Download your Club Penguin Plush Toy Sneak Peek Poster now! WOOT!

There are two different posters you can download and print to get ready for the new Club Penguin Plush Toys! WOOT! I think I will buy 10 of every plush toy! LOL! I just LOVE them!
Click here to download now!
Remember you got it here first! ;-)

Ok, just now Billybob posted it on the Club Penguin blog. :-/
Don't forget to check out the Super Sneak Peek again. They've changed it so you can now see two Club penguin Plush toys!

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

they added the penguins from the poster to toe snow wipe away thing with color!!
I think they will get more posters and update the snow thing until it will be full with color!
im jealous of you mimo... why cant billyboob love me? lol i wish
Sand Flipper
Hey Mimo,
I'm confuzzled. If you go on the sneak peek site, it says enter October 3rd to win the viking penguin. I already entered. Do I have to enter again? Help!!
wat ever mimo. its cool, but, hard to top the stickynote change on the map. now THAT was exciting!
keep R O C K I N G !
That's cool.
dear mimo
dembikova here to say you now that sneakpeak that you have to defrost to see it it. it is the penguin dolls now he is putting them on the site hoe cool this is so cool you can see the dolls i have to get one will you see ya
whoa cool :)
i hope that i can get some! i like the RH 1. Im gonna by some shirts and a hat or somethin 2
Kewl Mimo!
Mimo That's So Kewl Mimo!
Mimo Mimo Mimo!
:-) I wish Billybob sent emails to me!
I am a bit upset becuase I didn;t make it to the finalist... But I understand... Thousands of other people entred too! I tryed hard but don't worry I will wait until the next contest!
Some people are angry at some of the finilst! I am going to tell em something!
1. Some are saying "Number 4 made an edit"! No he didn't! He only sticky-taped his player card on his DS!
2. Some of you are saying "3 of them are members! Disquilfy em"! Mimo said "Members and Non-members can enter! Besides, If they win they might give the Membership to their firned, Brother,Sister or cousin!
*stickers303* - CPD Mod
I just want to say thanks for these sneak peaks Mimo they are awesome! Keep Rocking
Agent Lc
demikova says:
dembikova here to say you now that sneakpeak that you have to defrost to see it it. it is the penguin dolls now he is putting them on the site hoe cool this is so cool you can see the dolls i have to get one will you see ya
Yeah I think Mimo mite! If he does that will be awesome, I like his look now so I hope he don't change ;)
Agent Lc :D
sandflipper says:
im jealous of you mimo... why cant billyboob love me? lol i wish
Sand Flipper
It's probably because Mimo maybe mite know him, or hes helped out clubpenguin or i don't know really.
Agent Lc
jiggly22 says:
Hey Mimo,
I'm confuzzled. If you go on the sneak peek site, it says enter October 3rd to win the viking penguin. I already entered. Do I have to enter again? Help!!
I am not sure on that! If you really want one enter again, just to make sure.
Agent Lc
Awesome! But I still do not know why they removed the link to the Plush Toy Contest.
Does anyone have a clue why they did so? And Halloween's nearing! :D
hey mimo , for some reason i have nothing to say! its not usually for me. i usually dont shut up! lol
k bye!
hi dude
from tony1132
aqua131131 said lol Kool. Aqua 131131
Hey aqua131131 Those r cool i want the Rockhopper 1 wen they come out
.......... cooley010203 cpg mod
Wow! Uhhh. What is it. I have no clue. It looks like a stuffed animal. And maybe the new thing is cloths. I still have no clue.
Wow! Uhhh. What is it. I have no clue. It looks like a stuffed animal. And maybe the new thing is cloths. I still have no clue.
that is awesomeness.
Kool too.
hey mimo
this might seem weird but when i was in the snow forts, i saw a brown fluffy thing - like a puffle - going into the member's area. i don't know if anyone alse saw it. if you did saty it on thge comments.
ohhhh i live in NZ and there might be none why why why
even though i cant get them i wish i could sooooo
rock on mimo u rock
Anonymous said...
ohhhh i live in NZ and there might be none why why why
even though i cant get them i wish i could sooooo
well u can usally buy them on the cp store online !
Lucylu I live in NZ as well but im gonna order them from the CP shop
anonymous says:
Wow! Uhhh. What is it. I have no clue. It looks like a stuffed animal. And maybe the new thing is cloths. I still have no clue.
Yeah Its a teddy! Toys R us sell them and if you want to enter to get one enter at 3rd of October, ends at 10th of October! You have to pay 8 dollars, or £5.00 pounds as I may put them! You get free items on your penguin to you have to type in a code. Cool huh?
Agent Lc
Cool...Mimo..what nationality are you...cause at the vote it appears "see the results" in my language(which is not english)...
Heyy! I just realised you took down MishMash215 off the CPG Mods!
Mishy hasnt been on in ages =(
Jiggly22(cpg moderator) said...
Hey Mimo,
I'm confuzzled. If you go on the sneak peek site, it says enter October 3rd to win the viking penguin. I already entered. Do I have to enter again? Help!!
Heyy! Yes I am pretty sure you have to enter again!
Good luck on winning!
Grr! How many days in a row Mum needs to go shopping? Monday,Tuesday and now today!
The thing I hate about the school holidays is that we always go shopping!
Please Mimo buy me a Plane Ticket to your place or something lol!
hiya sand flipper! you said:
sandflipper says:
im jealous of you mimo... why cant billyboob love me? lol i wish
Sand Flipper
yup im so jealous too! mimo works hard on his blog and for 2 years! s obillybob has noticed that and gives him a lot of credit. ;) maybe one day billybob will email you if you keep working on your blog.
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
mimo im guessing this would be one of the clothing items for the halloween catalog this friday
alien costume
witch costume
frankenstien costume
and some of the stuff from last year
and because of disney they'd probably bring back the black hero mask
ahhhhhhhh everyone one from the penguin eating potato!
he he
Hello World!!!
I'm so cool and awesome!:D
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