Here is how to find the new Club Penguin Snow Shovel Pin.
Step 1. Go to the Night Club.
Step 2. Now go into the secret Boiler Room in the right speaker.
Step 3. Now look on the right side of the Boiler Room.
Is it going to snow?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
I was looking for that everywhere! thanks mimo!
-Blossum Blue
thats som cool first comment!!!
that pin is awsome!!!!
second comment i think!!!
the new catalog is awsome!!!
third comment i think!!!
1st comment? I hope
i wonder what its got to do with anything.
i reckon they should have had something more special
yo mimo, in the new catalog i can only find 1 secret item and it wasnt the viking helmet! it was the coffee servey dress-thingy
indeed i have posted the first comment... (i think)
and also mimo change your copyrights to 2008 :)
thanks mimo u r the best
I was here last year so i think that we are going to have a snow fiesta party.It is one of the coolest party's that i have been to!Oh and thank you for the pin wasn't that easy this time!
i found it before i looked on website because someone said on cp but thanks for the clothes cheats
ps:i think 8th comment
hello everyboddy sorry i am late i was sleeping well i go the pin and its a shevol.
i dont like the pin i agree it should have been something more special for the 50th pin. It must be to do with something...maybe it will snow again! Like mega snow, when it had to be shovelled into the lodge attic! Yay snow!!!
i still dont get the 3rd party clue its driving me insane why all the boxes
hi mimo thanx for telin the pin thingy i wanna ask wats ur age??
dont u think the pin is a bit lame, fot the 50th pin anyway, it could have been the number '50' or something!
yeah something a lot more special than a boring old snow shovel!
that is cool
tanx! its club penguins 50th pin u no!
Its the fifty pin yeah
cool got it
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I dont get why its a shuve pin
hi, have you been with club penguin since the start? well if you or anyone has, is there an Astro barrier ship pin? cause i saw it and now i want it!
awsome i got the vicking helmets lol lol lol lol love u!!!
Hiya mimo, cool name... yay a comment!
hi mimo
im trying to get to the party
and the room is full
and there are at least 50 penguins at every entrance
you are sooo famous
That's the same room the baseball pin was at. I hope something special will happen soon! Maybe it'll snow?
I didn't get to get it... But still, you are very good! Maybe I can count on you when I need to find something.
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