While searching for Rockhopper tonight, we came a cross a cool glitch. When you first enter a very busy room, you will notice for just a second that every penguin in the room is blue, except for one, me!
As you can see from the picture, me, Mimo777 is the only penguin in the room that isn't blue.
Have you ever noticed that?
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
Wow thats weird!
I wonder why "blue" and not red, yellow, or green!
Rockhopper is at the Blizzard server.
In the Secret Agent HQ, the video tapes show blue penguins in all rooms.
Maybe thats the custom color
doh i ever noticed that yeah.. your already loading the othere ones need to load :)
Where's Rockhopper. What server is he on?
hey how do we join?
ya i noticed that b4
I've noticed that and its weird but I thought it was just my computer
that was weird I JUST MET ROCkHOPPER HES MY BUDDY NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh and all penguins have rings around them
Plz help me i cant find rockhopper anywhere!!! is he always online because i was on late at night and most servers were empty and i couldnt find him anywhere!!!
i didnt see it happen
me neither
Hi Im Cat03, Im not stupid,
you edited it and everyone look at the picture again.
They all have a blue circl
around them, that means that he just edited the picture.
No, we did not edit them. This is a real glitch. Some people can see it. Other people can't see it.
Hi mimo777
im Mr Tortu(cluibpenguinname)
i agree with u that when u went to the migrator.. everyone was blue
but for me... everyone was red when i came in the ship
blue is the penguin main design colour, and i saw that ages ago!
Hi Mimo777, I've come across you blog many times and finally decided to leave a comment! Did you know that only happens if you use Mozlla Firefox like I a right now.
you edited it cos they all have a blue circle round them so you probs took a photo downloaded on to paint and coloured them blue cheater. i like the other club penguins cheats better. Its up 2 date and clearer
No, I did not edit the blue penguins. Sorry, it real. I have been told it work on FireFox browsers only.
i ment blingking yo! tell him and just tell everyone! and make sure you get all of mammoth! PLEASE!
can i join i have all the colors for club penguin
thats only on mozilla firfox
that is so weird i mean how did they all decide to wear the colour blue
the same thing happened to me but they were dancing too!
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