Here are a few pretty sweet pictures sent in so far. These are NOT the winners, just some good ones.

What do you think? LOL! Come on, send one in! NO EDITS! This has to be a real picture with your player card in it.
Fun, huh?!
Click here to read about the contest.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

coolio- im about to send u one! im so excited. keep R O C K I N G !
Hey Mimo! That is awesome. But I cannot print anything out. So have another contest so anyone can do.
omg im like the first 2 veiw this omg awsome u posted this 4 mins ago omg! ( man i said omg too much(darn i said it again...)
w00t THIS WILL BE AWESOME thz mimo u rock soooooooooooooooo hard ROCK ON
mines funny havent emailded u yet
Could the photo be computer genreated??
can a cpg moderator answer this question? is zoezoe mimo's girlfriend in real life? sorry, sorta awkward question
i didnt enter, but i want to see some of the funny ones!
~~~~~~~~~~~~Mr Larry 2~~~~~~~~~~~
i bet they're awesome. i hope i enter one of you contests soon because i never entered one. i can't wait to see the weiner!!!
sorry to bother u again, but what grade is mimo in?
cool mimo!
im about to send tou 1!
- AbbyLauburn2 -
waaaa!!! i have a super funny idea BUT but... My printer wont work!!!! is there a suggestion u can give me to do the entry!!??
hey can one of the mods help? if we cant take a pic then can we just design a really cool and funny pic of our player card and e mail it?
plz help
Hey! I sent one in and I hope It gets on!!
Hey! To Kirby906 you asked:
can a cpg moderator answer this question? is zoezoe mimo's girlfriend in real life? sorry, sorta awkward question
A: actually, zoezoe is mimo's sister (i think)
hope i helped
19sparkle98 (CPG MODERATOR)
hey kirby no i dont think zoezoe is mimos gf i think she is his sister
i hope you like my pics i sent you! this contest is really cool, you should do more like it! im glad i could enter this one, because i dont know how to make videos- lol!
keep R O C K I N G !
lol cannttt wait.....XDD
thanks to iluv2shop for her answer.
^_^ Lots of people are so creative and funny =]
i dont think i will ever see the hokey thing again the soccer pitch is STILL THERE
im going edit one.Jk i cant
Thats Cool but this stinks for me because my printer is out of color anyway im a member.
Hey. hey, people nice entries.
A person asked:"can a cpg moderator answer this question? is zoezoe mimo's girlfriend in real life? sorry, sorta awkward question"
No it's his sister.
Hope this helps!
Chaos link(CPG mod)
coo elll im sad i cant enter =*( waaaa
baha! =D
Mimo thats not fair you posted all members except one!
I like the one on the clothesline. So original!
mimo. please give it to a non, member
yeah they are funny but wait tell you see mine! i am the KING OF FUNNY except my dog chewed of the end of it so i cut part of it off cause it was all slobbery and that wouldnt look to good in the pic but it would be funny
Sand Flipper
Mine is better not 2 brag or anything...
Their all nice.I'm going 2,but I keep taking some and I can't decide which 1.:/
I would love to enter, but my printer isn't working and im unable to download pictures from my camera to the computer... = (
Hey mimo, they updated cart surfer!
cool! that rox my mimo sox! lol! those are really cool! i hope you liked my pics! thnx a billion!
keep R O C K I N G !
hey any cpg mods help me
how are some in member clothes
Hey kirby906!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: is zoezoe mimo's girlfriend in real life?
A: Haha, no, ZoeZoe11 is NOT Mimo's girlfriend. She's actually his sister! Pretty cool, I'll say!
Hope this helps! =)
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey kirby906!
It's Pearlwhite27!
You asked:
Q: what grade is mimo in?
A: Mimo just turned 13, so he's just going into 8th grade. He's two years older than me, wow!
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
Hey hoopster57!
It's Pearlwhite27!
That's a great idea! And if you want to take a picture on ur comp, then find a button that says prt scr and then theres a line and then it says sysrq. Press that, and then go to paint (located on the start icon in Accessecories) Paste it, and then do whatever u want to it, then copy it and do what u want! Hope this helps! =)\
Pearlwhite27(CPG Moderator)
i like the one with the sox.thats,like, really funny :D
PS.was that your computer for the ice fishing?i like iMacs lol
those are very nice! i sent in mine! i hope i at least get posted if i dont win! ;-)
Lol! I think mines not going to win, because there awesome!
Agent Lc
I have sent you one just now!
Awesome! They are gr8 pics! They are funny! :-D
hi mimo i dont know how to print my player card from the cp website,that is why i can't join the contest because i dont know how to print my player card from the web.Can u explain how to print it from the page?
-----by mkathyii
Wow these entries rule! Keep up the great work!
sup dudes hey well its safire98 here i havent been here in a long long long time because i wasnt a member anymore and i was bored on cp and i never went on here since i never went on cp but now that im a member i come on here now well i just wanted to say that som ofn the entries are already members so im thinking they shouldnt quilfify unless theyre doing it for a friend but they should use thier player card
ya biggest fan
-Jello Jelly
So there are two contests of 6 months membership?
i cant send one because my camera is broken. when will there be a another contest?
i cant send anything because my camera is broken have another one soon.ok?
lol i live the bearded dragon pic
any ways we have a class pet bearded dragon and hampster who doesnt like the color purple thats kinda bad cuz her ball is purple i gtg my teach is emailing me shes fun great contest mimo
Awww I would enter, but my dad who's in Texas right now has the printer =(
Hey! Good job to everyone who sent one in!! Those are funny. They sure made me laugh!!
i like the socks one the best!:D
I like the one with the lawn nowm its soooo funny i hope it wins!! mine will probably never win because its not as good as that one :)
Wow i love the one with the gnome thing. ( i thing its a gnome ) any way it should win
Cool entries! Though I'm still not laughing yet! Somebody send something reeally funny in, quick!
Good luck to everyone anyway!
Carysimoimo xx
Ive been soooo busy with school and stuff i never have time to do the contest. Ill try to today tho
Ahhhh! That's a Black Bearded Dragon in the last picture! I have a Bearded Dragon, too! But he's still a Baby.
icetice said...
So there are two contests of 6 months membership?
Hello icetice, (cool name!)
Yes there are. This is the first one and Mimo will have another after he is announced the winner for this competition. Hope this helps.
- Greengrocer2 (CPG moderator)
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