Thursday, August 2, 2007
Club Penguin Disney Channel Watch!
Labels: Club Penguin Cheats
When ever you see anything about Club Penguin on the Disney Channel post it here. Whether you see Hannah Montana playing Club Penguin or Zack and Cody with a Puffle shirt on, remember it and post it right here. In the comments, just describe what you saw on the Disney Channel. We'll have the Ultimate Collection of Club Penguin Sightings! We will rank the Penguins with the most number of sightings and post them on the main page. Good Luck!
- Club Penguin Gang
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the disney homepage said welcome clubpenguin, it had a penguin wearing a yellow, bikini, and a brown penguin surfing
theres a like to on the homepage
On it just shows a short 30 second video about it and gives us a link to club penguin
you gotta watch the shows i hope they make a whole clubpenguin show that would be CRAZY AWESOME!
hello! disney home page has two penguins on it!!! i agree with anonymos about a CP show! they should bring the comic strips to life tho!!
i saw hannah montana on tv holding a puffle plush doll
Hi everyone, no im not paintboy100 i just love his site.!!!... Um I met hannah montana at her concert and she said she MIGHT PLAY ON CP!!!!!! WOW HOW COOL!!!!
I havent seen anything yet.....but ill defently pay attention to that!!! P.s. i love cp!!!!
i saw hannah montannah on a commercial holding a puffle plush doll
there is a video on club penguin on
theres advertisment all over about club penguin.
disney bought clubpenguin for 350 million dollars that could have been 700 million dollars.
hardcandyx1, your wrong. they payed $350 million for cp and if enough ppl become a member they will give the founders $350 million more by 2009
I've Seen Hannah Montana On Club Penguin About
5 Times In A Year And a 1/2. on cp, hr name is
miley cyrus.she dresses fancy all the time and
gd nos how many coins she has.she hasnt came on
in a while though. try checking when she not touring.
(shes touring dis fall).
I LOVE THIS I KNOW SOMEONE WHO KNOWS Dylan sprouse and he told my freind he might join club penguin!!!! ;)
pual e., that might not be miley. that could be someone else. what if i made a account and my name was zac efron, would you believe me that i was zzac efron
I love ClubPenguin I was a member ever since December 3, 2006. My first pin is the logs and fire. I am a member. I can't believe disney bought clubpenguin. I hope they don't change it. I love clubpenguin just the way it is!
I want to be a part of clubpenguin gang. But I don't know how to do so.
its pretty good..but i think it might be a little wierd with disney and all, i sort of liked it better when it was everyone will be saying oh miley has 1 zac has one..and thats annoying..but i also think it can be better in some ways....maybe new items??? free membership trial or free membership??? U never know?? :-) ps i HATE miley cyrus and she sucks
tina- u r so right.
Because people are now relating club penguin to disney channel. I for one don't see the greatness of disney channel, I think it is a waste of time. CP! Why did u guys do this?
my cp usrnm is tommyfeb6
the reason cp got sold is because they get 350 million and they wouldnt have to spend it running cp. they r doin it 4 cash.
the reason cp got sold is because they get 350 million and they wouldnt have to spend it running cp. they r doin it 4 cash.
LOL, Tina is right about miley cyrus!!!
i hate that disney bought cp!!!! it really annoys me
i really think cp did that for money and ADVERTISEMENT. with disney, cp can have people wearing puffle stuff or saying stuff about cp. like someone in a show says, "im gonna go play club penguin". i think disney will definately help with animation and, as one person said, maybe a 3 day trial membership. i am personally a member, but it would be cool to have a trial membership.
I saw cole sprouse his name is Cartoon13 or cartoon16 i forgot but it was awsome
i've saw miley cyrus and zac efron!!!! the only thing is that i don't remember their usernames!!!!!!!
guys its not them i agree with tina but i like miley cyrus!!!!!!!!!!
i like disney and i like club penguin but i agree with tina they should not have sold club penguin the only thing that would rock about this is if there were mickey mouse ears you could get for your penguin!
you really doing that but me i like disney and whats with club penguin gang isn't the gang is a bad thing?
This new party i think was made by Disney so lets see how good it is.
hola soy leandro mi pinguino es julonteadi como podran saber disney compro a club penguin que les parece mejor el club penguin de antes o el de disney porque ahora viene rockhooper cada poco y hay muchas divertidas fiestas gracias
hey i jus saw it on diney homepage n in d newspaper!! actually i live in india n here all di i nt jus o famous!! like on disney v dunt usually get 2 c dis all! nyway here i jus saw in 1 of d shops dat thr was a puffle toy wid a tag attached to it n thr was smthn realated 2 disney was written!
I soooo hope Hanah Montana can do a concert on cp where evry1 could watch and hear her sing. That would be sooooo cool!!
does anyone know how to buy member clothes without being a member??because my mom says it is dumb too pay money just to play on the internet....Anyway the only reeson that they hav the whole member/paying thing is so that the peepl whoo run CP have money to doo alll the stuff on their website...or maybe club penguin is just a thing that they made just so they would get rich!prolly so....clever idea actually making a website all kids would love and then having a money fee for the kids to buy the clothes and stuff for their penguins b/c they get so addicted!!! anyways that is just my opinion anyways!!!.....
i think ive seen miley play...her name was like destiny_hope i think...shes like Whats up fellow penguins? or sumthin like that
hi yall im miley cyrus srry i havent been on in a long time but i couldent get my hands on a coumputer in a long time
I think I saw someone with a puffle t-shirt
i wondr if disney is planing to make a tv show about cp cuz it woud be soooooooo cool!
I forgot what show but on one of the shows someone had a clubpenguin logo t-shirt in their wardrobe
I've just seen advert on tele with Kyle Massey sitting on his bed telling us about his show and he has a puffle plush toy on his bed how cool! (Canada )
I have seen Club Penguin beeing advertised. ALl lot of penguins probably have Madison Pettis & Mosis Aries are talking about coins for change. I think it is realy good that CP ia on TV but CP might get so crowded - Sesana
hey mimo did you know in the snow forts near the clock and the bottom right near the ground there is a secret code have a look
I met Hannah Montana (Miley cCyrus) on club penguin! coolio!
i met me miley ray my peinguin name is kuttlesz yall. im not a member but its really me thnks yall
hi mimo you play chobots
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