Ok, this could be the biggest change ever on Club Penguin!
Here it is. Are you ready for this? They changed the little sticky note sign when you click the Club penguin map.


I won't be able to sleep tonight because of this! Do you know what this means?! This is big! This is huge!
OK, Not really but is fun and I'm weird.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

thats really funny and im werid also
WOW!! I was just on my blog and ur on my blogroll and it has sneak peeks and i couldnt believe u had just posted because id been on the site 30 seconds ago and there wasnt anything there!!
thats funny
lol mimo
Sand Flipper
lol mimo thats different look at ur email i sent you a picture for the contest!
i thought they changed the WHOLE map so i got so excited but its just that sticky note ...:( o well
Sand Flipper
mimo i have been checking on your site every 10 minutes to see if you have said anything about a Mimo Quickee Party its been to long! i also cant wait tell you post more contest people i might be lucky and get on there maybe
Sand Flipper
lol woo
Wow I was on your site 16 mins ago and it was not there fast poster Mimo!
thats the funniest thing ever. lol you arent even that excited when rockhopper comes.
Lol cool!
Agent Lc
omg omg
yes, you are.
I think that is your best post EVER! lol ;)
Agent Lc
your not weird, your FUNNY and your cool!!
Agent Lc
I don't think any one will know. MIMO UR SOO COOL!
I will be going on my NON MEMBER account called Coke Good
If your weird then I am too :D
Agent Lc
Woah! Thats huge mimo! Its because the note hasnt changed since CP started! Cool, and sad. Sad because of change, but cool because of change. Y'know?
-Your friend, johnnpikachu
lol omg
Weird and funny!!
ok????? :p
Mimo you are funny, not weird. FUNNY! ;)
Sky 14
thats amazing thats very huge and im werid too
haha i was like what? he wont be able to sleep?
l0l mimo.:)
i know. i kinda noticed it too..
lol mimo
Whoaaaa.... this is serious! I'll be here all night for you! lol!
P.S. I haven't been on for a while cuz i just came back from a trip so I've been busy but ill be coming back now! Yay lol
ya biggest fan
Ye11 (i didnt add that (...) nvm lol
I like to talk a lot don't you think? I'm like blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah lol I'm weird just like you lol sure your exciting lol me and meh friends are making more videos feel free to watch lol I'm ALWAYS talking lol
ya biggest (and blahblah) fan
Really WOW!
*WhIsTLe* I'll tell you something... I can't whistle lol I'm a 10 year old kid that can't whistle?!? *sigh* lol I CAN'T WHISTLE! :'( lol
ya biggest (can't whistle...) fan
Ye11 *WhIstlE* sigh lol
Sticky note Sticky note Sticky note Sticky note Sticky note Sticky note Sticky note Sticky note Sticky note its fun to say it lol
ya biggest (Sticky note) fan
Ye11 lol
I think its cool to have a blog.... I make a blog with my friend.... I think I'll add it to your blog roll once we're finished with it....
ya biggest (and tired) fan
Ye11 *yawn* lol
Oooh they're gonna add a NEW room!.... idk lol but it could be a new room.... MWAHAHAHAHA....! are you still there? oops lol
ya biggest (im skeptical arent i lol) fan
Ye11 lol
Heyy Mimo,
I already knew that and I thought you already knew that it was changed!
Also I like your updated twitter its very cool!
yes you are weird! lol jkjkjkjk
Sand Flipper
Comment deleted
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Dear Comment Deleated i dont know what that has to do what anything that you are saying!
just kidding i may be wierd but not THAT wierd... well yes i am that wierd :D
Sand Flipper
Mimo i got a question for you, one of the very questions that is a question out of questions that is a hard question that you will not question what the question is
Sand Flipper
lol mimo. you are so funny and weird!
mimo your funny... well anyway could you add my knew blog to your ultimate links? if i show you it and you can deleat my old one pweaaaaaaaaaase hehe
mimo rocks
and.....Sand Flipper
lol for a minute i though u were for real
hmm i thinking about that player card thing hmmm what would be a good place to do it.... oh and at school everyone calls me
The Club Penguin Freak
hehe lol well i can agree that i am a little wierd
Sand Flipper
OMG!:O The old one looked better!
Hi mimo! i cant wait til you post some more pictures. im bubbagum4444 i hope you like the pics ive been sending! it was so much fun making them. you should do lots of contests like this! thnx a billion!
keep R O C K I N G !
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!! THATS SO AMAZING!!!!! HOST A PARYT JUST FOR THE CELEBRATION!!!!!!!- THE COMING OF THE NEW STICKY NOTE!!!!!!, yea not that big of a deal mimo.......
