Ok, this is the return of the Planet Play. So this time it's not Planet X it's Planet Y. And the Stage has changed a little. But check out the costume Catalog glitch...

They still had the Ruby and the Ruby Catalog on for a long time.

But they finally changed it.

Another cool glitch! Cool Play too.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

I saw someone with the costumes...
its still now out for me
i cleared my cache
That's really weird.
LOL. We do want to see the new catalog.
the stage catolouge has changed well for me some penguin still havnt got it
thats odd?
catolog is out
mimo its now out
wow new costumes are awesome
but i don't have coins
I wont let you go on and if you try to buy something it says "A moderator has banned your account" so just a warning
Fixed IT
Theres a new postcard too. Give me credit UnclePanza
Its changed
It changed Mimo!
-Pin Wii-
The new costume catalog is here!
Its out now!!!
Signed Dude15111
They changed it!!
they changed it mimo
Nice Mimo!
This is awesome! The background looks cool, but I have most of the other items
on the top of the stage there is lights (broadcast ones)
you can move them about if you click and hold down
The script was also the Ruby and the Ruby play. But it's now changed.
well this stage looks like really good.
hey mimo thanks really cool hey i always miss a party could u give me a heads up on ur next party
cool!...i miss that play...
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