Well, we had a sweet Mimo Labor Day Quickee Party! This time we moved around a little bit. Here is some of the joyness.

We'll have another one soon! Do you see yourself?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, parties
Mimo 97tootie here!! Go to the Boat!! We want to rock it!!!! And if u can plz add me!!!!!
i saw him he so cool yoshi849
hi mimo byg123 here.u get stuff posted so fast.u rock.
Mimo can you meet me at sleet piazza paror or pet store so we can be freinds i know you already have more freinds but this wuold mean a lot to me I will try to be there every day between 4.30 and 5'o clock
I'm there. thats so cool mimo. its fun. if u can will u add me mimo? im bubbagum4444. Im blue with blue facepaint. thnx a billion.
keep R O C K I N G !
I saw you it rocked, Mimo thanks for the party it was the best!!
Agent Lc
i didnt see you :( well anyway....HAPPY LABOR DAY!!! :D
I met you, but you didn't answer my request. =(
oh i just missed it aw man ok next time cya
That was awesome mimo! I love ur parties!
im there right now!
That Quickee Party was sooooo cool! It was sooo cool meeting you!
the party was soo much fun. Im in U frides igloo right now. Its really cool. heyhi1316
well i saw you! haha but everyone was following you so i thought it was a parade! LOL
Carmen Stone
That was a awsome party mimo
Awesome I went to it!
nice party 9china9 its ptsc3 remember me.
U ROK MIMO!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey mimo! i saw u. u didnt add me but i get it. i bet ur buddy list is soooooo full! teehee! the party was awesome!
keep R O C K I N G !
P.S.- ur cool.
Agent Lc
thats cool
i hope im in a pic.
keep R O C K I N G !
P.S.- this was my 1st mimo quickee party and it rocked!
YOU TOTALLY ROCK, I AM SO COMING TO YOUR NEXT! It was so funny I was nearly the first to see you in dock, we were talking and at lighthous;-)
Agent Lc
im using my sister acoount
the party ROCKED!!!!!
i saw you! then you changed to the lighhouse stairs and i saw it on your website then i had to go to dinner. :( i asked to be your buddy! why didn't you say yes? i also asked me santa and zoe zoe to be my buddy. they didn't say anything. then i tried to send you a postcard but your inbox was full. :( next time can you be my buddy? my penguin name is Kathleensccr. same to all of the CPG members. what about your "new" site? WHERE IS IT?
dear mimo777,
i loved the party i am frosten63.
my favorite time was when you were at the lighthouse.and it was only me,you,zoezoe,and me santa.
i was the blue penguin with a tiara and gold medal.anyways i had a really great time and wanted to thank you.i live in new york city.
this is the most exciting moment in my life.
sincerely a extreamly happy excited penguin player,
nice party remember me 9china9 imptsc3 i have pictures of us on my website.
No! Just missed it =(
Hey Mimo! :[ I miss every quikee party I thought there was one right now! :{
nice it was fun
I was having a shower getting ready for school! Ohh well maybe next time ;)
Mimo i asked you to be my friend so many times and you didind even answer but awsome party
big fan joncena rls
I can see my saying Mim o, go mimo, bl og and stuff. I was trying to say ur bl og is cool!;-)
I hope to see you again and CPG ,
Agent Lc
Darn I asked china,zoe,u fride, and mimo and they did not reply back to my buddy card. I even went to china's igloo and she never replyied she barley even talked.
-Lucky Kitten
COOL! im in one of the pix! thats sooooo sweet. Im bubbagum4444. the blue penguin with blue face paint. i was at all the places he showed pix of! sweeeeet.
keep R O C K I N G !
i can only see myself in one picture. i am covered by a lot of other peoplez. I am the one with the blue glasses, green tennis shoes. and stuff. MIMO, PLZ HAVE ANOTHER PARTY SOON. maybe on November 30, coz thats my Birthday ;-)
Im soo sad i missed the party :(
I want to thank you and CPG Mimo, Thanks for cheats and partys. They soo rock! I can't believe I have saw Mimo and CPG, sorry I am a bit feel crazy. Dont forgot peanut butter jelly time, lol.
