really are the most famouse penguin ever you make the best vids From Iglo20
PS. i live in south africa so i dont use dollars so can you tell how much in rands?my penguin name is Iglo20
Hey guys,
It's been a while since I've moderated comments but here I am.
Rofegme asked, "is this right now?"
No it's probably been a couple days. Mimo takes videos and pictures of tons of things. It would be hard to do it right now.
Anonymous asked, "if u enter one of the codes what free items will u get? liek just random free items?"
No one knows yet. Club Penguin hasn't even released the toys yet. And to everyone who keeps asking about how he got the toys it's a mystery. Mimo has his ways. Mimo rocks.
Sharpay300 asked, "is that your hands?"
Yes, I believe they are.
Avatar14 asked, "Cool!Was that ur voice in the back round?"
One of those voices is mimo. I think it's the oldest sounding boy voice. It's hard to tell when you can't see the faces though.
see ya later,
Awesome Pen7
PS I think my fingers will fall off from all this typing. :oD
Hiya, will the toys be available in the uk???
I hope so!!
Are they going to be sold in England as well?
omg i think that is super awesome.
Hey guys
Awesome Pen7 here,
Anonymous asked, "are thay gonna sell them online?"
Probably so. I would check ebay. I might ask my parents to look.
Hai son asked, "where can I buy it?!"
I think you can get them at Target. Ebay is also a good place to look.
Iglo20 asked, "...PS. i live in south africa so i dont use dollars so can you tell how much in rands?
I looked it up on the web and it converts to 43.125237443 rands. Hope you can buy some of them.
Anonymous said, "Are they going to be sold in England as well?"
I think it's only fair if they are sold in England. After all Americans aren't the only people who play Club Penguin.
see ya later,
Awesome Pen7
.......Im.......so.......jelaous.....but that is so cool!
"The bee is going to sting" me your little sister rocks man!!!
cool!! ps:I could hear your little brother in the background
how did you get them so early?
yo mimo i got a few questions for you so you should do the questions and answers again
yo mimo! are they relased yet?
How did you get these early? O-o
Aww! So cute! Now I want one...
So can we use your code to unlock items for us?
OH MY GOD THAT WAS REALLY MIMOS HAND! I SAW A CELEBRITY'S HAND! AAAAHHHH! ok....calm downnn........sooooooo anyway i know i havent been moderating much and the cause of that is we got BOATLOADS of homework each night, a test almost EVERY day, and math...blechhh! ;) so im hoping to get more moderating done and OMG THAT WAS MIMOS HAND! *puts tape over mouth* mm..hmm..mm. Ok THAT didn't work... lol MIMO U ROCKK!
three smilies! YAYYYY! LOL!
I am DEFINITELY going to buy those when they come out the space alien looks kool
Sand Flipper
I am going to get SOOO many!!!!
MIMO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTION: Where did you get those figurines, I have looked EVERYWHERE, and I can't find them, where did u get them????
Like I said before,"I'm not going into Toys R Us just to buy a little doll." I DO want as many free items as I can get my hands on though. I'm not a member and I think that it's cool being able to just collect and not just buy clothes. With this anyone can get free stuff. I don't mean to be selfish but that's no fun! It's cool because there is a difference between members and non-members. In my opinion, non-members have more fun.
duuuude yur voice soundz like miyne
Does it say wat ur getting? Or is it something random?
Hey Mimo,
Is that the voice of a CPG member?
will u be ale 2 buy da toys in the UK?
will u be able 2 buy dem toys in da UK?
cool. Where do you get them?
yugi 888
In response to Anonymous, who said:
cool. Where do you get them?
Hey Anonymous! The 2-Inch Figurines will be available in these following locations from
24th October onwards:
- North American Toys R Us Stores
- North American Disney Stores
- The online Club Penguin Shop
- Disneyland,California and Disneyworld Florida
Hope you purchase them!
-Survivor91- (CPG Mod)
Heyy Mimo
I live in the Raining U.K. :S
I really really want a mix and match toy...but will they come out in the U.K.?
hey CPG
awesome toys but today my teacher wrote mimo insteadof mimi i said he helps me on CP but they all laughed
Ha ha, today I went out and bought all the figurines from Toys R' Us but where I live, I didn't see the Rockhopper figure :( Oh well, hopefully next time!
Keep on keeping on!
he mimo awsome sight ive never new how to comment so this is my first i couldnt make it to ur pc party but i did mension on my over friends blog u have a top site and ur link for ur site and also pic of ur player card i hope u can see me on planet cazmo again also can u have another party on planet cazmo on the 25 plz it would be greeeeaaaaaat!!!!
I want the shadow guy and the reporter but in England its sooo cheap but its sold out! :'( Why do all the good ones go? They only have the boring Aunt Arctic that sits around on a chair and writes XD LOL
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