The new play at the Stage is Squidzoid V.s Shadow Guy & Gamma Gal! It looks pretty cool. The coolest part is the "Switchbox 3000." It has some awesome stage effects. Most are cool explosions or lazers. One changes the back ground. Also check out the masked yellow Puffle! Try them out. Also, there is a new Costume Trunk Catalog. I just LOVE the Squidzoid costume. Someone buy it and wear it for me. ;-)

The Shadow Guy and the Gamma Gal Costumes do something super awesome. Check it out...
Also, it looks like they haven't released the new script yet. It's still the old one, lol! I'm sure they'll fix it soon.

Yep, I (heart) you too! The love is back. ;-)
What do you think of the new play? I think it's the best one so far.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
hi, um there is a glitch in the skript. When you click on anything it is the old skript from the LAST play!
-Sharpie Pen
i have all the stuff and im at the mammoth iceberg il ware the squid suit 4 u
yay third comment cool play and set
So cool.
this play is the best ever!
Mimo777 how do you screen capture?
Yay 4th comment!
Cool. But dont forget the new comic! -Nick
hay mimo tell them about how to change the set backrpund by switching the bottons
AHH! Love the new play! D:
sup dude i bought the squidzio thingy costume and wore it 4 u!!!! its so cool soon all da stage iems will turn into rares
Hi Mimo777,
I think the new play is awesome! And I love the love heart and its going to be more popular this time around I think?
Princess Haze
mimo, the iceberg is back!!!
It is pretty silly that when you click the script is comes up with the old one!
Princess Haze
P.S. I know you said that but i first i didnt understand
How to make the shining things appear over your head wave (with blue and pink) and with the camera wave. You must be wearing the whole outfit of Gamma Girl or Shadow Guy and for the camera you must be wearing nothing but the camera. Thanx 4 reading.
This is the best play yet!
The switchbox and the powers are the best bit.
5th comment
thnx mimo ur totally 100% nd i love ur site nd ur glitch
hey this rox i lov the squid suit to and i m wearin it right now also the r is the new mission com ing out with the crab translater itn says in the cp news blog thing
wow mimo this oen is like full of advanture and its the coolest play i ever saw i mean in games !
I love the costumes! It's not fair only members can get them! (I'm a non-member)
hey mimo!
also if you wave when you have the new camera..your penguin will take a photo! how cool is that!!
Hey Mimo have u checked in the telescope lately? lol, The icebergs back! My name is Darbub
Club Penguin and Nintendo DS?
There is a new poll asking if
you would play a Nintendo DS game based on club penguin?
Do you think they are going to make one mimo777?
Yes fifth comment. I think. :) Thanks Mimo you rock. Make a party again sometime.
Mimo! The yellow puffle at the side of the stage is gone! Aaw! :"( I guess that the yellow puffle already moved to the top of the building when you pull the blue lever at the control table.
The play is so awesome!!.Also,you should check out the beacon the iceberg is back............
I love the stage and I am going to wear it for a while! becausewhen i first started in april 07 i saw it and said " i have to get that"!
Mimo777 the scipt has the right words wrong things out of penguins beak? Wierd!!!!
Guess what??
you forgot that the iceberg is melting (again)!
Wow, this is the best play ever! The switchbox is so COOL!!
yea its the best
Hey Mimo Did You Notice That The Iceberg In The Telescope At The Beacon Is Back! What Could That Mean?
hey mimo777 in the hq on the mission board it says "crab translater ready soon!"
is awsome mimmo how do you screen capture
the ice peice in the telescope is back by the way!!!
there is a new mission coming mimo777 go check it out
Yeah, the script is very buggy at the momemnt, but I really like the play. Also, if you go to the telescope the Iceberg is back, and if you go to the HQ, there's a sign saying "Crab Translator Ready Soon"! This must mean it's mission time!!!
i have gamma girls coustume and it is awsome!
5th coment?? Well Well, Good tips you got! But i wonder how you do the white exploding thing....
hey mimo, theres a new mission coming according to "whats new" on the clubpenguin website.
my name is sunoco
Mimo777 in HQ on table are sicret code
Ayoo Mimo!
I totally agree with you! This play is AWESOME! The costume trunk is filled with the coolest clothes! I <3 them! lol. ttyl.
Mimo, If you have the camara and wave, you take a picture!
Hey, THE ICEBERG IN THE TELESCOPE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me credit for this discovery please (Jarjarbinks0) Also the stage is AWESOME I got the Squid just for you Mimo!
I love the new play!
Its kind of weird if I play i can see the new script. It was like that from the beginning. I promise!
U rule mimo. Thankx for all the tips. ur the best!
I have the Squidzoid suit I can wear it for you but you won't be there.:-(
I'm gonna get all the stuff, it's the best play so far!!!
Oh I forgot to tell you the HQ says Crab Translater Ready Soon, Please give me credit
New Script is here!!! YAY!! Please give me credit:-D
Thanx for telling us Mimo and I lover your party
And the icebergs back again
Bye Mimo u rule
Hi great Mimo but also the icebergs back
Mimo u rule
The costumes are cool!!Fifth comment!
um well i hvent had a chance took look properly coz its crowed but it seems ok i suppose i prefered the twelth fish oh yea mimo i missed ur party the one day i was grounded u had a party waaahhh oh well maybe nxt time u can hv an english party ? plz i hpe you do
oh hello i just made another account on cp and it sed if i use any websites i could get banned can i get banned for using this website ? i hope not coz it rox oh i hate the new play to bright see you soon
hi mimo cool hint
the icberg is back
and there is a message on the secret agent hq and it says crab translater ready soon.