Agent Lc- your biggest biggest biggest biggest biggest fan!
Did anyone catch the mimo imposter right after he left the dock?
I was there but u never add me :(
-Pin Wii-
hey mimo i just missed it yup but happy labor day and all to you.
Cya next time for sure i will be there (maybe :P)
I finally didnt miss it!
hey mimo im in every pic but 2!!!!! thats sweet huh? u rock! that was an awesome mimo party!
keep R O C K I N G !
P.S.- im the light blue penguin with the blue facepaint in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th pix. its pretty sweet.
P.S.S.- im BUBBAGUM4444
i missed it =( waaaaaaaaaa
what ever... i guess its no biggy
Sand Flipper
9china9 remember my name...Lucky Kitten...remember you put on ur firefighter suit and sprayed me with water. lol please be my buddy next time.
-Lucky Kitten
Ive been on paper critters, its awesome!
Agent Lc - I made one for you called Mimo777 and my penguin Agent Lc
great, i missed it by a few minutes
i am polkapenny i am in the first pic only!woo hoo! u fride is my buddy now! mimo... you are very cool andu fride mentioned it too. the party rocked
Dude!!!!! I see myself! Im in few of the pics! Sweet
Aww man! I missed it! oh well... I can't wait for the next one!
ya biggest (and I missed the party!) fan
Ye11 :)
I have a question. Do you wear white after Labor Day? Just asking. lolz
ya biggest (I got nothin') fan
Ye11 :) :) :)
Happy Labor Day everyone! It's my last day of freedom before school (prison as I like to call it)!
I'll try to survive the year so I can meet Mimo!
Hey CPG!! Happy labor Day everyone! I hope I get to meet you Mimo!
School starts tomorrow : (
mimo it was awesome i am in the first pic!u fride wanted to be my friend.nuff said bye!
yay i see myself!! the party lasted longer than i expected! well anyways bye!!
one question why do people put a space in your name(MIM O)i thought it was kinda weird.
lol I Can Kinda See Me
this stinks mimo i can never go to any mimo partys because im allways some where eles i mean come on post you quiky party longer and stuff i just went to see the longshot with my fam this toatly stinks! i hate this! >:( you want to no somthing my b days on tuesday september 23 and for my be i want to be friends with mimo that would rock!
how come i never know when the party is going to be. this is weird, where were the clues that the party was going to be at that time?
:( there
Anonymous said...
Mimo can you meet me at sleet piazza paror or pet store so we can be freinds i know you already have more freinds but this wuold mean a lot to me I will try to be there every day between 4.30 and 5'o clock
Actually, mimo cannot do this. Thats why he has his parties- so you can meet him. As for being his friend...No because if he added you for no reason, he would have to add all his other friends. So you can be on Mimos Ultimate buddy list OR maybe in a contest he will put you on there! SMOOVE!
Hope this helps!
Big Goonie (CPG MOD)
I missed it boohooo
aw man it missed again! i really want to go to one but im always off the computer when you do it!
i still dont get why i mis these things?
i couldnt go. i was at my cousins house. but one good thing is my mom met the jo bros at work today!
hey mimo i was at the party but i never be in the pics lol
Hey look! Pieman501 is in some of the pictures. Mimo, I no you probably get flooded with qustions, but heres one that I'd like anyone to help answer for me:
When are your quikie partys? And what server? How do you know when they will be?
Keep Waddling,
It looked fun but I missed it. I see Lion Tamer...
LOL i can never see Mimo in his party pics!
I have never been to a Mimo quickie. I think alot of us agree it would be kool if you could post where and when you will be holding your next party. Just once so every penguin can join in the fun!
Hey awesome party !!! It was funny because when the party moved around this entire mob of penguins came into each room i guess it was like "MARCH OF THE PENGUINS" lol.
Hey, I missed the party.
A person asked:"Hey look! Pieman501 is in some of the pictures. Mimo, I no you probably get flooded with qustions, but heres one that I'd like anyone to help answer for me:
When are your quikie partys? And what server? How do you know when they will be?
Keep Waddling,
Well that why the are quickee parties, He picks a random server and he just does it randomly.
You just gotta keep checking the site.
