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i think its a bathing suit, camouflage shirt, and other stuff. i cant really tell that much. I cant wait till you say where the hidden stuff are. thanks mimo for the update on new wigs and clothing.
1I think Top right Army Cap?, bottom right green bandanna?,bottom left jeans? or overalls?, top left paint overalls? ,and top right army suit?, Thats what I think mimo Thanks.
I forgot to tell you something... Well at teacher that goes to my school was in the Beijing Olympics in the Softball! Her name is Mrs Wright and she got Bronze medal...And she showed everyone at school it was soo cooll ;)
i know... i think the green thign is a bandanna and there are some blue shorts. and probably thats a plad shirt like the red plad shirk. from a long time ago wich i have =P but thats probably it and idk what the other thign is
white one looks like a shirt. green thing....looks like a hat. jeans look like overalls. and the light green thing looks like those bandana's for your hair.... ;]
"Mia said... It would be really cool if the top right one was a wig with a hat on it. I would really like that!!!!
Don't worry, Mimo will always post your posts. Sometimes, it takes awhile for him to approve them, but he will post it! The only reason why he may not post your post would be for the following:
- Bad Language or Profanity - Pointless - Mimo can't understand your post - It's mean - Negative - Or you have a website in your post
i know! maybe the wig is with the hat so the hat can be on top of the wig like an buzz cut and a hat over it. Oh yea everyone i am having my own party because i met three famous penguins and there my friends now :] Big Red, Vital Viper and Bikeboy93
Server: sleet cause no one goes there and mimos party was there too
Anonymous said... Hey mimo what do you think the theme is for clothing!!!
Hey its me doggyfat, Well mimo doesn't really know the only people that know are the clubpenguin moderators. Sorry he can't tell you, but maybe he might tell you what he thinks the theme is.
wow!thats really cool i hope theres a really cool free items or for non members clothes ohhhhh i just really wish im a member right now!and by the way thx for all your help cpg!it helps me do hard tasks in clubpenguin!u really rocked! PLEASE POST ME PLZZZ...And this is also JORjar
Hi Mimo, I've never been posted before, I know you'll be checking this comment, you don't actually have to post it, just read it. Hey, I was wondering, could I be part of Club Penguin Gang? I'd try my very best at whatever you asked me to do! Please email me your answer at bartimaeus123@gmail.com Thanks, I hope I can be part of it, Love, A Fan (My penguin name is Jammies64)
mimo777 they call the football grond the pitch in our country cause its a feild and for some weird reason they call it a pitch I DONT KNOW well i should cause i live in england I LOVE AMERICA i love ur website mimo from abbo222 p.s do u go on runescape?
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- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
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they look a bit like shirts
maybe the last ones a bandana
It would be really cool if the top right one was a wig with a hat on it. I would really like that!!!!
wow that looks good, shame I am not a member anymore:(
Agent Lc- rock it, roll it:D
i think the first one is painter pants
you just posted!:P
im guessing painting..denim stuff....check shirts..& a bandana!
Ooh... I would like a new wig! maybe like some sorta... no... umm... uh-uh... nope... AGH never mind!
ya biggest (maniac) fan
Ye11 ;D
i'm not sure what it is but i'm alway excited for a new catalogue!!!!
-Loopee214 (cp name)
The first one looks like a painters overalls. and the fourth one looks like a bandanna.
I really don't know what they are. I'm not good at guessing. But I can't wait till it comes out.
Sereena25(cpg moderator
i think its a bathing suit, camouflage shirt, and other stuff. i cant really tell that much.
I cant wait till you say where the hidden stuff are. thanks mimo for the update on new wigs and clothing.
looks like underwear the last one lol.well we will hav to wait and see.
its probably a painter
1 art shirt\
2 camo
3 jeans
4 bandana
big goonie
looks like old west
Ps still sick
ya biggist fan
-JJ (Jello Jelly)
your awesome
looks like old west
Ps still sick
ya biggist fan
-JJ (Jello Jelly)
1I think Top right Army Cap?, bottom right green bandanna?,bottom left jeans? or overalls?, top left paint overalls? ,and top right army suit?, Thats what I think mimo Thanks.
Agent Lc
Or a painter...
Ya biggest fan
-JJ (Jello Jelly)
im supposed to do my homework (tee hee)
ya biggest fan
-Jello Jelly
LOL! No wigs!
I CANT WAIT TO BUY THE NEW OUTFITS! and im probobly sure one of those has a hat on them so thats why any hair wont show.
I think the green one is a bandana
The one in the top right corner seems like a detective hat.
Looks cool!
lol ya cp were is the wig
oops silly me thought it was underpants! lol
Heyy mimo,
Looks like shorts,A dectective hat,Jeans, and a Bandana ;) Hope im right!
lol the first one looks like someone wet their pants
the one on the top left looks like a painted fish if you look really really close. you can see the eyes at the VERY VERY TOP of the picture.
Ohh Mimo and everyone,
I forgot to tell you something...
Well at teacher that goes to my school was in the Beijing Olympics in the Softball! Her name is Mrs Wright and she got Bronze medal...And she showed everyone at school it was soo cooll ;)
hmm...i wonder where the wigs are
oh and i go on an AWESOME trip 2morrow yay!!
cant wait mimo! i have great news! (to me)my cousin gave my his REALLY old member account named leafy10!im so happy!but im paying for it :(
The first ones an art shirt, thats simple.
im with big gonnie
1 art shirt
2 camo
3 jeans
4 bandana
Orange Land (CPG MOD)
big goonie said:
1 art shirt\
2 camo
3 jeans
4 bandana
big goonie
I say:
Good Job Big Goonie! Thats inpressive!
awsome i cant wait
Overalls, hat, bandana, and jeans. I hope it is. Need some rare items also!
