Sunday, January 27, 2008
Mimo Q & A Today!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats, mimo777
Ok, I have posted all 30 questions on the previous post. Later today, I will answer them. Thanks for all your questions. This will be fun!
Happy Rockhopping!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
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umm................did u post 31 questions on purpose or accident?
Your soo cool!!!
Woot,First comment!
Btw cool post,keep it up ;)
Count them, there are 30. Was was deleted.
Hey mimo please answer my question you know the one about the uk parties
Have anyone foundrockhopper he's soo hard to find!!
I saw him
He was in Icicle 5 times already!
I have foun rockhopper 6 times!
p.s: mimo is better than rockhopper!
I thought MIMO was a great philosopher and 777 was the year he died.
my penguin name is Dmp22
Guyz guyz a comment waz deleted its 30...
If found Rockhopper 3 times! But it stinkz that he doesn't give out the Eyepatch any more. I WANT IT WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Anyways the Rockhopper tracker is still broken but I still found him without it... YAY! IM KAIYUAN!
but where are the comments??
this is coolio
dear mimo
in the case of the missing coins you can play a game of ice bricks you have to go on to the computer [get the bootdisk] and in stead of of going to the comonation go to ice bricks
sincerally Thepinke :D :p :]
He Mimo,
Can you make your party on Saturday or Sunday becuase on the Mon, Tue, Wed and Thursday I have to go to bed early becuase I have to go to school. Also, If it was on Sat or Fri or Sunday, I can stay up and go to the Party! This is not just for me, This is for other people to!
I hope you can understand!
See Ya
im getting a blog how long dose the email take to come
Did you ever see Rockopper?
31 questions?
Did you end up finding Rockhopper? I think this might be to late to ask...
i saw rockhopper 3 times
Mimo my name is musketeer88 i would deeply apreciate it if you would add me i am usually on austrailia down under server thanks
wow i guess its easy to get 30 posts lol
you rock mimo! keep up the good work with the cheats!
Irock5009(My CP name!)
you posted 31 comments. maybe its a clue to ur next party.
i found rockhopper one time. i wonder if everytime you fond him you will get a new gift. does anyone know?
Dear: Mimo
When will be the next membership giveaway?
Mimo you posted 33 things!Oh maybe three of them aren't questions.Yay!You posted mine.
Nevermind what I said Mimo!You deleted a few so I just want to say nevermind!
i hope mine got picked :)
I can't find Rockhopper. Rawr and grr! >:O
One day I will find him, and then I will post that I found him!
Does he ever go on Husky or Frostbite? Cuz thta's where I go...
~Salty Dawn
i hav a glitch it is if u only hav that hat with thehelicopter thing on top tha lets u fly , for that when u whre it go to the for and stand in front of a tree and fly then it seems like a regular hat and u are magicaly floating in the air
on the mission wheres the hook cos i cant find it please wb
Mimo777 is da one and only, can you hear me?! THE ONE AND ONLY, AAAAAH THE ONE AND ONLYY!!
Im a big fan of mimo, I would meet him someday x]
cool. thanks mimo! even though my last comment did not get posted i think this is an awesome idea. ROCK ON!!
Hi mimmo777 how do you keep updated on all the stuff that goes on in clubpenguin?
Dear Mimo,
Why don't you provide your e-mail address? I had a few glitches and wanted to e-mail them to you, but I couldn't find your e-mail address anywhere! Also, do you have any other club penguin accounts?
I know RH best friend flippernogin hes red like RH and wears pirate stuff he will have the RH backround and if rock hoppers here he will most likly be waching over yarr RH puffle he some times isent in pirate stuff and he told me rock hopper and him will be found in mammoth!