-u dont wanna know my name
lol mimo you crack me up
Heyy Mimo,
I am sending in another picture! Its my penguin with a Mad Magazine Below my Penguin ;)
Wow lol, Thats cool! But I dont understand why you would not be able to sleep.LOL. I am not sure but I sense there is something more to this. :D
That was really werid lol mimo
- spark6782
Hey ~Sand Flipper~ my friends at my school call me the "Obbsessed Club Penguin Chick" ha ha I don't mind I think it's cool!
~Mimo~ remember you are FUNNY not weird! ;)
Sky 14/Positive14/Kaylie
Wow lol. I wouldn;t even notice that. Haha you are funny Mimo.
- Greeeeeeeeengrocer2
hey mimo theres another change
theres another card in the card thingy
for ruby and ruby
uh....... what does it mean????
That's weird xD
You're funny mimo :P
That was so out of the blue Mimo....u rock!
*thats NOT the biggest* lol
nice twitter update mimo lol. check ur replies ;D
hey mimo,
when r u gonna show some good new player card pics?
keep R O C K I N G !
Why in the world did they change it? Of all the things to change they had to change a sticky note? ;)
lol, i would do the same thing xD
NNNNNOOOOO!!! Club Penguin will never be the same. Tragic. Really Tragic.
I cant believe they changed it this is huge
(please post never been posted:)
Lol nice but did u also no that puffle round up words have changed as well!!!???
HoogaBlooga im weird to
-Mayybbee(thats my penguins name) Told you i was weird
sup mimo, your not weird. thats kinda funny. aight. later
Thanks again Mimo
wow i cant beleive it its so amazing i cant sleep ive tried for days but i cant
Hey Mimo,
I LOVE sticky notes and I'm sure to go without sleep for a whole week! I love it as much as exciting parties going on! I hope the Fall fair would be really fun and they'll make tickets for us to redeem free prizes, and my mum just bought a 6-month membership for me! I'm so elated! I shall stuff my inventory with A LOT of clothes!
Waddle on,
Clarisse Daisy(Daisy 9898)
i cant belive it!!! its amazing!!
i never thourt something so big like that would happen!! im speeckless!!
lol =D
erm...yeah mimo u definitely are wierd lol =P but so are we(your fans)! you rule CP mimo.
how could they do such a thing?*gasp*
i might faint from suprise
LOL! Well Spotted!
Ha ha ha, nice one Mimo!
They keep changing these kinds of things on Club Penguin and it's getting really weird! Maybe somebody should email Club Penguin and ask them why they keep doing it.
Anyway, that post made me laugh Mimo!
Carysimoimo xx
kinda random.
p.s i think puffle roundup is under rated even though i just got 600 coins!!
i CANT WAIT TILL rocky comes
or is he gone already
i cant see him in the telescope
cool they also have a new poast card a ruby and the ruby one! From mileyfan3333
anonymous said...
uh....... what does it mean????
Hello anonymous.
It means that the sticky note on the map changed! The font grew bigger! Mimo is funny and just acting weird: XP
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
anonymous said...
hey mimo,
when r u gonna show some good new player card pics?
keep R O C K I N G !
Yo bubbagum4444
Yup! Hes gonna post them( at least he said he would)o_O Probaly in the next couple days
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
how do you be a cp ninja?
lol!your funny mimmo!!!
mimo i really hope i win that membership cause its too of them and i got two friends which their mom wont let them become members ITS PERFECT i already told them about it and that i might maybe just maybe win you both a membership! there happy now but i dont wanna bring um down
Sand Flipper
WOOT, go mimooo, hes not weird, hes cool you know! He is funny, cool and he likes zebras too! yeah.. yeah doo doo doo! That poem was kinda rubbish lol!
Agent Lc
XD Funny!
Never mind Mimo, they fixed it.
LOL MIMO!!! You rock and your SOOO funny! I was laughing SO HARD I ALMOST WET MY PANTS!
you just made my day
Loopee214 (cp name)
so the changed thu font...
lol thats not weird i always joke like that all the time and it makes my friends LOL
That IS huge! Its going to haunt MY sleep too! AHH! WHY DID THE LITTLE STICKY NOTE? That thing is something EVERYONE will notice! AHHH!
thats cool! my freinds say im weird.ps.i made a new penguin
lol haha ur right your weird but i am too so... HAHAHAHA okay no... And for your post WOW I DIDNT NOTICE THAT OMG OMG OMG LOL IT CHANGES!! ITS SO HUGE NOW!!!!!!!1 WELLLLL its so weird that it changes...?
I dont understand why did they do that.
wow. u r really famous! nice post!
I think that all text on Club Penguin has changed.
Now that you mention it.
I first noticed on the Bean Counter and Cart Surfing games.