I think they are:
Painter pants
Camo Hat
Blue Jeans
cool from byg123
I no what they are! its a art shirt, detective hat, jeans and a bandana and monchimchar is my penguin name
this is going to be so cool! i just need to finish buying all the clothing items i want!
Anonymous said...
Hey anonymous!
There arent any wig sneak peeks! youll have to wait till friday!
Aiondalia(cpg moderator)
Hey!Maybe,the wig is attched 2 a hat.The 1 at the upper top right.It could be.Just a guess.:-)
yeah. i can only see clothes.
bandana is the wig
sooo easy! well im sure those are jeans and i know the rest oh and by the way my middle name is jean haha ha.........
Sand Flipper
also my first name starts with a B ;) try and guess
hey mimo what do you think the theme is for clothing????
i know... i think the green thign is a bandanna and there are some blue shorts. and probably thats a plad shirt like the red plad shirk. from a long time ago wich i have =P but thats probably it and idk what the other thign is
I think it'll be the camping party, and there will be an arts and crafts center [the painted outfit] and a camping party like last year.
two are hats and two are shirts
The new stuff look a little werid!
white one looks like a shirt. green thing....looks like a hat. jeans look like overalls. and the light green thing looks like those bandana's for your hair.... ;]
That looks cool.One of the things look like a detective hat.
painting pants, a plaid hat, jean stuff, and a bandana
-Soccergal 43
i think they are a painting out fit a pair of jeans a beany and a bandana
i think the second one is a baseball cap that is camo...kinda like a hunter!
i think that some of the hats com with hair like under them... thats what happends with the adventure hat!
Hey Mia! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Mia said...
It would be really cool if the top right one was a wig with a hat on it. I would really like that!!!!
Don't worry, Mimo will always post your posts. Sometimes, it takes awhile for him to approve them, but he will post it! The only reason why he may not post your post would be for the following:
- Bad Language or Profanity
- Pointless
- Mimo can't understand your post
- It's mean
- Negative
- Or you have a website in your post
*Blackpearl8 -CPG Mod-
Hey Jello Jelly! I'm Blackpearl8!
"Jello Jelly said...
im supposed to do my homework (tee hee)
ya biggest fan
-Jello Jelly"
Hey, you better get started on that homework! (Hee Hee, I'm supposed to be studying for a spanish test right now!)
i think one of em looks like a white apron with paint on it! to bad im not a member no more :,(
M i M o R o C k S!
(never been posted before plz post this time)
i really dont know i think 1 of them is a bandana and the another could be jeans maybe :?
cool, i guess
i think its a painters shirt/pants a hunters hat like elmer fudd wears, jeans, and a bandana.
hope you like my idea!
i can't wait
1.painter overalls
2.detective hat
3.denium overalls
4.green bandanna
mimo you rock from quinn
Maybe there all having to do with the wigs.
i know! maybe the wig is with the hat so the hat can be on top of the wig like an buzz cut and a hat over it.
Oh yea everyone i am having my own party because i met three famous penguins and there my friends now :]
Big Red, Vital Viper and Bikeboy93
Server: sleet cause no one goes there and mimos party was there too
Time about in 30 min
Cya there if you are coming
Anonymous said...
Hey mimo what do you think the theme is for clothing!!!
Hey its me doggyfat,
Well mimo doesn't really know the only people that know are the clubpenguin moderators.
Sorry he can't tell you, but maybe he might tell you what he thinks the theme is.
Hope this helps you
-doggyfat(cpg mod)
hope they bring back the backpack!
aww no wigs i need a new wig.......................i need some glasses too....... but shirts is what they look like but still good! :)
the second one looks like a hat..maybe its a hat on a wig!
lolz you'll just have to wait to find out what the wigs are =]
i knw they're puting hats and bandana's
wow!thats really cool i hope theres a really cool free items or for non members clothes ohhhhh i just really wish im a member right now!and by the way thx for all your help cpg!it helps me do hard tasks in clubpenguin!u really rocked!
PLEASE POST ME PLZZZ...And this is also JORjar
ther r to wigs
i think that the top one is an art shirt, the one next to it is a detective hat, the one below that is a bandanna and the one next to it is jeans
I think the second ones a detectives hat lol and the last ones a bandana, (the bandana looks like underwear for some reason :D ;P
-Carmen Stone
the wig is probly the bandana cause it could be in your hair right?
THE STUFF IS IN!!!! The new catolog has tons of new items theres the pink sweater in blue tooo and crazy wigs!!!!!
-roxy angal
Hi Mimo, I've never been posted before, I know you'll be checking this comment, you don't actually have to post it, just read it. Hey, I was wondering, could I be part of Club Penguin Gang? I'd try my very best at whatever you asked me to do! Please email me your answer at bartimaeus123@gmail.com
Thanks, I hope I can be part of it, Love,
A Fan
(My penguin name is Jammies64)
mimo777 they call the football grond the pitch in our country cause its a feild and for some weird reason they call it a pitch
I DONT KNOW well i should cause i live in england
I LOVE AMERICA i love ur website mimo
from abbo222
p.s do u go on runescape?
Maybe the first on is a painter suit, the second one is a detective cap, the third one is a pants and the last one is a bandana maybe.
i know what they are so do i get the free membership now?
I've never been a member is it fun?
i think one is a hat one is a bandanna and the other two are shirts
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