Its seems like the new play is going to be "film noir" style. Wikipedia says a film noir is a term to describe "stylish Hollywood crime dramas". The new play starts tomorrow.

Have you found the Playbill yet? If not, here is how to find it:
1. Go to the new Newspaper.
2. Go to pages A2 & A3.
3. Click on the blue puffle, the man hole, the paint can and the box on the right. Click them all ONCE and the Playbill will appear.
I am glad the Newspaper finally has something cool in it, how about you?
Oh yeah, on page A6-7 you move leaves around to find out the upcoming events!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang Cheats President
Listen to Mimo's music now at:

Hollywood crime drama? lol
can't wait fo play!!!
i was sure i was first comment but spark beat me to it lol
that sounds awesome. I'm gonna wait in line for tickets starting now. JK. lol. See ya later.
wow mimo ur so smart.
You know the playbill? if you click on it it goes away, into the box again. You'll have to open the box again to find it. But, if you click on the "A" of playbill, it goes away and you cant open it again, unless you close and open the newspaper.
mimo u r smarter than any penguin in cp
ok thx
Agent Lc
Maybe they will bring back the black mask because there has to be a villain
hi umm where can you find the paiting suit please im curious and in the gift shop catalog it dosnt have it so one of the mods please help me out thanks please reply
lol a crime drama? Also my friend claimed mysterious things are happening at the stage... he saw an eye pop out of the crate hole yesterday... and for 5 seconds only he saw a piece of tile floor appear and disappear! he also saw the stage catalog appear too! he bought a few
ya biggest (and doesn't know whats happening) fan
Ye11 :S ??????
Please come to my party, Server is BigFoot or Breeze if BigFoots full! Date is this Sunday, time is 11:00AM CPTZ and the place is Dock, then Town, then my igloo! Thanks if you could come, it would mean alot to me. Thanks so much!
Agent Lc ;)
cool thanks mimo
cool mimo
my penguin name is sebastib
cool news
that is so coolio! u rock mimo! thnx a billion!
keep R O C K I N G !
P.S.- when r u gonna say wat the contest is?
Hey Mimo,
I know that the playbill is there for people to look at to see what play it is... But can we do anything else or no? LOVE UR SITE!
anonymous said:
"You know the playbill? if you click on it it goes away, into the box again. You'll have to open the box again to find it. But, if you click on the "A" of playbill, it goes away and you cant open it again, unless you close and open the newspaper."
dear anonymous,
the reason u cant open the playbill again is that u also clicked on the paint can. click on the paint can again and it will open! hope i helped!
P.S.- Mimo, Keep R O C K I N G !
you mean club penguin crime drama instead of Hollywood crime drama!!!
~darts noah!!
what are the events?
thats awesome mimo!
some how you can stand on the night club!
on top of it! its so cool!
cool thnx mimo
Tomrrow is my birthday!
full i cant get in
the stage isnt here yet! why not!
Anonymous said...
what are the events?
The events were:
1) The fall fair party
2) The halloween party
3) Club Penguins 3rd Birthday!
- Greengrocer2 (CPG Moderator)
Anonymous said...
hi umm where can you find the paiting suit please im curious and in the gift shop catalog it dosnt have it so one of the mods please help me out thanks please reply
It does! It is on the 'penguins at work' section on page 17 of the clothing catalog.
LoL! Oh yeah and when are you holding the membership contest?! I'm just so desrate to find out what it is! LoL!
thanks greengrocer i just wanted to see wat page it was on cause im not a member but i wish i was.. oh well thanks anywayz
mimo? will you read this?
my birthday coming up will you come to my party please?
your humble fan,gvs5yg
What do u use it for?
Anonymous said...
what are the events?
1)Fall Fair Party
2)Halloween Party
3)Club Penguin's 3rd Birthday Party!
hope this helped anonymous lol =]
from, megrina10 (cpg moderator)
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