OMG Mimo ur turning freaky i mean u dont care wen rockhopper comes well u dont care that much but still....:p
... yup your wierd but your not random :( you rock mimo777 and be random not wierd CHEESE!!!!! PICKLES!!! se thats random!
Trust me mimo, Ur gonna sleep tonight. UNLESS IT GOES IN UR DREAMS!
P.S. Dear CPG mods,
I was wondering why Mimo's clues for easy partys (Mimo calls them easy) are soo hard? Is it because im not smart? I think it is.
Plz answer! :)
I'm wierd 2 but u make wierd look cool so i guess I'm cool!! lolz!! funny post!!! xxxxxxxx
P.S. i have changed my name many times but from now on this will be my permanent username :-P
somebody said ur giving away two 6month memberships- is that true? i thought it was just one. i hope u like my pic!
keep R O C K I N G !
mimo, i was thinking that there would be a new room or something, cuz u said amazing... now im sad...
mimo im sending you a video that you will LAUGH and LAUGH and it stars you and me its SUPER FUNNY and we are in cartoon its so awesome i hope you get the time to watch it
Sand Flipper
or i can tell you where to search it on youtube once i get it on
how do you be a cp ninja?
well Mr. wanna be ninja dude
you cant become a ninja... people make edits that makes it look like there a ninja and how they get on walls they use a hack... and yes there is still one out there called
Penguin Storm or Penguin Fire
same thing but ones a little better....
Sand Flipper
P.S im a ninja
hehe jk
anonymous says:
somebody said ur giving away two 6month memberships- is that true? i thought it was just one. i hope u like my pic!
keep R O C K I N G !
Yeah, It's two! Awesome isn't it!
Agent Lc
anonymous says:
Lol nice but did u also no that puffle round up words have changed as well!!!???
Yep! A few more games have changed fonts, kinda cool.
Agent Lc
johnnpikachu says:
Woah! Thats huge mimo! Its because the note hasnt changed since CP started! Cool, and sad. Sad because of change, but cool because of change. Y'know?
Yeah, its been there along time! Maybe it's time for a change, lots of things are changing.
Agent Lc
hey Mimo, I think that CP just said for members there is going to be a new room at fall fair party! Cool, but not for you. I wish you were a member, I'll send you a picture of what its like if there is a new room.
Agent Lc
hey thx for all the tips, and don't worry, i'm weird too. you rock!!!
haha mimo you're pretty darn special all right =]
ha ha nice one.
hey can we photoshop the picture of or player cards after we take it ou know to add text bubles
...you are weird!
hiya sand flipper! you asked:
Mimo i got a question for you, one of the very questions that is a question out of questions that is a hard question that you will not question what the question is
Sand Flipper
ummmm ummmm uh hmmmmmmmmmmmmm uhhhh to much pressure ok the answer is 24 ok i said it!!!!!!!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
hiya anonymous! you asked:
Trust me mimo, Ur gonna sleep tonight. UNLESS IT GOES IN UR DREAMS!
P.S. Dear CPG mods,
I was wondering why Mimo's clues for easy partys (Mimo calls them easy) are soo hard? Is it because im not smart? I think it is.
Plz answer! :)
hiya anonymous! your right anonymous they are pretty hard. but sometimes they are asy but mimo also doesnt want them to be too many people getting it so easily the a gagabillion people would be at the party! hehe good luck or as goofy i would say goof luck! hehe
you're friend goofy73
hi patamon246, you said:
...you are weird!
we'll if mimo is wierd than im kuckoo for cocoa puffs which i am so uhhh wait why did i answer this oh yeah mimo rocks!!
you're friend goofy73(CPG moderator)
i like being weird and that was funny =D lol i act liek that most of the time
*huge gasp* That's incredible! It will forever change the way I play CP! I never noticed that, either! Hurray for randomness! xD
If one of your buddies is online, and you click on the Find Button on thier player card, The writing is differnt too... It is smaller!
lol, if u go to the newspaper and drag the yellow leaves away it will reveal a picture. click on in.
Heyy Mimo,
Im going to start being a CPG Mod!
Im am always on the computer so I can answer many questions =)
...The new CPG Mod!
most of the cpg mods aren't answering questions anymore.
-Sprouse 97
oh lol man i get it
OMG MIMO THANKS!! i just went on twitter and you said knew cpg mods added and im like i wonder who that could be and i look and i saw agent and one down and i saw me... i thought this isnt true im just seeing things i dont still cant believe it is it just my eyes?! YOU ROCK MIMO YOUR THE BEST
Sand Flipper
Anonymous said...
how do you be a cp ninja?
Answer: You can't unless you hack, and hacking isn't good!!
Hello Sand Flipper here... um i was just gona refresh your memories on how to screen capture images! so listen up!
