Try to use the pizza emote right now and you'll come up hungry. That's because there's a glitch. But what a cool glitch. So, now you can waddle around and tell all your penguin buddies... nothing.
Or just give them a slice of your invisible pizza! Tasty.
Enjoy this glitch before they fix it. It shouldn't last long.
- Mimo777, Club Penguin Gang President
its working with e+g too
I still didnt get how to the invisible pizza glinch will you help me dude!!!
I think the glitch has been fixed. Bummer.
yeah, it has. Bummer indeed. my mate didnt know what i was talking about; mainly cos he couldnt see it anyway! :D
glitch was fixed bumm bumm bumm
thanx for the memo though
can i join the club penguin gang
Ya can i join to i want something fun! ;)
Mimo777 please *sniff* my penguin is pinkbely please extend it please?
I know a glinch click on something like tour hat,ducky folt,ect don't exit out click on some one radomly then exit them out then if you put on a tour hat and wave you hold up NOTHING!!!he he.
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