Hope this helps!
Chaos link(CPG mod)
I saw me!!! 97tootie
There's been this cheat thing that make people stand on the night club and everyone can see. Does anyone know how to do it?
Well,I'm already a neat-freak,but my room can get a bit messy.=]
I won't have time 2 check this site a lot.
How did you get so famous
Cool wish I came!
hello! this always happen when im in the middle of my sleep what gives? try a time when i can come ok? -Clank 5
anyways labour day is my birthday in new zealand (october 22) differnt date to the us huh.. -Clank 5
makaylie1 said...
i still dont get why i mis these things?
You proabably miss it because they Mimo only posts when the party will be for a quick time, I guess thats why he calls them Quickee Parties ;) When Mimo announces he will have a quickee party soon, keep checking the CPG home page.
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
how come i never know when the party is going to be. this is weird, where were the clues that the party was going to be at that time?
This particular party was a quickee party. What Mimo does for these is he doesn't give any clues. He will post when the party will be and where but Mimo will only post it for a very short time so you have to be fast and need to keep checking the CPG home page for his posts on his quickee parties!
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
Jez said...
i saw you! then you changed to the lighhouse stairs and i saw it on your website then i had to go to dinner. :( i asked to be your buddy! why didn't you say yes? i also asked me santa and zoe zoe to be my buddy. they didn't say anything. then i tried to send you a postcard but your inbox was full. :( next time can you be my buddy? my penguin name is Kathleensccr. same to all of the CPG members. what about your "new" site? WHERE IS IT?
Hi, firstly, Mimo doesn't usually add you as his buddy if you are begging him to and also his buddy list may have been full. Secondly, you can find out what Mimo's new site is by getting his eBook.
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
UAE said...
I have never been to a Mimo quickie. I think alot of us agree it would be kool if you could post where and when you will be holding your next party. Just once so every penguin can join in the fun!
Hi there,
Mimo does put when and where he will be holding the party but he only does it for a short time. He only posts it for a short time because if he didn't, Mimo wouldn't even be able to get into the party!
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
ohh! I can see my buddy Brownie88521 in one of the pics! And mimo I think you should have a party later for us Australians! Becuase when the party started it was 6:00am Wensday when it happend =( Thats way to early!
Ok Mimo,
Almost 10:00pm! Better go to bed ;)
anonymous said
Mimo can you meet me at sleet piazza paror or pet store so we can be freinds i know you already have more freinds but this wuold mean a lot to me I will try to be there every day between 4.30 and 5'o clock
sorry but mimo wont be able to meet u hes a very busy penguin and plus it wont b fair to all t he rest of us penguins
I was there! teehee! u rock.
Keep R O C K I N G !
I wasn't there o well
hi mimo its saavy
i thought ur quikee parties will ither b in bigfoot or fjord?
and s ome 1 said its any random server? is that true?
im confused
hi mimo its saavy again
mimo in the server frozen there alot of penguins called penguin 33256564774 n stuff
i think there the bots
there like 30 of them
im trying to send u pics but there not sending
o man
i hope other penguins no wat im talkin about
plz post
hi momo its saavy
i jus sent u a pic of some 1 on night club
A Person asked:"There's been this cheat thing that make people stand on the night club and everyone can see. Does anyone know how to do it?"
Well why would you want to do it, you get banned for doing it. And i think you use a hacking program anyway.
Hope this helps!
Chaos link(CPG mod)
Hey Mimo I wanna start being a mod. I missed the party cuz I was busy.
I was there but I came an half an hour late after I heard :( China wouldn't talk to me! :'(
s8tr1 (the penguin) said...
how come i never know when the party is going to be. this is weird, where were the clues that the party was going to be at that time?
Hi! s8tr1 (the penguin)!
there arent any clues, its random. keep checking mimos twitter for updates!