Hey, I was just wondering what party is everyone talking about. I'm probably staring right at it...
find flippernogin RH best friend you mite find him at mammoth on the beach waching yarr for rockhopper he has a black pirate hat with a red fethar an eye patch hes red with a stuffed parite hes really nice but if you call him rockhopper or RH hell get angry and say that hes not rock hopper and somtimes he gets bored so if you walk around him with the back round with rockhopper hugging you he might ask you to watck yarr for him its so cool!tanx
ps:my penguin name is G daisy, or ill be on iamarealbird
im so happy you picked my question how many entrys did you have
ive meet rockhopper four times in his last two visits. im the king at rockhopper finding.
Hooper 101
whats the rockhopper tracker?
Your so awesome!!!!
When u r gonna come on club penguin again?
Has anyone seen rockhopper
Mimo here is a glitch if your on a safe chat server ypu can still talk freely all you have to do is go to the question mark control and click ultiment safe chat and it goes off the when you change rooms you can type again
Dear Mimo
here is a new glitch if you go to the iceberg and take your puffle with you and walk over to the edge your puffle will be swimming in the water plz give me credit if you post this
where are the 30 questions u answered at?
I already asked a question but, i also wanted to ask this thing.
Do you have a Wii?
If yes, do you have wii connect 24?
If yes, can i have your wii friend number?
Q hi mimo this is my Q when you have a cheat website does clubpenguin send cheats to you???? If you cant anwser that then anwser this Q how long have you been on club penguin and how old is your penguin???
mimo i play travian a bit like ufride
Hey mimo why do you never say where the pirate Rocckhopper or is he to hard even for you? so thats my question
I got the secret clue! Yay!
hi. i was reading all of those Q's and i want to say something about q 6. ive met rock hopper. not to be mean or anything, but it really wasnt that great. he was like a big dancing computer. its like every one is his fan for no reason. to tell you the truth i like yarr better than i like rock hopper. and you cant be friends with him and you cant send him letters and whats so good about a background? what im trying to say is, dont get your hopes up or anything. i was really disappointed myself, when i saw him....
ps please post me i don't think ive ever gotten posted.
Answe to Kaiyun: Rckhopper actually gave the eyepatch away for free as treasure on his ship a while back, which was also the same time he switched to the background. Also Mimo, I think I got your first clue. It was kinda weird though...]it didn't really tell me much...
First of all, you are soo cool ^^!
Anyway, how do you find your cheats for Club Penguin so fast?
u r cool well why i cant be member witha cheat?
Why wo't you do the next round of Q&A? you are kinda making me mad!
mimo i saw you at the party i was tonysk8!
i have met rockhopper three feels like he follows me):
i put him on my ignore list!LOL!!!! i hope you find him!
p.s.are you a kid because sometimes you seem like an adault
Whats ur gamertag on xbox 360?
hey mimo!
remember on Q #19 u sed ur playing MX vs ATV? heres a cheat to unlock EVERYTHING!! here it is:
ok i really need u to answer do you make a website? I don't know and i really want to have a website where ppl can leave comments and do all this stuff and im so glad i came to cuz this inspired me ;-)
hi. about the answer to question
#15, mimo. did u like all the games u tried such as Runescape (:D) and Toontown (:D) ??
oh mimo i know your busy and all but remember me? well my friend told me your having a party. where are the hints of to find it?
HI mimo. Im Hannah. I love yoiu site you always have the answers im looking for. I go on here whenever i get the chance. i have lots of questions herer they are.:
who is part of the club penguin gang other than your family? you best friend or something?
this might seem kind of nosy.. but do you go to church or something?
could you give a little easier clues that dont give anything away? (lol)
is there any way of just a viewer of your site can become part of the club penguin gang?
what are you favorite servers maybe we like the same ones
are you a member?
now that you've given away your secret scoping account (colecanth1)dont you have to make another new one so nobody notices you and crowds you?
i think club penguin should build a skate park, and make ROCKHOPPER ISLAND part of the map, and have an orange puffle what do you think they should have?
sorry for asking all of these questions.. i just wanna know lol
my penguin:
Ehlburke1186 V (peace)
Mimo, can you tell me how to be a member WITHOUT paying nd downloading?
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