Club Penguin Cheats

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Q & A with Mimo. Ask Mimo! Mimo will answer!


I've been feeling kinda bad lately that I haven't been able to answer any of your comments. So, I had an idea. I will answer 30 of your questions!

Here are the rules.

1. Ask me a question in the comments.
3. I will answer them AFTER I have selected all 30 questions.
4. If you don't see your question in the comments, that means I've chosen not to answer it.

Ok? Fair enough? Cool. Ask away!

Now check the comments to see which questions I'll answer. I'll probably answer them tomorrow.

Oh, and Happy Rockhopping.


- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...

hey mimo why dose it take you so long to post things like this and party clues?

Anonymous said...

Hey, mimo! i have a question and awnser for you! Rockhopper goes on blizzard, yeti, and white out. those are his main servers! heres the question, if you still are trying to make cp gang memberships, how could PURPLYN become the so called (newest member)?
Iwona Icee- penguin name

caninegal45 said...

First comment!!
Q: What's your favorite type of ice cream?

Anonymous said...

My Q is where are you from in real life like US or Canada. If you dont want to answer that Q then here is my other one: How old are you? If you dont want to answer that Q then here is my other one: When did you join CP?

Thanx! And, when are you going to update your Blogroll?! I have been what since October!

Anonymous said...

hiya mimo, here is a question

is this post a party clue?
looks like it. U said it would be hard....

hope im in the lucky 30!

Anonymous said...

Yay! first comment.

Have you met Rockhopper?
From Harmonistar, Chacha624,Isabella974 and Pinkypick82.

Anonymous said...

What time are you usually on clubpenguin?

Anonymous said...

Hi! second comment!
Are you a girl or a boy?
From Harmoni

Anonymous said...

How long have you been doing Club Penguin and this Website?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hi mimo..this is my question...

when is the nxt mimo party?
when are the hints?

it's alright if you don't answer this...just curious... :)

Anonymous said...

ok cool.
here is my question.
is it possible to be a ninja?
i heard you had to go to the dojo and sit still for 15 minutes.
it was really boring.
and didn't work.
can you help?

Anonymous said...

how did you get the inspiration to have parties on Club Penguin?

Anonymous said...

dear mimo,
i have always wondered why you decided not to be a member if you love clubpenguin so much, and why you gave away a membership that could have been yours. Or are you just realy nice and generous. Guess what im not a member either. NONMEMBERS RULE

Anonymous said...

hi r u part of club penguin or r u ur own site?

Anonymous said...

Do you like Webkinz???

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo Here is a question. when are u giving away another 6 months membership?

Anonymous said...

mimo why don't you ever meet the people who ask you to meet tem at certain places and you never come?

Anonymous said...

hi there^^ well anyway to the question. I have a lot of questions but i don't think u would want to answer some of them so i want to know this:
Q:You really help out with clues(and parties) I was wondering how much of club penguin do you play each day. Do you play a lot or do u go on every few hours? Or what I would do, did u create another account to find clues so a huge mob of penguins won't follow u? *grin*

Anonymous said...

Do you play vidio games like Halo 3?

Anonymous said...

Do you have any pets?

Anonymous said...

What does the word 'Mimo' stand for? How'd you choose that name? Why do you like that name?

Anonymous said...

if you go on cp about how many ppl notice you?{like are you famous to them?}and im humanp

J0ej0e said...

Will you add penguins at the next party?


Anonymous said...

My question is, will you marry me? I'm just kidding but anyways, my question is that if you could make Club Penguiin better, what would you make better?

P.S. - My penguin's name is Baseballfan5

Anonymous said...

How do you choose who to give away club penguin membership to?

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo,

My question is,
Are you a modorator on club penguin?

From Xineknee

My penguin name is Gothgirl554.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I was wondering if you have chosen to delete all your buddies before parties. Have you?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Mimo777. I was wondering what made you want to make a club penguin cheat site? Why do you care so much about all of us other penguins?

Anonymous said...

helo mimo my q is how come when i tell u in your posts about a where the new pin is or the cheats in the newspapers and things like that, when u post about those things u never ever mention my name even if i tell u way before u post them like in the previous post? My name is Darbub

Anonymous said...

mimo, when are you going to make your new website?? and what is it gonna be about?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi, MImo do you know why you have to pay to be a member )

From Coey 94 ( Club Penguin Name )

Anonymous said...

hey mimo, did u go on miniclip it as a bunch of free games. if you never heard of this just go to

Anonymous said...

I know you've chosen all your questions already but (if this is to personal then don't answer) are you in elementry, middle or high school

Anonymous said...

hey mimo ive met rockhopper its monticella but wuz the last time he visited just let it HIT u k?like an ambush except not an attack so my Qs is how come u only wear non member stuff arent u a mem r not ps u CAN actually be a ninja just use this glitch turn black wear nothing face back in the play ticket booth THERE k? -monticella(penguin Name)

Anonymous said...

mimo i cant find yr servers even if ima mem help me r they in USA? -Monticellla(penguin name)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mimo!! I know how to see if rockhopper is on, go to were you pick your penguin then type in rockhopper type a password that has a least five letters. If it says it's band then he isn't on but if it says incorrect password then he is on. Now here is my question, what is ur favorite color? and what is ur favorite thing to do?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo what kind of toppings do u like on your pizza

Anonymous said...

In the first ever version of CP there were ninjas. You can play it anymore though. :(

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hry mimo,
hey i have been a penguin for a long time and when i got clubpenghuin i tryed to see some cool websites about clubpenguin and i found you and eversice i wanted to be your friend i and i could never find you so maby we could meet up

jennamottol said...

oh i want you to show my questuin! Can we be freands?

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimo! have you any idea what party is next in the Clubpenguin?

Anonymous said...

I am currently a NON-member.Why do all the other penguins think that they are sooo cool because they are members ?I dont see why it's so amazingly great ??

...very curious...

Anonymous said...

Mimo, I have a question. When are you going to post the next party clue? I new the awnsers to the last one but I missed it.

Anonymous said...

Will you ever have a party where everyone can ask to be your buddy?

Anonymous said...

ok hey i think thank if we could set up a date we could meet in cp

Anonymous said...

I think your site is so cool!
I'm new to Club Penguin but it is awesome! I'd really like to help out with your site. Is there any way you can quiz people to see if they're good enough to join Club Penguin Gang. I really want to join! I love Club Penguin and Club Penguin Gang! I just want to help out! Please answer! My Club Penguin Name is Penguin50683023. Thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi i love your site but can you tell me witch sever you get on and mabey we could chat I know we can be really close friends

Anonymous said...

Hey mimo how are you as fine as a cute kitty catI supose.LOL I know that doesn't make sense but it is awesome to be goofy!!!! Here is my question how did you secretly sneak in? Your not a member.

--------LAYLA12134 on clubpenguin-----

Anonymous said...

witch sever do u like the most and go on?

Anonymous said...

how r u doing?so u loving ur club
penguin life is it fun ?so you know seretened people go on differant severs and
so on......
heres the question:witch sever do u go we can chat a talk all we want !!!because you would sound like a great friend to have on club penguin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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