Club Penguin Cheats

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Hydro Hopper - Binocular Glitch!

This is a super cool glitch! It's kind of a behind the scenes glitch. You can see behind the binoculars! To try it do this:

Step 1. First go to the wide version of Club Penguin which is
Step 2. Now go to the Cove
Step 3. Click on the binoculars.
Step 4. Now wait about 10 seconds for the Hydro Hopper boat and tube to come by.

Check it out! Now look at the third picture below. You can see a white tab that appears until the boat is seen, then it disappears!

This is so cool! Can you find any other wide screen glitches?

Thanks, ccnenee.

- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

the same thing happens in cart suffer, only you have to stretch the screen so that there is white on the bottom and top! You can see yourself crashing on the white :)

Anonymous said...

hope im second and that the bomb

Anonymous said...

yes second comment!
i always use the swf version and i descovered that yesterday but i wanted u to figure it out!
meet me on beanie australia on the swf version!
ill tell you some more glithces!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that glitch.
I already knew it though!

Anonymous said...

hey Mimo777,

that is so kool! Im bound to try that! Thanks to the person who sent it too you

Anonymous said...

hey I think that Its not such a big glitch. You know when you play hidro hooper and the white line follows the hoop? Well, maybe it follows the hoop in the binoculars too???

Anonymous said...

HEY i know a cool glitch stand on the left side of the fire in the cove and click catchn waves you should walk over the fire!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mimo look at the Whats new section! They are bring back the heart emotion

youtuber said...

hey wats up!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

that cheat is awsome.

Nick said...

At the moment this is the only one, u could have done it with the iceberg and yarr surfing in the telescope before.

Anonymous said...

mimo rules

Anonymous said...

you could of done it with that ice burg in the telescope a week ago

Anonymous said...

hey mimo7777 i sawed a fish though the binoculars at the cove

clubpenguinclubhouse said...

i already knew that

jackclubpenguincheat is said...

It's Cool

sholom said...

hi mimo777 my comp is messed up and i cant get scrn shts so can i please use yours?

Anonymous said...

i aldedy knew that

Anonymous said...

the love heart is coming back to CP tommorow ! just 2 let u no.

Anonymous said...

awsome glitch a;; be sure to check this out!

Anonymous said...

a glitch is when u where your bell and nothing else and make sure your not typing click on the middle od the screen and press w really rapidly it will look like your swingind your bell all the way around you

Anonymous said...

i found a cool glitch first go to club penguin full screen log in and press F11 and there u have it MINI clubpenguin!

Anonymous said...

greaat glitch

love all fullscreen glitches

best is NUBBIN

nub nub nub also new mission related to that crab at the end of the last one

Anonymous said...

hey mimo check out this out!
1.)go to the mine
2.)go twords the back of the mine on the right side
3.)walk twords the pipe andyou are standing on the mine

Anonymous said...

Dear Mimo
that is so cool! you rock and also i would like to know when you go on club penguin! please let us know and what time zone do you live in

Anonymous said...

dear mimo if you go on the clubpenguin site there is a picture of the new mission steph.x (icecubechips)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is so cool!The glitch is great.Oh and mimo can u add me on your blogroll.I keep on asking you but nothin happens.Please please please!

Anonymous said...

That's a cool glitch! I will use it some time! :D

Xtremejumper said...

already new it............

Anonymous said...

MIMO MIMO MIMO!!!!!!!the hearts the hearts are coming back they are comin back mimo look at the newist post on cp i went on at my school plz post on blog
Until Then,
Waddle On


Anonymous said...

Wired mimo i love u for ur cheats not real

Anonymous said...

I just found another jumping chat glitch! Say, "who is a sweet little angel who needs a mwa mwa?" Then move. It jumps! I think it is really cool!

Mimo's biggest fan,

Anonymous said...

i know some cool glitches so ill tell you some

Anonymous said...

it doesnt work

Anonymous said...

i have a cool thing the = sign
2.go in the pet shop
3.look at the puffles

They look sad!

Anonymous said...

thats a cool glitch!

Anonymous said...

OMG that is so funny

Anonymous said...

on the widescreen version of cp, how do u log off?

Anonymous said...

mimo i found another widescreen glitch go to pizzatron and drop a sauce bottle and the sauce will go down the screen

Anonymous said...

hi mimo don't delete me from your buddy list

Anonymous said...

I heard that there is a new mission comming up if you post this mimo give me credit

Anonymous said...

it doesnt work for me

Anonymous said...

It doesn't work. I think CP fixed it.

Anyway, I found another glitch. Send me a PM on RateMyPenguin if you wanna see it. ;)

Anonymous said...

hey i think i found a glitch mimo!!!! ok well here's what you do:
1.first go to the wide version of club penguin
2.once you are there press F11 on you key board and it makes the cp screen the size of your coumpter screen
3.the to get out press F11 again

Anonymous said...

hey mimo i found another glich. if you go to the second chair from the right in the back row and click slightly to the right directly above the toolbar you will be comepletly hidden. it takes about two tries

Anonymous said...

hey any time mimo it's fun lookin for glitches



Anonymous said...

Hey this glitch is sweet. Is there anymore?

Anonymous said...

I know a glitch, it only works if ur a member cause u need a yellow puffle and a cake. Get the cake and put no candles on it. Walk the yellow puffle and hide the puffle behind the cake so u cant see it.Then dance. It should look like the cake is singing.

Anonymous said...

hey mimo i love your website!

but i have a queation.

do you ever go to your parties?

cuz i always go to your parties and you are never there.
and my name is gloria389

Nick said...

The swf glitch works with the new play too.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't work!!!!

Anonymous said...


Asil & Nagem said...

Thats really cool! Im glad the heart is coming back! FEEL THE LOVE!

Anonymous said...

Hey, did you know that on the 3rd time that you pull that little tab, a fish pops up on the screen! Pretty cool huh?

Anonymous said...

hey mimo,if u go to the HQ there is a board to the left with a light on it and it tells about the new mission,it says:Crab Translator coming soon!!...and there is a MOVING ICEBERG if you look in the lighthouse telescope!! give credit to Redpengie361

my dog said...

i found a cool glitch if you hurry and go to the top of the light house and go to the telescope and see rock hopper crash then try leaving you turn red and get the whole outfit for a mili second

Anonymous said...

hey mimo!!!


O yeah i think i found a glitch!
when ever you are play on club penguin hit = SIGN and everything turns all pixalized (if that even a word)
From: Mixed Coler
(mixed color)

Anonymous said...

That's so AWESOME! But i tried doing it and I couldn't see the little tab thing. But that's OK. I still think you are AWESOME! We should meet up on Club Penguin some time. That would be so COOL!

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