Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Sombrero Pin.
Step 1. Go to the Forest.
Step 2. Now look in the upper left of the screen at the Purple Donkey Pinata.
Step 3. Click on the Pinata to break it.
Step 4. Now pick up the pin.
I just love the Fiesta music!
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Yay 1rst coment!
PS:I love ur site so much!!!
second comment cant wait 4 mission
when it was released, if you wore it you got banned! I did and so did a lot of other people!
Mimo, the pin is gone!!
The pin disappeared...
the pin is gone!
what happened to the pin
after i picked it up it was gone...
i love this pin its so awesome
In the morning when the party just came out all those who took the pin on the player card got banned!!!
I did but i sent an e-mail telling them about the bug.
it seems like they have fixed it now!
From Fab flower
the heart emoticon is back!!!
plz give me credit 4 this!
dont you see mimo theres a glitch use maracas then use drum it looks like youre drumming
I love this party sooo much!!! I wish there was another free item, like a churro apron or something. I'm gonna email club penguon and beg them to extend the party! I got the pin after the bug was fixed, so luckily I wasnt banned!
Mimo can I please meet you.
If you can go to ice cold in the british flag on 6:30 in england time.
My penguin name is carmellesa
that was a hard pin to find i wouldve never found it if it wernt for u thx mimo {:-)>
i got banned mimo because of that!i know what the real pin is mimo!click on the horse two times then go underneath the wire and the real non hacking pin is there!
The way the pin was hidden was so cheeky!
What?I found out fisrt..
omg dude thanx soo much the person who did the 18th comment is so awsome thanx sooo much mimo also u totaly rock!!!!!!!!! <(..<)( u know me peeps )
yay 21st comment! um mimo, i have a cheat 4 u:
if u go to the dock, and you see the dj table, click on the record and it starts spinning around! it's so fun to watch it spin and spin!
Hey Mimo,
The pin's ok
Do you know like 5 % of Club Penguin got banned because of the pin!
It should be fixed!
- The Jay Dude
Hi Mimo777,
WOW! I reckon the party is awesome! And Im already warmed up!LOL!
Princess Haz
Hi mimo i got the pin but it banned me for 3 days but 1 hour later i can go on lol it said i hacked lol ok.
Bye jay5555
TELL U FRIDE if he needs anything in rinescape i have an old account. its called vandoom
OMG the last time that I saw Rsnail (the creator of club penguin) it was 2 months ago, he had this pin! prety cool!
go Sonic7890 (-.-)
Did you know the pin banned me for 3 days?! And you don't click on the pin, you "swing" your mouse at the pin 2 times.
wow itz so cool
\''/ mimo
Rasengan 9 was here
when u gat the costumes for shadow guy or gamma gal then wave and theres a blue ball for shadow guy and pink for gamma gal! its awsome! my penguin is Rasengan 9. oh and if u try to get the pin click on the piniata. ok?
hey mimo do you play runscape if you do add me to your frined list my guys name is stickie408
SWEET!!!!!!!!! kepp up the good work!!! I love this webdite
i like that pin because i have the hat :)
hey here is a cool glitch:
1.take off all clothin
2.put on as much stuff as you can, wear the propeller hat if you can.
3.take off all clothes and put on tour guide hat
4.don't x out of your player card. then click on anyone else.
5.then x out of the person you just clicked on.
6.now press W and it will look like your clothes ran away. and if you wore the propeller hat it flys without you.
My penguin name is Kaiyuan!
i kllove you site
Hi Mimo777,
I have noticed some penguins are getting New items in the Jan08 clothing catalogue that you havent mentioned and they arent out of old catalogues! The members say there new! Anyway I'm looking out for some glitches and cheats! I'm starting to get onto a glitch in the large club penguin it is starting to go really well!
Princess Haze
CP name Princess Haz
Hi Mimo777,
YAY! I finally got a glitch on wide screen! Please give me credit if you havent posted this already! But when your in the Plaza go to the left hand corner. Get right down the bottom of the screen. Now click on the snow on the otherside of the tool bar. And you stop after walking a bit before you reach the snow! Again please give credit if you havent sent this!
Kind regards,
Princess Haze
CP name Princess Haz
Hi! I wouldn't know where that pin is until i saw that cheat!I wanted to tell you a cheat I did but I dont know how! i'll say it...put on the tour guide hat and the camera then take the hat off but dont press the x yet move your player card then click on a penguin than x that player card then wave or press w than you have a tour sign above you and your taking a picture!Oh ya my penguins name is Colorful amy bye!
Clubpenguin gang?
Umm do you not like my cheat? the two computer cheat? I was just wondering...
LOL ALL THEESE BUGS R GOIN ON AND My B-DAY IT THE 22 SO I WAS AT CAPE COD!!!LOL i missed all the bugs ^.^ i rule i rule... sorry but lol hate the pin love the party... hey have you been to the cape codder in cape cod Massuchussets??? lol i live there!!!! hey mimo keep up the good work...u better!!! oh hey bye dude thanx 4 da NEWS! please post dis lol
I cannot find the pin, it like dissapered
OMG the pin like dissapered!!!!!!! i cant find it any where!!!!!!
i just wanted to tell everyone some of the glitches arent working anymore!
is there going to be a fifth mission?
i like the maracas from the first winter fiesta better than these ones i have the old ones
anybody who thinks rockhopper is part of the mission is wrong!!!!
cp blog says that this in NOT PART OF THE MISSION!
Thanks Mimo!!I put at first that it wasn't there but then I realized it was in the horse!
Thanks again!!
there already is a 5th misson
mimo,rockhoppers ship crashing isnt part of the mission! its part some fun events which will happen next month
hey mimo guess what the praty is gone :( hey tommarow is my b-day so im expecting a i-pod so my name is kokorules vanilla server...its a party the time is 4:00 pm if i cant go on that time then 5:00 pm
-koko ;-)
Hey Mimo, if u go to the sport shop catolouge, and if u click on the red football jersey, up comes a orange football helmet. It's 360 coins. If you post that cheat, please include you got it from Menguin268, or don't if u already found it and plsted it!
rockhoppers at the cove
I met rockhopper!!!! I got proof!!!!!!!!!!!!!I met rocky man It was bawesome!!!I met him on ice box Jan. 24 2008[faint]
how come I,ve never seen you before ????!!!!
Click on your ignore list button and hold it down for 4 seconds. Then let go and move your ignore list around.
The ignore list button is still there!
This may take a while but try it and see!
I've meet Rockhopper TONS of times!!!
Here's a quick hint, if u see TONS of people dancing all together, and Rockhoppers there try and find him
Get your buddies list and click users in room, find rockhopper and get your free gift!!
BUT he moves around quickly, BE WARNED!!
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