FIRST: when you are ready to take a picture hit Print Scrn wich is on the top right of your key board
Second: open paint and click paste
Third: Cut out the part you want of the picture
Fourth: Open up another paint and hit paste then just save it and there you go!
if you need any help just ask and i can give you a more clearer way.. if there is one
Sand Flipper
mimo, i was thinking that there would be a new room or something, cuz u said amazing... now im sad...
dont be sad and its not mimos fault, the title of the post says the sticky note changed you should of read that before you got your hopes up :) i thought they just moved the rooms around i guess i should of read the posts title first
Sand Flipper
Mimo I don't know if you've noticed but when I was sled racing I clicked on other rows of sled races and I went to them. I got up and went to them.
mimo how much sugar did you have....
Sand Flipper
omg! that is so exciting!!!
and by the way what is a quickee party?
shamerine said...
omg! that is so exciting!!!
and by the way what is a quickee party?
Ill tell ya what a quickee party is shamerine! every once in a while mimo will post that he is having a party and he will post when and where then he parties for just a little bit not long and thats why its called a quickee party and also you gotta be quick :)
Sand Flipper
Mimo I don't know if you've noticed but when I was sled racing I clicked on other rows of sled races and I went to them. I got up and went to them.
Hello Sand Flipper here! its just a little bug club penguin still has to smush! they will have it fixed in no time!
Sand Flipper
If you play SLedding race, the font changed! (Please give credit)
hahah mimo your the best
well i bet im weirder.
WOW! THAT IS AWESOME!!! But I bet that I'm weirder than you.
awesome mimo i sent in a contest photo about c p g magazine i hopoe u like it
i i i i cant beleive it its sooo amazing i cant sleep wow wow i i i i i wow
Heyy guyz!
Sharmie said...
omg! that is so exciting!!!
and by the way what is a quickee party?
First of all it is very exiting =) And a Quikee Party is when Mimo and some other CPG Members have a quik party on a random sever for about 10-20 Miutes! You may even have the chance to be buddies with A CPG member! Mimo has them 1-3 times a month =)
Hope this helps...
Jeremjay24 said...
lol mimo thats different look at ur email i sent you a picture for the contest!
Heyy there,
Im sure Mimo has got your picture for the Membership Contest! Also I am sure that he had a laugh =) Also the more pictures you send, the more chance of you winning!
Good luck to you and everyone else!
Regiking7 said...
lol for a minute i though u were for real
I thought the smae to lol =)
Anonymous said...
wow. u r really famous! nice post!
Yes Mimo is famous! He is for his partys,cheats/help,disscusions,Mission help and obvioulsy FUN =) But it is just Mimo that is famous on Club Penguin Gang... U Fride,9China9,ZoeZoe11,Me Santa,Ea12345 and Purplyn9 are also famous with the site to =)
Heyy Mimo,
I was just wondering... Where is Purplyn9?
She hasn't been to any of your partys latly!
Well I think thats enough Moderation on comments today!
I will answer some tomorrow =)
OMG, Thanks so much i am a cpg mod:D
Agent Lc
Wow mimo this is weird but if your weird then so are us ur mimo fans!!
Sarcastic much??? lol
MIMO RULES! My penguin name is Mebanning. is rockhopper coming or not? *grumpy face* i was looking forward to him comin'!!!!!!!! *REALLY grumpy face*
Mimo,how do you find the changes in Club Penguin immediately it is released?
Are you a cheater??????!!!!!!
whens rockhopper coming and are new games gonna be there
lol funny. ps i saw something weird too - a real rainbow puffle! honest! it was changing colors going through all the colors of puffles. maybe it was a glitch though.
Hey mimo, I can't wait till fall fair! Its gonna be best party! I missed the last one. I hope its good.
Agent Lc(CPG Moderator)
Mimo did you know that if you pick up a piece of furniture and press the delete key it goes into storage. Please post.
Its me again! I got 3000 coins from puffle round-up! Im NOT kidding >.
>. L
Mimo plz post soon
OMG! they changed a STICKY NOTE!!! lol ur funny mimo
mimo the go before you start racing on the sled racing game changed....check it out! =]
really weird....
Anonymous said...
lol funny. ps i saw something weird too - a real rainbow puffle! honest! it was changing colors going through all the colors of puffles. maybe it was a glitch though.
Dear anonymous,
Im sorry to tell you this, but there is no such thing as a rainbow puffle. I have seen people do that so-called, "glitch", and i can assure you that they are surely hackers.
yeah all the games are different too
Lol, gave me a good laugh.
yea, you ARE weird, weirdo
yeah... could u post a before and after picture of the map like from 2006, and now? ive been trying to find one.. i thought this might be it, but its just the frickin sticky note!
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