It looks like there will be a bunch of movie type things in the new Club Penguin Furniture Catalog that is coming out this Friday. Here is a sneak peek of one item. We will have all the catalog cheats right away just like normal.

I wonder if you can buy a film projector or old movie stuff like that. What do you think?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Wow! Thanks, guys! I love your blog. You guys really rock. Guess what. I put you guys on my own blog! I would really like to meet you. It would be awsome! I want to be at your next party. When is your next party? Will you post a new post saying when the next party is?
Hey I gotta cheat. Wait, let me get there. Okay, on page four of the puffle furniture catalog go to page 4. Click on the second flower thing down. A grey house will appear! Have you guys already done that one?
Again, you guys rock and I really want to be at your next party!
wow mimo can you meet me at the dock on white out 9:34 morning name is toppytimtoe friday
Yeah me too, I think it will be somethiong to do with the stage!
Agent Lc
cool mimo meet me at the night club friday 9:30 morning name toppytimtoe
wow wicked im gonna make movies meet me at the night club 9:30 friday morning
PS. How Can I Join Your Mimo777 Gang I Want To Join Please
MIMO ROCKS plus that woud be col if we could buy a moveie screen or make a movie!
awesome mimo i just came back from school <3 im in sixth grade what grade are you in? its ok if you cant answer i love this site =D
Mimo there a cheat in the stage catolog click on all of the doorknobs till you find it
hi!!! im kaid18 please be my buddy on club penguin im your fan (and club penguin fan, of course) ok i love u!! and if want to meet my penguin i see you in kosciusco and im a member!! :)
cool mimo
for the contest can we enter more than one cuz i gots lots of ideas!
i think thats totally awesome! and have another contest soon cause im gonna enter it.
ollieollieono you said, "MIMO YOU ROCK
PS. How Can I Join Your Mimo777 Gang I Want To Join Please" Well, first off good job on being so supportive of Mimo! Second of all, sadly, only Mimo's family are a part of CPG. Though, Mimo is working on memberships for CPG. When? I don't know. Soon? I hope.
B.B. (cpg mod)
Hey bailey! You asked Mimo if you could go to his party! Everyone can come to his parties! The bad thing is in order to go to his party, you need to solve all of Mimo's party clues. Once you have solved the clues, you should know the time, date, sever and room(s) of Mimo's party. Good luck! Oh! Nearly forgot, Mimo has Quickee parties from time to time on CPG. If you have no idea what a quickee is it's a party where Mimo posts everything you need to know and you go there. The post only stays up for 15 minutes usually though.
B.B. (cpg mod)
yo mimo,umeeki here
wheres your ratemypenguin website
ps:i like to show mine
yeah i think so to!
you're friend goofy73
Hey Mimo! You rock! Peace out dude!
Rock on peeps
Hey peeps! Isn't this site sick!
hiya mimo! i think you should add a followers gadget! i bet you'd get like agudgabillion...........
meaning: A LOT!
oregion: i dont remember
oh yeah as i was saying agudgabillion
you're friend goofy73
Bailey a.... the second comment that has something to do with me hehehe well um anyway
i dont like gettin catolog stuff takes to much time to get money except for clothes i get um all
Sand Flipper
Oh, I thought it was a start and finish line. Shows how much I go to the movies! But that would be cool to buy a director's suit and be able to "film a movie". But, wait... I'm not a member. Oh, well, it'll still be cool!!
hey if u have a cool igloo meet me at the cove tomorrow and have your igloo open on map at 2 o'clock c.p.s.t. in the afternoon on wind chill p.s i am having a contest so if u have really old items and have good music u may get something special
it seems so sad that kimberrlley has left... she said she was moving then never came back now she is no longer a mod
Sand Flipper
Im throwing a party at the cove thursday server snow cone time 5 o clock be there User name Eragon973.
mimo i hope you enter in some more cool pics from the contest i so hope im up ther probaly yes... maybe... i thought mine were funny
SAnd FLipper
MiMo RoCkS
Heyy mimo,
Terrible news! My friend on Club Penguin got banned! Her name is Jokes I Tell and she got hacked =( She is one of everyones favorate penguin friend and its very sad!
ummm mimo i heard a rumor about you and i want to know if its true!
the rumor is that you are the son of one of the creaters of club penguin! please if you can't help me, cpg mods please answer!
DALLAS28428 said...
ummm mimo i heard a rumor about you and i want to know if its true!
the rumor is that you are the son of one of the creaters of club penguin! please if you can't help me, cpg mods please answer!
Heyy there,
Mimo is not the son of one of the creators of Club Penguin! Some rumours are true but some are not!
It would be cool if we could make our own home theater!!!!!
Heyy Mimo,
Looks like that the Soccer Pitch will be around in Club Penguin forever! I like the Ice Rink better than the Soccer Pitch!
i saw u stickers303
Wow Mimo, new movie furniture sounds wicked!!
My igloo is a pizza restaurant right now, and I spent a load of coins on it so I probably wont upgrade my igloo to a cinema completely but I might just buy some of the cool stuff!
Lots of fun!
Carysimoimo xx
I can't wait to find the winners of the picture contest! Good luck people. If I win I mite not use it because I am already a member, I mite give it to my sister or something or give it to you Mimo ;) but then I probably won't win. See you around Clubpenguin.
Agent Lc
i saw some member's igloo with the ticket stand......where did they get it?
tell plz mimo said...
i saw some member's igloo with the ticket stand......where did they get it?
Hello tell plz mimo,
The ticket booth is on the first page of the furniture catalog. It costs 580 coins and remember you can only get it if you're a member. You can also find other theatre themed furniture items in the catalog as well. Hope this helps.
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
Anonymous said...
ummm mimo i heard a rumor about you and i want to know if its true!
the rumor is that you are the son of one of the creaters of club penguin! please if you can't help me, cpg mods please answer!
Hello DALLAS28428,
I don't think he is. He's just a smart cookie who knows a lot about Club Penguin.
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
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