Mimo!!! Mimo!!!! This is Jatar! the iceburg in the scope is back!!
also i trhink the new play is awesome!
Mimo, this is the coolest play ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I will wear the squid suit for you but I wanna be Gamma Girl right now - ZAP ZAP!!!
i hav a quistion how do u mak the heart sign?i just cant figure it out
HA billybob said people use the heart wrong again ha!
i told u it was out
I waz missing this icon that it made me maddish. But now its back, and I see it again. A lot of penguins had the heart icon, too. I never did. I don't act like I LOVE anyone. I like them as my buddy.
Hey mimo777,
did you know if you click on the lights on the stage you can move them around? its really cool! try it!
love you too :) oh and i agree the play rooocckkks
The script is fixed now.
i glitch is when your click script dont x it off click on map go any where the map should stay on
i think they should have a game gfor the new play by the way what was the first play
This probably is the best play ever!! But I REALLY want that Showdow Guy Costume, but Im not a Member.
Hey Mimo.
I wish there was a free capes for non-members!!
I wish I was a member!!!
- The Jay Dude
soo on the cart surfer their are new moves for when you stand up...thought i should let u know. You just do a handstand that get 80 points and it looks cool. ^-^
P.s. Choxzero is my penguin name
I dont realy like this set
its doesnt seem like a thing i would like so just stating my opinion.
guess what you cant see the pgolden puffle any more -llcoolj
i love the play especially the costumes
When does the secret puffle sgow up????
I HAVE A CHEAT it isnt that great but here you go put on the blu viking helment and the blue mask.and also weare the black hoodey.IT looks like if your angry and your eybrows are down,like if you are angry.
it's courtney06 from clubpenguin.
not sure if you no this already but you can take the stage lights and click & drag them to but them in different directions!
oh wow that is so cool!
THIS IS AN AWSOME PLAY. Too bad I'm not a member to get the Shadow Guy costume. It would be cool for my penguin to use a power
You can move the spotlights around too!
and they changed the script.
the new play is awsome i really like how if u wear the suits u can make the orb above ur head!!!
ill wear it for you and if you can meet me at mamouth in my igloo by the way my name is lilthomas jr
Heyy its choxzero again at the stage gg and sg are like saving the people from the dinosour soo why is their a squidman?
how does gamma gal do her light beam power?
mimo did'nt you notice the catalouge on stage? the pictures are gone
also if u put the camera on and wave you take a picture.
From Doobie Pengu.
I, personally, prefer classics, sort of like the Twelfth fish. I like doing things where people say Rumplestilskin is "hideous and deformed", like my play. i cant mention it, because of copyright, but its hilarious.
Mimo, I really love your site. If you want, you can come to England Frozen at Pepsi Pop's igloo and I'll wear the Squid Costume but I understand that people are always begging you to come visit them. You don't have to. Also, I didn't get to meet you at the party :( Your biggest fan,
Pepsi Pop76 (Penguin name)
Gamma Gal is hot i would date her
hey Mimo
i know a good glitch
you have to first go to your igloo. then you click edit room.
then click on your penguin (oops
you have to be a secret agent) then click go to hq.
at the hq click the map and choose member igloospick any igloo
and you can move the furniture
-lilthomas jr
hi mimo777 you did not get the other thing in the car switch on the switchbox 3000 the red switch press it it and the car will appear.
This is my first comment!!!!!
i dont get why they deleted the skull in the first place. and there shud be more moderaters in a room to report penguins for using the heart badly.
hi mimo
I found another glitch! My second!
go to ur igloo or if ur not a memeber go to someone elses igloo
clik on a puffle
now clik on the map
now clik on somewhere
the puffles screen stays with u!
u can probably make ur puffles do stuff even when ur not around
so if u only have one puffle u can carry its player card everywhere and never worry about it starving!
oh mimo
you know one time i saw 2 yellow puffles at the same time with clothes on top of the stage
it not fair why cant normal penguins buy clothes or owt else.
plz come to a :):) room mimo777!
meet me at iceberg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) thanks. P.S glicth time! first go to the stage. press two buttons and wazam! Full power! teleport! bye-bye!
i am so sorry. i was late for the cheat time. so here's another cheat for the feaistavl! go to the stage and click the red swicth. once goes to the midle go outside.(plaza) see that red light? (on the pinata) click it. hit it and the pin comes out but dont go near it! now click it. get it and only click the red light.
see you tommrow!!! mimo777!
almost mimo777! and plz go to rockey road! and i think the secret misson isnt really "case of rockhopper's missing eye-pacth". see you on clubpenguin! P.S and come to my igloo! i have party set up for you and me!!! thanks. also my nickname is marcus949.
me too i have the all the costumes. just send you it! :)
Hey did u know that u could change the light's position
Hey mimo i hope you read this but i found a lil glitch sort of thing. okay first you go to the stage and open the script so it is on your screen. Then you can grab it and move it around. Then do not close the script leave it open and click the map and go someplace and the script is still there!!!!! AMAZING!
how do you use the light beam in the gamma girl costume?
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