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
how come in the pictures, all the talk bublles that had ur name in it (MIMO) were spelled like this: MIM O instead of MIMO (there was a space between the 2nd M and the O)???????
hi mimo i wanted to tell you that iasmtheonre who said if you cuold meet me i will be USING MY PENGUIN PINK Y1
Onece i saw that i went on and meet 9china9
Anonymous said...
this stinks mimo i can never go to any mimo partys because im allways some where eles i mean come on post you quiky party longer and stuff i just went to see the longshot with my fam this toatly stinks! i hate this! >:( you want to no somthing my b days on tuesday september 23 and for my be i want to be friends with mimo that would rock!
omg my birthday is the same day! my dad is getting me a wii and were going to go somewhere with my family
DANG i keep missing ur parties i was in Telluride (Teluride) for the weekend whens the next party though?
and oh yea im roxy angal the one who went to Teluride for the weekend
Lily800 said...
how come in the pictures, all the talk bublles that had ur name in it (MIMO) were spelled like this: MIM O instead of MIMO (there was a space between the 2nd M and the O)???????
hey lily people spell mimo like mim o because somethings you say on club penguin doesnt show up because of the filter so they wont let the real spelling mimo so people just spell it like mim o with a space
sorry guys, mimo cant' accept everyones buddy requests! he has a limited buddy list too
hey jez, i'll be your buddy =] pick a time to meet up and we'll get together!
blabooer, there are LOTS of mimo impersonators =]
guys, cp's word filters seems to block out the word "mimo" so everyone has to say "mim o" otherwise no one else can see it =]
also, mimo's quickee parties always change servers =] he posts all the info for a few minutes on either his twitter or his blog and whoever sees it gets to go ^_^
Cglcgl, mimo's had this site for SO long. in the beginning, only a few people knew about it. then more and ore people looked up things like "club penguin cheats" (like i did) and we all found that this site seemed the most useful. later on, everyone saw that this site had the most hits and links from other sites, and people told their friends who told other friends and so on. you get the picture.
clank5, mimo cant just adjust his party times for one penguin.... cuz then the rest of the penguins would miss his parties! plus mimo doesnt know what time zone you live in =] try going at either sorta early morning or late night if you keep missing it.
savvy, those arent bots. the people who have names like "penguin[random number]" are newbies. when people register for cp, their names are (at first) automatically changed to "
penguin {random number]" until cp approves their name. then they're changed back. also, to get on the night club, you need a cp trainer. thats also called hacking, which is NOT allowed according to cp's terms of use. you will be banned if you try it.
Anonymous said...
hi mimo its saavy
i thought ur quikee parties will ither b in bigfoot or fjord?
and s ome 1 said its any random server? is that true?
im confused
Mimo will say what server the quickee party will be on and where it will be only for a short time. It could be any server at anytime. You probably got confused with Big Foot and Fjord because those are the servers that he hangs out on. Hope this helps your confusion :)
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
Anonymous said...
hi mimo i wanted to tell you that iasmtheonre who said if you cuold meet me i will be USING MY PENGUIN PINK Y1
Hey there,
Sorry but Mimo can't meet you. He is way too busy doing all his websites and stuff. Even if he did meet you, it wouldn't be very fair on the other people because basically everyone wants to meet him! Try getting into one of his parties and you can meet him there! You might even get to be his buddy!
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
hi just droping by to say thanks 2 Greengrocer2 and floob thanks alot i understand how the parties go now lol
when is the next one?
Hi Mimo
be Quiet Booboo said...
when is the next one?
We don't know when exactly but he said he is going to have another one soon.
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
Im playing spot the mimo xD the last one was kinda hard though :3
wooooooow. I've never met you before, but I've met fever and yoppls was on my buddy list. so yeah, I have a question. Why do people spell you name on Club Penguin "mim o?" Is it because it won't show otherwise?
Waddle Up!
-American Che
Hey! 19sparkle98 here! American Che you asked:
Why do people spell you name on Club Penguin mim o?
A: Well the reason ppl spell it Mim o is because on club penguin if u write "mimo" it self is because it wont show up on cp. so they just say mim o hope i helped!!!
19sparkle98 (CPG MOD)
Hey Mimo!Rosalina3333 here and I hope I can go to one of your parties soon!I couldn't make it to the last one.(sorry!)What kind of igloo you have?I normally go on the server Mammoth and I am a member.I hope you add me!
*screams* I'm in the top left hand corner in two photos! You can just see my name!!!!!!
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